Weekend plans...

Im throwing a small party at my gaff


Sankeys on Friday
Chibuku are at Nation on the sat dude.


Come down mate!
My God i am truly skint this weekend, will be getting a carry out and heading to someones house for a drink just.

Get paid next Thursday tho just in time for Easter and am considering going to Lush on easter monday to see erick morillo. Hmm decisions decisions.
Yea shine would be a lot handier for me I suppose, and cheaper.
Line up's OK but not outstanding though: Richie Hawtin,
Green Velvet, Vitalic live, Dillinja, Alan Simms,
Island Hopper records (Timmy Stewart & Mark
Bell), Simon McDermott, Chill, Terry Keeley & John Craig.
Well I quite like shine as a venue especially when they have the four rooms open, late in the night it feels like you're walking around a big school and it can get a bit strange :eek:
looks like morillo is a busy boy over easter. mos on easter sunday, lush on easter monday. playing at pacha ibiza on april 1st...
rocky_rasper said:
Richie Hawtin,
Green Velvet, Vitalic live, Dillinja, Alan Simms,
Island Hopper records (Timmy Stewart & Mark
Bell), Simon McDermott, Chill, Terry Keeley & John Craig.

Thats line up is Sick! :twisted:

and im not going! :evil:
nish said:
Im throwing a small party at my gaff


Sankeys on Friday
Chibuku are at Nation on the sat dude.


Come down mate!

Wiah i could - already sorted for going Leeds :confused:
Nah, not peephouse mainly but will probably be there on Sunday daytime....it propper goes off, starts at 9am full of messes :lol: K everywhere, they've even got a terrace with loads of heaters its like DC10 or something, well kind of :lol:
Thursday: Inigo Bar to see Alex win DJ competition and guess I will have a few drinks for St Patricks days too!!
Friday: Think Im taking the day off work. Might go racing at Cheltenham for the Gold Cup. Friday night, probably out for dinner.
Saturday: Might be going to Cardiff for Wales v Ireland in rugby. Cant decide whether to go or not. If, not, I will be out in Clapham on Saturday night.
Sunday: Take it easy. Might pay a visit to V_______!!! as have a friend over from NY who is keen to go.
I know!! :eek: :eek: is right but I have been there for the last few weekends and know I will end up there at some stage over Easter Weekend so need a week off!!! I was talking about the place last night to someone.....it really is grimey. :lol: :lol:
spunkymonkey said:
it really is grimey. :lol: :lol:

I'm developing a huge problem with the place. It's Wednesday today and already I'm suffering from Vauxhall withdrawl. :confused: :lol:

This weekend's challenge is to spend time with grown up friends and not go out but I know that by Saturday morning/Sunday afternoon my legs will start twitching and I'll be thrown into beyond or later on an invisible bunjee.

I'm beginning to think I may have to leave the country.
Friday - Chill out with my good lady

Saturday - Morning, more relaxing, then afternoon down to Heathrow to pick up Stonebridge, followed with a drive to Bristol, the on to Cardiff for his 3 hr set at The Union.

Sunday - Relaxing afternoon taking in a nice pub sunday lunch somewhere. Drop off Stoney about 7 ish and then drive home.
Fri: train to Cardiff to begin cranking up the weekend

Sat: watch Ireland pummel Wales at the rugby ;) :eek: :lol: (you know it makes sense, spunky!) and the carry on the celebrations around Cardiff, perhaps taking in The Union ;)

Sun: back home
Friday: A nice meal with the current

Sat: Work. Play footy. Two leaving parties at night.

Sun: Work.

That is all.