Weekend plans...


Active Member
:rolleyes: *tsk* bunch of lameos...where are your priorities!?
Tuesday afternoon and STILL no weekend plans post?!? :eek: :lol:

Friday: Gym & Pub session followed by early(ish) night.

Saturday: Brighton friends will descend on my doorstep for this v important pre election protest (pls make sure you're all in attendance!):
Saturday nite, will probably hit a club somewhere but I'm not yet feeling inspired. If not then I'll wake up early in automatic mode and sleepwalk to...

Sunday: V_______ :oops: 8) :p

Sunday night: Urgh
Monday: :evil: :eek: :eek: :evil: :confused:
Robder said:
Sunday: V_______ :oops: 8) :p

Is the V______ word also banned from here now :lol:

Am ready and raring to go for this wkend after being so civilised last wkend:

Thurs - go and see Alex (win ;) ) DJ competition @ Indigo bar in Clapham

Fri - Tom's friend's birthday party in bar in Clapham

Sat - Sven Vath @ Fabric, really looking forward to this one, not seen Sven Vath since my Orbit days :eek:

Sun - the usual East London aftershow shenanigans :D
Yay !!!! I can post!!! I am actually going to end my self imposed hibernation - light nights, lighter by 10lbs Puppy, and Spring is just round the corner....

Fri - Party for friends 30th (he doesnt know about it - but I have arranged it for him in conjunction with his better half!!) - with special party favours!! :lol:
Disco Noir at Foundation to see Slam - I intend to get sooooo messy!!
Sat - House Party for aforementioned friend - so more messiness to follow
Sun - relax........ (actually no not relax - just remembered it is the Liverpool vs Everton Derby so I will be not so relaxed :confused:
Friday - Going out with all my girlies in Watford... YAY :D Not been out with them in ages so should be a good laugh ;)

Saturday - Sven Vath @ Fabric, can't wait for this one, not seen him since Cocoon in Amnesia which was my best night of 2004, so a lot to live up to!

Sunday - recovering and hopefully having a nice Sunday roast

Familiar story love!
In my part of the world, roast is code for 'dirrrrrrrrty after hours sesh'. :p
Barbie said:
Beckiboo said:
Sunday - recovering and hopefully having a nice Sunday roast

Yeah right :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've got my high demanding, sociable, communicative job to attend on Monday, I can't be quiet and withdrawn, they'll wonder what's wrong with me!! :lol:
Friday: night, hit a few bars, but not a late one, as i got work saturday morning @ 7am :evil:

Saturday: finish work, have a bit of a sleep then travel to a mates flat in London, b4 hitting Fabric for the sounds of Cocoon with Mr Vath :twisted:

Sunday: Recover b4 the drive back south
Nil plans so far, nada. Not much £££/much happening!

Can I just ask B_______ Barbara: :lol:

Barbie said:
I'll always make sure I get my vegetables on a Sunday :lol:

are mushrooms actually vegetables? :p ;)
Thursday: Going to an opening of a new club in Tel Aviv called HA'Oman 17.

Friday: Ferry Corsten @ TLV


Thursday: the usual drinks with the usual suspects at the usual place
Friday: packing and panicing
Saturday: Flying to NEW YORK!!! :D :D :D :D
Thurs - Drinks around town with some mates, and a mate whos flew back from Miami for a couple of days

Fri - Jeff Mills

Sat- Derrick May, Dillinja, Bugz in the Attic, 2many djs, Groove Armada, Layo & Bushwacka, Scratch perverts...

Sun- Party then this afterparty thing with DNA Orchestra, Phat Phil, Will Jazz, Bugz in the attic, Sonny Wharton, Scratch Perverts etc etc

Should be a shit weekend then :lol:
Where you going for Mills on Fri and where for all those DJ's on Sat Nish? :eek: