Weekend Football

HA HA. Real football? Is this the sport where you hardly ever use your feet?
Almost as good as the "World Series" How many countries take part in that again?


WORLD SERIES!Thats cuz The U.S takes all the best players from around the world and pays them to play here.Because no other countries in the world can even compare to the usa when it comes to baseball.Except for maybe japan but they will never compare to the US either so we buy there best players.

As for using your feet they do use them to punt,kick return and kick feild goals and it is used to win huge games.Soccer is what you like and is very unpopular here in the states (but i must say is gaining popularity) all the rich (posh) kids play soccer with the ever so soccer mom there to cheer them on.Sux over here.Id only watch it if i were over seas and having pints with friends.
WORLD SERIES!Thats cuz The U.S takes all the best players from around the world and pays them to play here.Because no other countries in the world can even compare to the usa when it comes to baseball.Except for maybe japan but they will never compare to the US either so we buy there best players.

As for using your feet they do use them to punt,kick return and kick feild goals and it is used to win huge games.Soccer is what you like and is very unpopular here in the states (but i must say is gaining popularity) all the rich (posh) kids play soccer with the ever so soccer mom there to cheer them on.Sux over here.Id only watch it if i were over seas and having pints with friends.
Dude. You must chill. Firstly, you can't win this argument. I'm American but everyone else in this discussion is British (oh, and one Irish guy). They're sharpening their rhetorical knives as I type :lol:

Secondly, we got our asses handed to us in the inaugural baseball World Classic in 2006. We didn't even make it to the semifinals (Japan, Korea, Dominican Rep, Cuba). The Cubans and the Japanese were in the finals. Since the Cubans playing in the MLS are expatriates (i.e. not on their national team) and there are only a small number of Japanese playing in the MLS, it's safe to say that those countries have caught up with us in baseball. Don't worry... the Brits often get their butts handed to them in sports they invented (football, cricket, rugby...)

Next point: accept it. It's not called soccer, it's called football. The whole world calls it that. What we have in the US is called American football. Remember this when talking to an international audience and you'll be ok.

Re: Football. I'm not sure where you are from but in my regular old middle class suburban neighborhood growing up all the kids played football. Not just kids with posh "soccer moms". I firmly believe the professional sport isn't so popular because of the way our television works: No commercials? We can't show that! Commercial television is what's made American football so big. And it's ruined the game because there are so many commercial breaks now it's unwatchable.

OK. Rant over.
Rounded view on life in general, i don't lurk on internet message boards like you do on here and post smarmy comments tryiong to look funny and clever.

Now f*ck off and stop annoying me fool.


Ok (fool)

Dude. You must chill. Firstly, you can't win this argument. I'm American but everyone else in this discussion is British (oh, and one Irish guy). They're sharpening their rhetorical knives as I type :lol:

Secondly, we got our asses handed to us in the inaugural baseball World Classic in 2006. We didn't even make it to the semifinals (Japan, Korea, Dominican Rep, Cuba).

Next point: accept it. It's not called soccer, it's called football. The whole world calls it that. What we have in the US is called American football. Remember this when talking to an international audience and you'll be ok.

Re: Football. I'm not sure where you are from but in my regular old middle class suburban neighborhood growing up all the kids played football. Not just kids with posh "soccer moms".

OK. Rant over.

Point 1 made but you failed to give results why we didnt win in 2006.Maybe cuz the players we had playing wasnt the highest quality caliber.You know the team could have been much better if it had all all-stars on it.But then it would have been a blow out to all the rest of the teams (world).So we made it challenging to say the least.Example (usa basketball team we had in olympics with all USA NBA all stars Dream Team)Kicked ass noone came close!Being a huge baseball fan i didnt even watch this baseball series.

Point 2 i was simply stating football here is soccer and was not comparing the whole worlds veiws on this.Just our american veiw of things.Ive traveld myself and have been to england 5 times so im not in lala land when it comes to this Smarty! I was getting conversation started and bringing up the ole mighty dbate between "american Football" and soccer.So you RELAX!

Point 3.The rich the poor and middle class here play football,Basketball,baseball.The MAJORITY of kids that play soccer are posh.I dont know what town you lived in but certaintly not what you described above.

And just for the record i wouldnt walk into a brittish pub filled with fans and start yelling soccer,soccer if thats what you were getting at.Nor do i think a brittish guy would come in a New England Pub yelling things about american football while a patriots game is on with drunken pats fans everywhere.
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Point 1 made but you failed to give results why we didnt win in 2006.Maybe cuz the players we had playing wasnt the highest quality caliber.You know the team could have been much better if it had all all-stars on it.But then it would have been a blow out to all the rest of the teams (world).So we made it challenging to say the least.Example (usa basketball team we had in olympics with all USA NBA all stars Dream Team)Kicked ass noone came close!Being a huge baseball fan i didnt even watch this baseball series.

Point 2 i was simply stating football here is soccer and was not comparing the whole worlds veiws on this.Just our american veiw of things.Ive traveld myself and have been to england 5 times so im not in lala land when it comes to this Smarty! I was getting conversation started and bringing up the ole mighty dbate between "american Football" and soccer.So you RELAX!

Point 3.The rich the poor and middle class here play football,Basketball,baseball.The MAJORITY of kids that play soccer are posh.I dont know what town you lived in but certaintly not what you described above.

And just for the record i wouldnt walk into a brittish pub filled with fans and start yelling soccer,soccer if thats what you were getting at.Nor do i think a brittish guy would come in a New England Pub yelling things about american football while a patriots game is on with drunken pats fans everywhere.

It the words of the imortal Partridge, that was just noise.
Nor do i think a brittish guy would come in a New England Pub yelling things about american football while a patriots game is on with drunken pats fans everywhere.
Yes they would :lol:

I'm from outside DC. There, the vast majority of kids who play soccer are middle class.

Not sure where in NE you're from. I spent 6 yrs in Boston and it's certainly more of a baseball/Am.football town, agreed.

But anyway, the football/American football conversation has been had many a time around here. No need to stir it up again!
Yes they would :lol:

I'm from outside DC. There, the vast majority of kids who play soccer are middle class.

Not sure where in NE you're from. I spent 6 yrs in Boston and it's certainly more of a baseball/Am.football town, agreed.

But anyway, the football/American football conversation has been had many a time around here. No need to stir it up again!

Id highly doubt a brittish guy would walk into a Boston Pub Ranting about how american football sux during a Pats game.Maybe if the pub was dead on a regular season game and had american friends.but during playoffs thats like committing suicide by jumping on a busy highway!

This being a town where they beat up yankee fans from New York!Or if not beat up rushed out of the pub by 400 red sox fans screaming ASS-HOLE,ASS-HOLE till he cant take it anymore!Did you forget your roots Morbyd.CMON now haha
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I'm only playing with you tiger!;)

What would you like me to adjust my comments to?? I will always stand by the fact I think that all this is North East have the greatest and most fanatical support is a myth made up only by the media.

I bet you though you will fill your allocation at UP (as do Sunderland hat's off!) as you always seem to do unlike a few of the London clubs over the years. Maybe the fact that most northern teams fancy their chances against the southern softies! Don't be surprised if Derby get a result there this weekend. I don't think they will as I think we will bore them to death.

I was being nice. Just initially, what I said was referring the Pompey supporters has the best in country as they had been recently been voted that. My comment was that us Toon supporters were clapped off by them. I don't have arguments about who have the most fanatical supporters coz it's boring, who cares. You support who you support at the level you wanna support them. I could be the most mental fan ever and travel home and away, but I don't wanna.

Newcastle are fooking ****e in London, no chance of a result. Couldn't get tickets anyway, left it a day late and missed out. Oh well, going Burnley v Southampton this weekend, then I can follow the Cherries amazing escape the following weekend. Then if all goes well, Carlisle away last game of season to stay up. Mental.
Point 1 made but you failed to give results why we didnt win in 2006.Maybe cuz the players we had playing wasnt the highest quality caliber.You know the team could have been much better if it had all all-stars on it.But then it would have been a blow out to all the rest of the teams (world).So we made it challenging to say the least.Example (usa basketball team we had in olympics with all USA NBA all stars Dream Team)Kicked ass noone came close!Being a huge baseball fan i didnt even watch this baseball series.

Point 2 i was simply stating football here is soccer and was not comparing the whole worlds veiws on this.Just our american veiw of things.Ive traveld myself and have been to england 5 times so im not in lala land when it comes to this Smarty! I was getting conversation started and bringing up the ole mighty dbate between "american Football" and soccer.So you RELAX!

Point 3.The rich the poor and middle class here play football,Basketball,baseball.The MAJORITY of kids that play soccer are posh.I dont know what town you lived in but certaintly not what you described above.

And just for the record i wouldnt walk into a brittish pub filled with fans and start yelling soccer,soccer if thats what you were getting at.Nor do i think a brittish guy would come in a New England Pub yelling things about american football while a patriots game is on with drunken pats fans everywhere.

There is no "ole mighty debate between american football and soccer." America is the main country that calls it Soccer. While the rest of the world call it football because you predominantly use your feet to play. Where as american football in the main is a throw, catch and run based game is it not?
Point 1 made but you failed to give results why we didnt win in 2006.Maybe cuz the players we had playing wasnt the highest quality caliber.You know the team could have been much better if it had all all-stars on it.But then it would have been a blow out to all the rest of the teams (world).So we made it challenging to say the least.Example (usa basketball team we had in olympics with all USA NBA all stars Dream Team)Kicked ass noone came close!Being a huge baseball fan i didnt even watch this baseball series.

Point 2 i was simply stating football here is soccer and was not comparing the whole worlds veiws on this.Just our american veiw of things.Ive traveld myself and have been to england 5 times so im not in lala land when it comes to this Smarty! I was getting conversation started and bringing up the ole mighty dbate between "american Football" and soccer.So you RELAX!

Point 3.The rich the poor and middle class here play football,Basketball,baseball.The MAJORITY of kids that play soccer are posh.I dont know what town you lived in but certaintly not what you described above.

And just for the record i wouldnt walk into a brittish pub filled with fans and start yelling soccer,soccer if thats what you were getting at.Nor do i think a brittish guy would come in a New England Pub yelling things about american football while a patriots game is on with drunken pats fans everywhere.

Association Football (NOT SOCCER!!!!) is the most popular sport on the planet by a long long shot,and is played by everyone from kids in slums in Rio De Janiero and Buenos Aires to kids on council estates in Ireland and the UK and rich kids in America and all over the world, no offence mate but no one can win any argument when it comes to football, it's played by people from all walks of life all over the world but if it comes down to it, the roots of football are working class, the middle classes have hijacked it and many ordinary supporters are unfortunately priced out of the game, if i had my way id do away with all seater stadiums and insane prices for match tickets and get rid of the corporate businessmen,etc who jumped on the bandwagon, im a football fanatic and make no apologies for it either.

The only American sport i like is Basketball which is actually a little exciting, American "Football" and Baseball bore me to tears, God knows ive tried to get into those sports i just cant,dreadful.
I thought it was widely accepted that wrestling/shouting/tanning is america's favourite sport:


......followed by that car racing where they drive round in a big circle for hours and the one with the most cousins & extra toes wins?

Not a real nascar fan myself.I live in Northern half of america less rednecks here.But i must say i did go to a race once and it was fun.I got shattered.You can bring your own beer to these races as much as one can fit in a cooler. About 100 thousand poeple everywhere so its kinda festive in itself before and after a race.Girls everywhere as well with lil tops on.Id rather do this then go to a boring soccer game and pay a bundle for beer.And start fights with the other teams fans and listen to bunch of drunken ass-holes doing drunk chants.Says alot about your sport.:eek:

As for wrestling.This is just accepted as dumb entertainment like jerry springer its all acting and i stopped watching it when i was 12 yrs old.You brits really dont know anything about america at all do you?You just see what goes on TV.If im not mistaken either when i went to london back couple yrs i sat in my buddys flat and he turned jerry springer on lol.As well as other numerous american shows.Old reruns to us cuz you lack in the tv department.One thing i will give ya props on though is able to see titties on Tv at night.Titties are good.And great clubs with good hrs.

Do all you football guys use the same tub after a game to bath as well.Always got a chuckle outta that.Why do flats have only one tub with no shower for 7 poeple?
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What americans also like to enjoy watching at football games!



What English soccer fans can expect at there games.(hey lets gang up on this one mates)


The all guy section!

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What a well rounded, considered and impartial view there Yanky. Another great addition to a fantastic debate.