
Me and the missus had booked Bamburgh castle, hotel and put down deposits for a 150 head wedding.

Then we thought "**** it", cancelled and hot footed it over to Goa in India (with two friends) and got married over there - we had a ball. And slept on a beach the night after our wedding drinking beer round a campfire. (no Elvis though!)

It's definately the way to do it!

Love this :D
Me and the missus had booked Bamburgh castle, hotel and put down deposits for a 150 head wedding.

Then we thought "**** it", cancelled and hot footed it over to Goa in India (with two friends) and got married over there - we had a ball. And slept on a beach the night after our wedding drinking beer round a campfire. (no Elvis though!)

It's definately the way to do it!

That sounds amazing

I had an ex girlfriend who used to pretend she'd been attacked or mugged whenever I was due to go out. Worse still she used to claim it was people i knew who had done it!

I still went out though :lol:

OHDEARGOD can't believe there are girls like that out there ouch