
I'm sure it isn't Pups, I'm sending positive vibes in your direction:

:arrow: ~~~:)~~~~:p~~~~~~~~~:)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:D~~~:lol:~~~~~:lol:

^^^ (that's what a positive vibe looks like)
Ah... is that what that is? I thought one of your kids got to the keyboard :lol:

Have fun on your trip!
Buckley your life is faaaar too stressful for my liking 8)

Sun is out :D
11 days till Ibiza :D

The 11 Days till Ibiza is enough for me to be in a super dooper mood :D
Vic's Ibiza review will be the most eagerly awaited of the early season, she is the new Barbie in training. Bound to be a few accidents and injuries along the way...

Im still waiting for the American In Ibiza to finish his one from last year!

Where are you?????
I have finally managed to catch up with my work (that should have been done by colleagues) from when I was off on my holiday.

The weekend is now getting closer and an all day drinking session on saturday is in sight :D
Won't you miss the BF for a week, Vic?

Lol funny you say that....just in discussions with the GF, whos BF is getting paranoid for the week she is out there :rolleyes: what a dick of a BF he is....

My BF on the other hand is excited for me coz he knows im buzzing for it...he also 'trying' to give me money for it so i dont miss out on anything i wana do due to money being short :D

Im used to not seeing him all week atm anyway so wont be no different...

and il be in Ibiza so im sure hel be the last thing on my mind :lol:
Vic's Ibiza review will be the most eagerly awaited of the early season, she is the new Barbie in training. Bound to be a few accidents and injuries along the way...

I can only imagine the storys im gona come back with, and if my past experiences and adventures are anything to go on, im sure it will make for some interesting reading :D
My BF on the other hand is excited for me coz he knows im buzzing for it...he also 'trying' to give me money for it so i dont miss out on anything i wana do due to money being short :D

Sounds like a decent sort of bloke, I would be confident he would get genuine pleasure from you taking up his offer of extra spendies.
Sounds like a decent sort of bloke, I would be confident he would get genuine pleasure from you taking up his offer of extra spendies.

Hes got aload of old phones that are broken and he said 'we can sell them on ebay for some spending money for you in Ibiza' 8)

My BF is a ledge :D
Sounds like a decent sort of bloke, I would be confident he would get genuine pleasure from you taking up his offer of extra spendies.

That is the best type of boyfriend, there is nothing worse then someone trying to suffocate you and your plans!
That is the best type of boyfriend, there is nothing worse then someone trying to suffocate you and your plans!

Same for gf. My most recent ex would act mental for ages before I went away and the same while I was away. Could never be with anyone like that again.

If you only trust someone when they've got no opportunity to untrustworthy it's a bit pointless, I reckon.
Same for gf. My most recent ex would act mental for ages before I went away and the same while I was away. Could never be with anyone like that again.

If you only trust someone when they've got no opportunity to untrustworthy it's a bit pointless, I reckon.

Yes I went out with someone who hated me going out, would never have let me go on holiday and used to turn up at clubs when I was innocently out with friends (girls I must add), it was horrendous.