
If you only trust someone when they've got no opportunity to untrustworthy it's a bit pointless, I reckon.


I had an ex girlfriend who used to pretend she'd been attacked or mugged whenever I was due to go out. Worse still she used to claim it was people i knew who had done it!

I still went out though :lol:

I had an ex girlfriend who used to pretend she'd been attacked or mugged whenever I was due to go out. Worse still she used to claim it was people i knew who had done it!

I still went out though :lol:

Did they stop mugging/attacking her to meet you for a pint?:lol:
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Did they stop mugging/attacking her to meet you for a pint?:lol:

:lol: It all ended up horribly when she started threatening to get my legs broke if i upset her.

And her mother rang me threatening me too. This was after about 6 weeks.

I wouldn't mind, but she was abolutely gorgeous too. Such a waste! :lol:
:lol: It all ended up horribly when she started threatening to get my legs broke if i upset her.

And her mother rang me threatening me too. This was after about 6 weeks.

I wouldn't mind, but she was abolutely gorgeous too. Such a waste! :lol:

That is one crazy family!
Hes got aload of old phones that are broken and he said 'we can sell them on ebay for some spending money for you in Ibiza' 8)

My BF is a ledge :D

I hope you remember this next time he wants a week with the lads in Las Vegas. ;)

I'm back from a long lunch for someone who's leaving. 3 courses and a pint and I just want to sleep at my desk.
:lol: It all ended up horribly when she started threatening to get my legs broke if i upset her.

And her mother rang me threatening me too. This was after about 6 weeks.

I wouldn't mind, but she was abolutely gorgeous too. Such a waste! :lol:

I'm suing my ex for money I lent her and I've received a scrawled letter from her mother abusing me. Have to admit I was a bit choked really - nice old Irish lady who I'd got on with. Guess she's heard a very different story to the truth and she's protective of her daughter.
I'm suing my ex for money I lent her and I've received a scrawled letter from her mother abusing me. Have to admit I was a bit choked really - nice old Irish lady who I'd got on with. Guess she's heard a very different story to the truth and she's protective of her daughter.

I remember my dad sticking up for one of my exes and not believing what I was saying as my ex was so manipulative - but usually families stick by each other no matter what! :lol:
I remember my dad sticking up for one of my exes and not believing what I was saying as my ex was so manipulative - but usually families stick by each other no matter what! :lol:

Your Dad stuck up for The Latch!!!:lol:
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I'm suing my ex for money I lent her and I've received a scrawled letter from her mother abusing me. Have to admit I was a bit choked really - nice old Irish lady who I'd got on with. Guess she's heard a very different story to the truth and she's protective of her daughter.

:eek: That doesn't sound pleasant for you mate, hope you get your money back!
I'm suing my ex for money I lent her and I've received a scrawled letter from her mother abusing me. Have to admit I was a bit choked really - nice old Irish lady who I'd got on with. Guess she's heard a very different story to the truth and she's protective of her daughter.

Ouch I feel your pain...

I was in "negotitions" with an ex tenant, a kind of friend too, who rented my old flat - long story short but she defaulted on rent and damaged the property when she had an alleged breakdown (I say alleged - cos this would happen regularly when she got herself into a bit of bother - I heard this from various sources after the fact) anyway - I got a phone call from her poor mother crying on the phone saying please could we let her pay something stupid each month as her daughter had no money and she was only on a pension and couldnt pay us for all the damages and back rent - really in tears and worried!

What do you say to that - I felt wretched for her mother.....:cry:
Thats what I want to do! S*d the weddings and expense over here & the family members that wont fly - lets just go off and do it on our own. With Elvis :lol:

Me and the missus had booked Bamburgh castle, hotel and put down deposits for a 150 head wedding.

Then we thought "**** it", cancelled and hot footed it over to Goa in India (with two friends) and got married over there - we had a ball. And slept on a beach the night after our wedding drinking beer round a campfire. (no Elvis though!)

It's definately the way to do it!
Me and the missus had booked Bamburgh castle, hotel and put down deposits for a 150 head wedding.

Then we thought "**** it", cancelled and hot footed it over to Goa in India (with two friends) and got married over there - we had a ball. And slept on a beach the night after our wedding drinking beer round a campfire. (no Elvis though!)

It's definately the way to do it!

Im definitely agreeing with you on this one!

Now I just need to get him to Vegas.............:lol: