
I'm not vegetarian, and don't think I ever will be.

I like vegetarian food and there are several vegetarian and vegan restaurants I go to and enjoy my dinner.

I don't think anyone needs to get fussed over whether someone else eats meat or not. If you don't want to eat it, don't, but don't tell other people the don't know what they're talking about or haven't been educated if they do decide to eat it.

A lot of other animals eat meat and people don't have a problem with them.

I don't see a fish or a cow as the same as my mum or my brother, so no, I don't feel the need to thank it for letting me eat it!
Well I've never seen a cow driving a car, have you?

Cows may not do as much as us, but that doesn't make them 'genetically inferior'. It's all about evolution. If anything you could argue that humans are becoming increasingly genetically inferior, with medical and technical advancements meaning poor genes can be passed on - look at the number of people (like me!) who wear glasses!
I'm not vegetarian, and don't think I ever will be.

I like vegetarian food and there are several vegetarian and vegan restaurants I go to and enjoy my dinner.

I don't think anyone needs to get fussed over whether someone else eats meat or not. If you don't want to eat it, don't, but don't tell other people the don't know what they're talking about or haven't been educated if they do decide to eat it.

A lot of other animals eat meat and people don't have a problem with them.

I don't see a fish or a cow as the same as my mum or my brother, so no, I don't feel the need to thank it for letting me eat it!

Hey Meryl! ;)

...and no. :lol: (general statement - not aimed at you)

This is a discussion board - and the title of this thread is vegetarianism.

I'm not standing behind people at butchers counters bitch slapping them, nor am I camped outside Maccy D's covered in tomato ketchup paint-balling people.

I'm not telling people how to live and have even said it's ok to eat meat.

The elephant in the room is that no one has bothered to put forward a convincing argument on why factory farming is ok.

Two people have had the balls to say how they really feel about it which is what this thread is all about surely?

MARKB said:
I guess it also provides a convenient screen to the ugly realities of the food processing industries.

Beckiboo said:
I just haven't got the time

Having extreme views on this stuff might rattle a few cages but such is life.

We don't live in a society of hearts and flowers.

In the middle east, women have to walk around covered in a black sack.
In Africa they get their clitorises carved out like a hunk of gristle.

Sometimes cultural habits make the most appalling things appear normal - to me, factory farming is one of those.

Others are welcome to stand by their own principles and may be equally disgusted when I show ambivalence but this is a thread about vegetarianism so I don't see much wrong in sounding off about it.

As you were. :lol:
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Well, I do eat both fish and meat. And I've clobbered a few live lobsters (as humanely as my kitchen setup would allow ... from chasing an escaped one round the floor with a teacloth in the Caribbean to subduing them in the freezer for a while so the saucepan of boiling water thing works before they come to).

Except for the odd fast food meal out when I'm desperate I don't buy factory farmed meat though, especially chicken. Don't drink milk and eat far less red meat than I used to (largely as it's so astronomically expensive to get decent 'organic free-range' meat (or whatever they call it) in UK.

My philosophy is that humans are natural omnivores and that's where we sit in the natural order on earth. Since we are blessed with the means to be 'humane' we should always be humane about dispatching an animal we intend to eat and we should not kill or eat more than we reasonably need (on average). This is where I have the biggest problem .. the sheer WASTE of food in the Western world. I won't drivel on about that as I'll be here all night. Suffice to say I have many vices but thankfully gluttony is not one of them.

In short, I can understand people being turned off meat and/or fish. However, I would greatly struggle with a meat and fish free diet (I'm underweight most of the time as it is !) .. and too many salads, vegetables or beans gives me an upset digestive tract and makes me fart like a trooper. So given that I have to interact with my fellow human beings of a normal day, I'm not persuaded as yet that it's strictly necessary !
Animals breed on there own

Animals would breed on there own as an X Farmer and a food retailer as in Butcher all animals are not kept in cages most roam free to graze ( Humans shag and so do animals and they dont have contraception like us a we still get over populated can you see Mr bull say no thanks to Mrs Cow I doubt it :lol: Bully Ram and Boar would do what all hot blooded males do and thats procreate

Also looking after the animals its not just 12 hours a day its 24 /7 365 days a year

people should not class all meat eaters of not caring most of us do care
A lot of other animals eat meat and people don't have a problem with them.
Nail -> head

No one gets upset because that nasty python squeezes the bejeezes out of a guinea pig before swallowing it whole! Have you ever seen how a lion tears apart an antelope? That's got to hurt :lol:

We are animals. Plain and simple. We eat, sleep, shag and sh1t just like every other species. Oh, and we die too, and when we die, that's it. Game over.

Because we have developed an inane amount of intellect as a species, we've come to believe in our own superiority. Oh, we can be "humane". We don't have to kill animals like any other omnivore or carnivore. We're special. Have someone drop you in the middle of the Amazon or Congo without tech or weapons and we'll see how long you feel that way!

There's a backwards way of thinking on some vegetarian propaganda. We're no better than other animals so we should treat them with an excessive amount of respect? Wrong! We're no better than other animals, so stop pretending we are! :twisted:
We don't live according to nature though.

We're miles away from it, separated by great hunks of concrete.

Our animal instinct has been quashed by technology and people doing it for us. Money is now our primary reality.

If we were in the wild, living as tribal people do, we'd have a great respect for nature, honour the wisdom that animals have and co-exist with nature, not just take it 'because it's there for us'.

If we were in tune with nature we'd only take what we need - we wouldn't breed and kill animals on conveyor belts on an auto setting.

Say you don't care - I can deal with that, but don't sit behind the nature argument.
I'm not sitting behind the nature argument.

I'm just saying that we're animals just like every other moving thing on this planet and should drop the arrogant belief that we're somehow better just because we build things and barter with paper!
You've totally lost me.

Taking what you need from a place of respect isn't arrogant, nor does it involve sitting on the fringes hugging trees and pointing fingers.

The view that everything on this planet is there to serve us however, is arrogant.
Mankind will not revert back to the hunter gatherer stage. Being a vegetarian, omnivore or restricted diets are a personal choice. Humankind is higher on the evolutionary, genetic, and food chain. The human cognitive ability allows us the choice in whether to restrict our diets. I have hunted and slaughtered my own meat; now days I hunt on aisle 4 for my meat. Just like everyone can't grow their own veg, fish for the fish in their chips, and raise and slaughter their own meat. This is more do to advancement of society than the fact that we as a whole are callous bunch. yum turkey sausage and eggs a spot of black chai tea to start the day off right. Meat or not to meat it is your choice.
I don't even like meat, I just eat it to pi$$ the vegetarians off ;)