
As stated earlier in this piece humans are omnivores so we need a balance of meat and fruit/vegetables/beans etc.
And to answer your point about depriving animals of basic right of life , well if cows sheep etc weren't bred for food and milk , do you think there would be many of them around?
I myself have tried vegetarian food and i liked it and i totally respect every body is free to follow there own path.I was listening to a talk radio programme last week and it raised an interesting point,if you as a vegetarian went to a wedding/birthday etc more than likely a vegetarian alternative would be provided for you but would you provide a non vegetarian alternative for people coming to an event of yours?

Humans don't need meat, if people choose to eat it, so be it, but by saying humans need it, is grossly inaccurate.

And yes, at our wedding in Ibiza we provided a vegetarian, fish and meat main course option. I wouldn't ever cook meat at home and I wouldn't go to a predominantly meat orientated restaurant, but inevitably, I'll be out with non-vegetarian friends and they'll order a meat option and that's their perogative. As Rob said earlier, it's not the kind of thing that I'll have endless debates with meat-eating friends - I have my viewpoint, they have theirs.
Humans don't need meat, if people choose to eat it, so be it, but by saying humans need it, is grossly inaccurate.

And yes, at our wedding in Ibiza we provided a vegetarian, fish and meat main course option. I wouldn't ever cook meat at home and I wouldn't go to a predominantly meat orientated restaurant, but inevitably, I'll be out with non-vegetarian friends and they'll order a meat option and that's their perogative. As Rob said earlier, it's not the kind of thing that I'll have endless debates with meat-eating friends - I have my viewpoint, they have theirs.

That probably just comes down to a matter of opinion but i guess that's what makes an interesting debate.

I find this subject quite interesting and i think you have a valid point regarding choosing to eat meat, just because something has been the norm for the majority for a long time doesn't make it right.
I personally don't eat any dairy food ( bar a small amount of cheese per week) humans shouldn't really drink milk, it's primary function is to get a calf to grow quckly and has no place in a human diet.
That probably just comes down to a matter of opinion but i guess that's what makes an interesting debate.

I find this subject quite interesting and i think you have a valid point regarding choosing to eat meat, just because something has been the norm for the majority for a long time doesn't make it right.
I personally don't eat any dairy food ( bar a small amount of cheese per week) humans shouldn't really drink milk, it's primary function is to get a calf to grow quckly and has no place in a human diet.

It's not a matter of opinion though.

It's really not.

It's fact.
That probably just comes down to a matter of opinion but i guess that's what makes an interesting debate.

I find this subject quite interesting and i think you have a valid point regarding choosing to eat meat, just because something has been the norm for the majority for a long time doesn't make it right.
I personally don't eat any dairy food ( bar a small amount of cheese per week) humans shouldn't really drink milk, it's primary function is to get a calf to grow quckly and has no place in a human diet.

I don't drink milk either ;)

At the end of the day vegetarianism is something that I emphatically believe in and in an ideal world I'd love it it everyone hugged cows with me, but I respect other people's opinions and their right to choose to eat meat.
Very interesting article on why eating meat contributes to world hunger/famine*

'People go hungry because much arable land is used to grow feed grain for animals rather than people.*
In the US, 157 million tons of cereals, legumes and vegetable protein – all suitable for human consumption – is fed to livestock to produce just 28 million tons of animal protein.'*

So why are we creating a meat food industry when we could be feeding everyone on grain..*

And it's not enough to hear the cries of oh but I love meat - what about the cries of starvation..
I have been on both sides of the fence veggie and omnivore, to each their own. I love all 3 fruits, vegetables, and meat.
I don't think we need to feel guilt about eating meat - after all, there are plenty of animals that would eat us. I do think it's good to eat less of it (for various reasons) and think about where it comes from.
No one said you need to feel guilt.

...just prove you can get involved in the process and not be so flippant about it.

(general comment not aimed at you)
I've gutted a trout before... ;)

As I said earlier, most of us COULD kill an animal and deal with a carcass. It's only if you haven't been brought up that way, it seems a big ask. Do you think eskimos can't spear seals or Amazon tribes people kill fish/animals?
I've gutted a trout before... ;)

As I said earlier, most of us COULD kill an animal and deal with a carcass. It's only if you haven't been brought up that way, it seems a big ask. Do you think eskimos can't spear seals or Amazon tribes people kill fish/animals?

Yes I agree if brought up that way it would be a natural part of life And as the eskimos and Other tribes people show us, they live off the land and animals are honoured and respected. the animals they hunt and kill are done with respect and gratitude, they are in tune with mother nature and living in accordance to what their families need Not greed!
They are not lining up thousands of animals, feeding them hormones, injecting them with chemicals etc all in the name of making huge amounts of money :(