
If you're arrogant enough to think the world revolves around you (and it may well do!) then the least you can do is demonstrate that stance by getting involved.

There's nowt wrong with eating meat but being so vocal about showing such disregard for the process just highlights lazyness, lack of compassion and a delayed transition into adulthood.

"Animals are there for me"
"Farmers are there for me"
"Mummy does it all for me"

F**kin hell some people on here are sooo highly strung its a joke ;)

Am i not allowed to give MY opinion regardless of what might or might not be wrong in YOUR opinion....i probably would disagree with alot of the stuff you say,but i would NOT out right put it in a rude manner like you clearly like to :rolleyes:

learn to respect peoples opinions and dont be rude :D
Yes I agree if brought up that way it would be a natural part of life And as the eskimos and Other tribes people show us, they live off the land and animals are honoured and respected. the animals they hunt and kill are done with respect and gratitude, they are in tune with mother nature and living in accordance to what their families need Not greed!
They are not lining up thousands of animals, feeding them hormones, injecting them with chemicals etc all in the name of making huge amounts of money :(

Plants that are mass produce for profit is done as well. The feeding of live stock is not the reason for world hunger, greed plays a much bigger role. The advent of mass produced food allowed the rapid growth of the world population to the worse of the planet and mankind in general.
I think the point minxy was making is that animals feel pain, etc, so profit before welfare not good.

There's probably enough food in the world for everyone - just some folks have more than their fair share.
I think the point minxy was making is that animals feel pain, etc, so profit before welfare not good.

There's probably enough food in the world for everyone - just some folks have more than their fair share.

We don't know for sure that plants don't feel pain?
We don't know for sure that plants don't feel pain?

Jesus wept!!

As if there isn't enough wrong in the world than worrying about whether plants feel pain :eek:

I believe in the food chain, it's existed for billions of years, why change it now?

I just haven't got the time to worry about eating meat. I try and do it as ethically as possible, but at the end of the day, that's not always possible. Unfortunately that's why we're the dominant species, and cows aren't. Selfish but that's just the way I see it :p
Selfish but that's just the way I see it :p

So you admit it's a flippant viewpoint?

"It's gone on for years so why change things now?"

Nowt wrong with believing in the food chain at all - but that's just it - we're so far removed from reality these days that we're miles away from the food chain.

Can everyone please watch this and then you may continue burying your heads in the sand:
So you admit it's a flippant viewpoint?

"It's gone on for years so why change things now?"

Nowt wrong with believing in the food chain at all - but that's just it - we're so far removed from reality these days that we're miles away from the food chain.

Can everyone please watch this and then you may continue burying your heads in the sand:

Rob why do you always think that everyone else is "burying their heads in the sand" and your viewpoint is right? ;)

It's just not something I believe in passionately enough to consider changing. I think in the grand scheme of things the feelings of animals who are genetically inferior to us anyway is not something I think is that important. On a personal level there's sooo many things worth worrying about other than that.

Besides, animals exist for food. If everyone became vegetarians pretty much all of the food species would die out. People in less developed countries actually think vegetarians are totally crazy! It's a natural thing to eat meat. I remember meeting veggie's when travelling and they really struggled in some places because to the natural world, being a vegetarian is unheard of. They'd always order dish sans-meat and end up with chicken :lol:
over run with them

My sis is veggie but like i say to her its a good job humans do eat meat as if not the world would get over run by animals roaming all over the place , there would be no one interested to look after them and would die from horrible diseases with out human control , worms to start with everyone worms there dogs and cats and the larger animals need the same treatment but no one thinks about that , also fancy going to work and having to swerve for a cow or pig then a sheep and goat it would take ages to travel any where well on earth , ok if jetting off to IBIZA no animals up in the sky well not yet , but may be a few on the runways so take off may be difficult.

I must say though I do eat veggie stuff and must admit some of it is really really nice
so I aint knocking any one as its there choice , what I dont like is it been thrust down my throat and been told what not to eat and what to eat

life goes on
Rob why do you always think that everyone else is "burying their heads in the sand" and your viewpoint is right? ;)

It's just not something I believe in passionately enough to consider changing. I think in the grand scheme of things the feelings of animals who are genetically inferior to us anyway is not something I think is that important. On a personal level there's sooo many things worth worrying about other than that.

Besides, animals exist for food. If everyone became vegetarians pretty much all of the food species would die out. People in less developed countries actually think vegetarians are totally crazy! It's a natural thing to eat meat. I remember meeting veggie's when travelling and they really struggled in some places because to the natural world, being a vegetarian is unheard of. They'd always order dish sans-meat and end up with chicken :lol:

I think we're skirting around the issue because we actually agree on the above.

It's the method by which it gets to your plate that needs discussion...and yeah that's something I'm fiercely passionate about. (sorry!)

Avoiding that subject is burying your head in the sand. Or you can stop by simply saying, "I could give two sh1ts" and that's fine too.

My opinion isn't always the right one - but I'm always up for sparring (without getting personal obvs).
It's just not something I believe in passionately enough to consider changing. I think in the grand scheme of things the feelings of animals who are genetically inferior to us anyway is not something I think is that important. On a personal level there's sooo many things worth worrying about other than that.

Besides, animals exist for food. If everyone became vegetarians pretty much all of the food species would die out. People in less developed countries actually think vegetarians are totally crazy! It's a natural thing to eat meat. I remember meeting veggie's when travelling and they really struggled in some places because to the natural world, being a vegetarian is unheard of. They'd always order dish sans-meat and end up with chicken :lol:

What do you mean by 'genetically inferior'?

Actually, in many less developed countries, people eat less meat (because they can't afford it, or it's inefficient use of land) or are of religions that eat little or no meat. Aren't many Hindhus/Buddhists veggie? I suspect it's only in the west that people expect a portion of meat with every meal.

My sis is veggie but like i say to her its a good job humans do eat meat as if not the world would get over run by animals roaming all over the place , there would be no one interested to look after them and would die from horrible diseases with out human control , worms to start with everyone worms there dogs and cats and the larger animals need the same treatment but no one thinks about that , also fancy going to work and having to swerve for a cow or pig then a sheep and goat it would take ages to travel any where well on earth , ok if jetting off to IBIZA no animals up in the sky well not yet , but may be a few on the runways so take off may be difficult.

The only reason there are so many sheep, cows, pigs, etc is because people breed them to eat - and they often breed in characteristics to suit the eater rather than the animal. Being specially 'made' to live out your life in a cramped cage can't be much fun.
What do you mean by 'genetically inferior'?

Well I've never seen a cow driving a car, have you?

Actually, in many less developed countries, people eat less meat (because they can't afford it, or it's inefficient use of land) or are of religions that eat little or no meat. Aren't many Hindhus/Buddhists veggie? I suspect it's only in the west that people expect a portion of meat with every meal.

The only reason there are so many sheep, cows, pigs, etc is because people breed them to eat - and they often breed in characteristics to suit the eater rather than the animal. Being specially 'made' to live out your life in a cramped cage can't be much fun.
Exactly, given the choice they'd be eating a lot more meat. I don't think we can compare people who are not rich enough to be able to eat meat with being vegetarian.

Buddhists are vegetarian, that's what it says in their religion. Some forms of Hinduism are also veggie, but most eat chicken, lamb etc. One thing they don't eat though is cows, and if you've ever been to India you'll the cows over there are the most mangy, flea ridden, pitiful looking things ever. Nothing compared to our nice fat cows over here.

What would you rather be? A cow who lives a longer life but struggles every day, no healthcare, no guaranteed food, the threat of attack from other animals etc, or a cow who is kept on a farm, fed every day, immunised against disease, but then killed quickly and humanely. I know what I'd rather be!

I think people forget that without farms those animals would suffer a lot more and probably die out. I can't imagine many farmers keeping their animals in that way of life if they weren't going to make money from their meat.
What would you rather be? A cow who lives a longer life but struggles every day, no healthcare, no guaranteed food, the threat of attack from other animals etc, or a cow who is kept on a farm, fed every day, immunised against disease, but then killed quickly and humanely. I know what I'd rather be!

I'd rather be respected as a species on its simplest and most basic level - something that doesn't exist in our convenience based, behind closed doors culture.

* and please don't watch it tonight Becks but have a look at that vid when you have a mo. We really can't use the blanket term 'humanely' when describing farming methods in this country.
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