Tricky situation

Not really taken much time to get to know him, only met him a couple of times. Both times it's been at parties and he's been really loud, rude and aggressive when speaking to him. I just can't bear the thought of having to see him again! I'm thinking I might just say something...

Maybe make sure everyone knows there's a 'no cocaine' rule at your birthday:idea:
I think you should be really, really nice to him.

If he's rude and obnoxious I'm sure he'll end up isolating himself.

The situation will play it self out if you give it time, just don't be the one to bring it to a head.

I'm not saying this from the perspective of someone who is laid back and has great judgement, quite the opposite.

If I really don't like someone (which is rare, thankfully) i really find it hard to hide it and it always ends up making me look like a bigger twat, regardless of how much a dickhead the other person is.

and i always think, "next time, don't take the bait, just smile and be nice" :lol:
He's one of these people who would just do it anyway!

And as for being really really nice to him, he'd probably get a massive ego boost and think I fancy him!
My advice - do nothing, don't rise to any of his gnarlyness, silently bear witness, don't react and hold space for your friend.

The less you react, the better the mirror for him and the more his behaviour will stand out to all involved.

Also - getting involved in partner disputes is dodgy territory for any friendship.

If you think you can't handle it, stay away...and then organise a girly night.

Any help?

Totally agree. Best advice. Maintain your friendship, and keep a wide berth from him if neccessary, but do not bad mouth him - it will only drive your friend closer to him if she has to put up a protective barrier.
What does your other mates think about this guy? My golden rule is never get in between mates relationships you end up looking the worse and it could kill a friendship.
He's one of these people who would just do it anyway!

And as for being really really nice to him, he'd probably get a massive ego boost and think I fancy him!

And then the fool will fall into your trap and you can CRUSH him!!!!!!!!

What does your other mates think about this guy? My golden rule is never get in between mates relationships you end up looking the worse and it could kill a friendship.

Yeah, best thing is when someone splits up with someone, all their mates admit they absolutely hated them and then they get back together. Awkward times.:lol:
Yeah, best thing is when someone splits up with someone, all their mates admit they absolutely hated them and then they get back together. Awkward times.:lol:

Yes then the avoiding starts and you see who will be fake and act like a friend to the kn0b.
I feel your pain best mate has been on / off with this absolute dickhead with the mentality of a child :rolleyes: hes 29 and sooooo irresponsible with money and has f**ked my GF around soooo much....ive had the tears,the phone calls, the lot, yet she says she loves him....then BOOM she gets pregnant :rolleyes: now i just got to grin and bare the twat but i am refusing to double date with him through principle.

I hate him with a passion but she says he makes her happy, god knows how,hes a complete loser with nothing going for him, but hey ho cant help who you 'love'

At the end of the day your friend has chosen to stay with him and the last thing u wana do is cause an argument over your opinions of him or you could lose a friend. Just hope she sees sense or something bad happens and she sods him off.

Is he the way he is after a drink ?! have you met him in casual,non alcohol fueled times?