Trainspotting T2

Great argument! :lol:

I'm happy to bore you with further detail if you like, but basically Terminator is a perfect low-budget sci-fi/horror film with a spot-on dark tone. T2 is a bloated action blockbuster with some absolutely cringe-worthy humour (though not totally unenjoyable).
mixed feelings really - the first was genius on every single level. Now, although I generally enjoyed it I thought T2 had a weak plot and lacked subtlety. if you take it as a comment on mixed up 40-something groups of mates with nothing in common anymore, then a lot of it was painfully close to the bone in my case... I liked the music and the club scene but whereas I felt really uplifted by the first one, part 2 kind of felt like a real comedown - maybe sometimes let sleeping dogs lie...
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I thought it was brilliant.

Much different but trying to capture the same feel would have been silly.

Soundtrack could have had notable improvement and seemed (in light of the original) a big let down. It's almost as if the guy setting it up had gotten to that age where new music is hard to "get". "Dad's best friend" by Rubberbandits is good and "shotgun mouthwash" was really well scored into the movie perfectly but as a whole... 2/5.

As for the characters... Pretty in line with people I knew in my youth that reminded me of people in the original... I would have liked to seen Begbie done all different. That part felt so much like a movie it was borderline stupid. Spud and Sick boy were near perfect. Renton... the character was well scripted but I felt the personality was a bit off from the first... Just not that same attitude. Maybe that was intentional?

Overall, I gotta say I greatly enjoyed the film and that if the cast is up for another one in 20 years and I'm still alive, I'll go see it.
I thought it was brilliant.

Much different but trying to capture the same feel would have been silly.

Soundtrack could have had notable improvement and seemed (in light of the original) a big let down. It's almost as if the guy setting it up had gotten to that age where new music is hard to "get". "Dad's best friend" by Rubberbandits is good and "shotgun mouthwash" was really well scored into the movie perfectly but as a whole... 2/5.

As for the characters... Pretty in line with people I knew in my youth that reminded me of people in the original... I would have liked to seen Begbie done all different. That part felt so much like a movie it was borderline stupid. Spud and Sick boy were near perfect. Renton... the character was well scripted but I felt the personality was a bit off from the first... Just not that same attitude. Maybe that was intentional?

Overall, I gotta say I greatly enjoyed the film and that if the cast is up for another one in 20 years and I'm still alive, I'll go see it.

Massively disagree with the soundtrack , but agree mostly in terms of the film/story. Renton just didnt add up to me.