Trainspotting T2

well I loved the original which was a work of art. the trailer for the new one suggests to me it's gonna be packed with cheeky references to the original. I think the most recent star wars got away with the heavy nostalgia because they counter-balanced it with new characters but T2 is in danger of just being a straight rehash - but it will obv be a big hit with the 40-45 market
It'll be worth it for Francis Begby alone!

I'm hopeful - all the right people are involved its not like its a crap director picking it up - Danny Boyle is a master! Not read the novel though, anyone read it?

Oh don't read the book, I never read the book
I personally can't wait...the original summed up exactly what was going on at the time and hopefully no.2 does the same. It's scarey how long ago the original was and how we've all aged a bit now!
Im looking forward to it like you freakstar I must say that Trailer isnt inspiring me that much. It doesn't look as dark as the first one.

Yes, massive hit with the early forties market Shady I suspect and I hope the soundtrack is as good as T1.
It'll be worth it for Francis Begby alone!


Great scene ^
They have it sitting in the new company i work for getting ready for release. By all accounts of those who've seen it they say its good. Danny Boyle was never going to do it unless he could make it brill
They have it sitting in the new company i work for getting ready for release. By all accounts of those who've seen it they say its good. Danny Boyle was never going to do it unless he could make it brill

As if Danny Boyle's name is a guarantee of quality. The original is decent but overrated.
As if Danny Boyle's name is a guarantee of quality. The original is decent but overrated.

nooooooo - tis a classic. it offered a dark counterbalance to all those saccharine hugh grant fairytales that hollywood was swooning over at the time but at the same time offered the kind of humour often missing from your bleak C4 political films. Tech and society have changed massively since 95 but that film doesn't age because there is an ambiguous morality tale there which people still identify with. I also think it was a major reason why heroin use in the UK plummeted (contrast with middle america right now...)
nooooooo - tis a classic. it offered a dark counterbalance to all those saccharine hugh grant fairytales that hollywood was swooning over at the time but at the same time offered the kind of humour often missing from your bleak C4 political films. Tech and society have changed massively since 95 but that film doesn't age because there is an ambiguous morality tale there which people still identify with. I also think it was a major reason why heroin use in the UK plummeted (contrast with middle america right now...)

We were debating this in the office the other day. I said I'd rather watch a Ken Loach or Shane Meadows film. My colleagues laughed. :cry: I think for a film about smack, Trainspotting is quite light... I think smack use goes in line with the political landscape and opportunities (as well as availability). There is a reason it was high when Thatcher was destroying communities.
Trainspotting isn't really about skag though is it. It's about mates who don't really like each other. (That's the key thing. Who hasn't had mates they can't stand?) O'wise it would be really heavy. I don't watch ken loach films because i don't go to the pictures to watch a Guardian sociology-fest