Wholeheartedly agree with the handbag thing, I got pickpocketed in Pacha 4 years ago. A friend and I had been out in Ibiza Town before going to Pacha, and it being my first proper holiday to Ibiza since the first West End centric one when I was 18 I had a camera in my handbag so I could take some photos of Ibiza Town etc. Then obviously a few hours later in Pacha, it was crowded, I was getting bumped, I felt a jostle at my side but didn't think anything of it, went in my bag a bit later and noticed the flap was up and the camera gone. Halfheartedly approached the desk bit and asked if there was even a minute chance it had been handed in, and they said that there are basically organised gangs that just go around the clubs pickpocketing. Lesson learned, would never be so naive again, I'm militant about turning my bag the other way round now so the opening bit is against my body, or having bags with zips. Best advice I could give to a girl going out there. It was a good lesson for when I went to Barcelona last year, although I honestly didn't notice any obvious pickpocketing tactics there. Perhaps that's the point!