Today is.........

Do we still have to trail through to the main airport for passport control or is their a special little building for this purpose do you reckon??

Do we fcuk, we don't have to mingle with the peasants :spank:

Depending on the airport (Shoreham is a shack i think :lol:) you get a seperate building, where the minxiness can commence :lol:
Do we fcuk, we don't have to mingle with the peasants :spank:

Depending on the airport (Shoreham is a shack i think :lol:) you get a seperate building, where the minxiness can commence :lol:


No screaming kids - no one putting their chair back just as you have a drink strategically positioned on your fold down table - just ready to land in your lap with the slightest knock .....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No screaming kids - no one putting their chair back just as you have a drink strategically positioned on your fold down table - just ready to land in your lap with the slightest knock .....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sounds great 8) When i win the euromillions tonight, it's my treat :lol:
All settled and sorted and loving it :-) its a very hard job i have to go to all the operators and get prices and then negotiate the prices down a bit etc.

All good, if anybody uses charter or arranges charter for ther company etc please keep me in mind or pm me and ill give ypou my contact details.


Good luck chap, sounds like an interesting job :) Do you send much through Oxford airport? I work there at the moment.
Never saw this before. gl m8, sounds like a fascinating little project, certainly not a job one see's advertised everyday :)
I'd disagree Fronty, the economy's gonna get worse not better and hence house prices are gonna keep on dropping. What are we in now, August, Feb or so will be the bottom, so that's when you want to buy.....

You can have that on me folks.

2010 will be the time to buy. fingers crossed!