Tipping Bartenders in Ibiza superclubs

and yet you will still be able to tip...

I think we all agree that ibiza is currently too expensive - that is a separete discussion though and I have a feeling it might change should the season continue the way it's going right now.

but ibiza was never cheap. and so if you come out to ibiza, you know you'll be spending a lot of money. now, if you pay 15€ for a drink, does that 1 or 2€ tip really hurt you? a tenner extra a night and thus maybe 50€ extra for your whole holiday (this is just a calculation I made, 5 drinks a night and going out 5 nights)? will that really be the dealbreaker? I don't think so. on the other hand, for the barmaid/man that has a really low net wage, works 6 nights a week and most of them 7 in august, pays far too much for rent here, that 1or 2€ tip you give, it really does make the difference for them. I have a few really close friends that work in bars or have worked in bars and so I do know first hand.

that said, if the service is really poor or if they do the coins under the ticket trick, then I am a no too. actually always tell them they are shooting in their own foot when they try to do said trick. but it's happened more a few years back, not so much now.
I lived in the US for far too long so tipping is in my DNA now.. Are most of the bartenders locals or foreigners ? When you said the way season is going this year prices might change.. What did you mean? Is there less crowd now than last year ?
If they think you're too twisted to realise they will chance it for sure... Especially when you hand 10euro note over for a 9euro water. I always wonder why the water seems to be 9euro. Its an odd number to make it
That's ridiculously high price for water !! But then again if everybody is rolling the club won't make a penny ;)
I lived in the US for far too long so tipping is in my DNA now.. Are most of the bartenders locals or foreigners ? When you said the way season is going this year prices might change.. What did you mean? Is there less crowd now than last year ?

most bartenders are spanish, not necessarily ibicencos though.

it‘s very quiet considering it‘s mid july.
I generally tip. But when my change should be a note, and they give it in coins purposely so you leave some, they can do one.

They are big on doing this at DC-10 I notice.............however if I do get served quickly I will leave a euro!
Hardly ever tip people behind the bar unless i'm f***ed and in a good mood and the birds fit. Amnesia closing last year was superb. She bent down to get some ice or something whilst maintaining eye contact at all times, as she started coming back up she started licking her lips. She said €2 for me? Most certainly, make it €10 and you can put that tongue to action properley if you like (did not say that but my god I was dying too) :p
HAHAHA !! Very nice fantasy !!
most bartenders are spanish, not necessarily ibicencos though.

it‘s very quiet considering it‘s mid july.
booking.com shows ibiza 95% occupied on my dates in august..i wonder why it's so slow ! not that i mind.. i hate overcrowded clubs where no breathing rooms or space for dancing .. perhaps clubs gonna offer more promotions now :)
perhaps clubs gonna offer more promotions now
This sort of cheese I dislike and it is also a pure case of muggery in my opinion.

We are all dealt a different hand. Of course we are all entitled to be generous when we feel like it and in Stivi opinion generosity fulfils you by tipping bar staff for the reasons you mentioned. I don't believe it should be the standard in Ibiza regardless of how much you earn or own.
I believe paying 15euro in the first place is hurting you. 2 or 3 of these a night pays for a weeks worth of shopping at home ffs. So no as much as I can afford it I wont be just handing over the odd Euro each time I buy a drink. That odd Euro I hand over can go towards the Taxi's that cost as much as a London black cab
i feel you mate .. the cost is just too high.. not to mention party favors .. cafe del mar has a minimum 50euro for a decent table to eat !! we can't return home broke
I think central banks print the money, coins are what cost more than their face value (small denomination)

Thing is banks want us to go cashless because they get a slice for every transaction. With cash there is just you and person paying it to. Cashless requires a 3rd party middleman... the banks $$$.

Also when payment systems go down you have big queues of people in supermarkets with no way to pay for their goods.

Cashless can also be completely tracked.

Anyhow, on tipping, if end up with €1 or €2 I'm likely to leave it behind, otherwise by end of night I end up with 3 tonnes of change in pockets:rolleyes:

If was waiting for ages or just shit, well I'd keep it.

It's a shame hard working people have to be reliant on such things.

Perhaps should do it with headliner acts, don't pay them just have a massive tip jar at front! :twisted:
perhaps i think it would be a better idea to bring with me at least 5 1euro bills and 7 10euro bills to the club to avoid problems with change
On my trip in early July, the only club where i didnt get any cheeky twats at the bar was Pacha, i left them a tip and walked away feeling as if they had earned it.... sad when you think about it
I have always seen people giving tips in Spain ..
Foreigners/tourists would probably leave tips in restaurants whereas Spanish people generally don't. If they do it's only "la vuelta" a euro or two max. I live in Spain and it's refreshing that tipping is not the thing here IMO. I used to get pissed off in London feeling obliged to leave 10-15% for mediocre service.