Tipping Bartenders in Ibiza superclubs


Can you please advise on how much I should tip (minimum) the bartender in clubs Amnesia, Hi and Heart Ibiza clubs?
I heard tipping is not expected in Spanish culture.
Depends on the person serving you. If they are sound, i dont mind tipping. If they presume they get a tip, they get f*** all. If its a busy bar, i'll give a decent tip first few times i go up and you won't wait long the rest of the night.
i take it you didn't tip at these clubs.. did you still get good service in busy bar?

Never tip at the bars and never had any issues with service. Expect to wait anyway as they always tend to be busy...
Depending on how much you hand over for your drinks you will find will return your change be it a note on top of a receipt. The receipt will be on top of coins in hope you miss the change
Never tip at the bars and never had any issues with service. Expect to wait anyway as they always tend to be busy...
Depending on how much you hand over for your drinks you will find will return your change be it a note on top of a receipt. The receipt will be on top of coins in hope you miss the change
very smart .. i take it you never miss the change .. after all it all adds up by 6am
in the US bartenders mainly base their earning on tips even in super clubs like space miami.. they are only paid federal minimum wage like $7.5 per hour

Yeah, it's a bit shit that the punter should be made to feel guilty for not tipping when already buying a very expensive drink. The employer, who let's face it, is raking in huge profits, should be paying the staff more.
Tipping culture is criminal - particularly in the US where it's so ingrained. I don't understand how some industries expect it, whilst in others it's non-existent (there's plenty of other lower paid jobs where tipping doesn't occur). We need to move away from it as a society, and encourage employers to pay their staff the living wage. Especially when - like others say - they themselves are earning mega money.

That said, I think it should be at your discretion. If you have good service, then a €1 or 2 extra isn't going to make a great deal of difference, and it will get you served quicker on repeat visits. Anybody who asks for it, doesn't get it - that's how it works for me. It's a privilege, not a right (unless you're in the US!)
There have been instances where bartenders have taken it without asking in the past. Not on. If you want to swerve this, pay by card and keep some change to tip in addition, should you so wish.

We've all been talking about how expensive the island is - you shouldn't feel pressured into spending any more money, particularly for sub par service.