Things you really wished you hadn't found out...

Not quite so close to home that a male colleague's wife left him for another woman ... (tmi at the time ...)
Not quite so close to home that a male colleague's wife left him for another woman ... (tmi at the time ...)

This happened to a bloke that works for my client a while ago. He told everyone (his colleagues, all his business contacts) about in a long emotional email announcing he was leaving his job and going back to his parents miles away.

Then she left the other woman and came back to him and he returned to another job at the same company with a joyous 'she came back and so I have' mail!:lol:

OK, how many of us are going to admit we let it play right through .. that barman cracks me up - :lol:. Days of high-budget music vids .. in the spirit of the thread going to admit that was one of the first records I ever owned .. well, in my defence I was clueless - lived in a place with no record shops, no TVs and I just grabbed a handful on holiday in Johannesburg along with this :
i think its a great pop tune

For some reason always makes me think of work leaving dos and Xmas parties- things which drop out of your life when you go it more solo - for some reason I always seemed to end up on (under ?) the drinkers' table or getting far too frisky with the office glapper .... :eek:
Hairstyle, shades, chinos.....apart from the dodgy dancing it could have been filmed yesterday in your local Topman
This happened to a bloke that works for my client a while ago. He told everyone (his colleagues, all his business contacts) about in a long emotional email announcing he was leaving his job and going back to his parents miles away.

Then she left the other woman and came back to him and he returned to another job at the same company with a joyous 'she came back and so I have' mail!:lol:

This sounds like something off Jerry Springer