Things you really wished you hadn't found out...

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
I'll start. Following a thread on another forum last night, I found out that if severely constipated, it can eventually come up the wrong way and out of your mouth. :eek:

I thought it was common knowledge that all sorts of gross stuff goes into sausages/hotdogs/burgers? Don't they ultimately just blast carcasses so that anything that isn't bones ends up in there (at least cheaper ones)? :lol:
I'll start. Following a thread on another forum last night, I found out that if severely constipated, it can eventually come up the wrong way and out of your mouth. :eek:


Shhutt uppppp!!

So you can do a poo out of your mouth? :lol:

I found out the other day that the term "Smeg" is also for something else other than a fridge :confused: :lol:

NB: I was discussing new home purchases with a friend, who is also a nurse. Nothing sordid about the conversation lol :lol:
Shhutt uppppp!!

So you can do a poo out of your mouth? :lol:

I found out the other day that the term "Smeg" is also for something else other than a fridge :confused: :lol:

NB: I was discussing new home purchases with a friend, who is also a nurse. Nothing sordid about the conversation lol :lol:

You sure can! It was basically people talking about opiate addiction. Opiates can cause severe constipation, like not pooing for a couple of weeks, after which time the poo can come out of your mouth. I'm imagining it's more like being sick. It has to go somewhere, after all.

Smeg.. smegma... nob cheese. ;)
I'll start. Following a thread on another forum last night, I found out that if severely constipated, it can eventually come up the wrong way and out of your mouth. :eek:


Saw that JV.

The people talking about it are discussing it as an effect of long-term extreme opiate abuse. I don't think anyone here needs to start worrying they are about to start coughing cable because they've not floated one for a day or two!

A wide range Miss Boo! It's what makes us such cosmopolitan men-of-the world!:lol:


It's a wonder how you manage to fit in a day's work with all that chat going on! :twisted:
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I'd rather people weren't directed there anyway - just had a browse and JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH!!!

These people make me feel like Mother Teresa :eek: :eek: :eek:

Christ, it ain't that bad - there's a couple of vaguely dodgy sub-forums, but it has sub-forums for the likes of cooking and gardening too.
Come on Johnny don't make out you were looking on there for your latest risotto recipe!

Those kind of people scare me :eek: