The Politically Incorrect Thread


Active Member
I've put on my suit of armor and preparing to launch a politically incorrect thread. But I am prepared!

The Italians have to go! They win the prize for the most obnoxious, unpleasant, aggressive and least festive nationality visiting the White Isle this summer season. And there are alot of them. Definitely not to be confused with the pleasant, welcoming Spaniards (I think a number of people on the board have confused them.) I've heard of friends getting threatened physically by groups of Italians in places like DC10 and Space. The 'fare figura' attitude has to go and the celebrity cult worshiping of other Italian celebrities (as witnessed when some Italian celebrity showed up on a beach, Italians were practically on their knees, and a couple of fascist salutes to boot) brings images of a not too distant path most of Europe would rather forget! This does not belong in Ibiza!

Is there anyway we can ask Berlusconi to do us a favour and keep the Italians vacationing in Rimini, Gesolo or even the Costa Smeralda? Keep them away from Ibiza!

(From an American of partial Italian ancestry!)
I think to an extent that's probably a justified moan...

It's not the first time I've heard people say that and let's face it, the Brits don't have the best reputation either (also completely justified).

The Italians do inject an aspirational (albeit shallow) 'don't touch me cos I'm far too fabulous' air into the clubs though and sometimes I quite like that. :lol: :rolleyes:
I hate classism and topics but I embrace them when it's about italinas and Formentera :rolleyes: :oops:
They are far too noisy for such a quiet, relaxing and hippy place, they can't enjoy a day in the beach if they don't have hundred gadgets with them and they are just too pretentious with hundred logos in their swimm shorts. And I'm a mediterranean, greassy spaniard, so I'm supposed to be noisy like them (I'm not) or be habituated to this kind of behaviour.

I've heard lots of people back from the island talking about the italian invassion. To be honest, I have to agree with Robder that I rather prefer a posh pretentious Gian-Luca than a drunken John, altho here I'm falling into topics :lol: :lol:

Anyhow, I hope that this invasion means a formetera free of them ;)
Well, what can I say? I'm Italian and I must agree on what u're saying, but not all Italian people is like this description, and maybe I can say I'm not a normal Italian, coz in Ibiza I keep as far as possible from other Italians and look for making friendship with people from other countries...

Is this irony?

Since 1999 I've never had ANY trouble EVER in Ibiza.

This year we ended up moving around/leaving clubs on 4 (FOUR) different (separate) occasions, all due to groups of Spanish guys starting trouble (bumping into us, making aggressive gestures etc.) for NO APPARENT REASON WHAT SO EVER!! :evil:
We didn't look at them, talk to them or even look at any girls around. Just dancing and minding our own business. This took place in Space, DC10 and Pacha (!).

On the other hand, I've never met as friendly, outgoing and helpful people as the Italians. :confused:
solask said:

Is this irony?

Since 1999 I've never had ANY trouble EVER in Ibiza.

This year we ended up moving around/leaving clubs on 4 (FOUR) different (separate) occasions, all due to groups of Spanish guys starting trouble (bumping into us, making aggressive gestures etc.) for NO APPARENT REASON WHAT SO EVER!! :evil:
We didn't look at them, talk to them or even look at any girls around. Just dancing and minding our own business. This took place in Space, DC10 and Pacha (!).

On the other hand, I've never met as friendly, outgoing and helpful people as the Italians. :confused:

No, it's not irony. It's different perceptions of things
The Spanish I spoke to were all extremely friendly. Some didn't give that impression though, especially the women (and i didn't even bother trying to speak to any!)

I never spoke to any Italians, mostly because they had that arrogant air about them that said, "Don't Talk To Me You Pasty White Brit". They weren't friendly at all and there did seem to be an awful lot more there this year than last year, and most were walking about all muscly etc. some with muscles bigger than my head.

Mind you, this was all in Space where the music and the club made up for it. In Amnesia, Spanish and Brits mingled in a big mad trancey friendly party. Ok, music wasn't my cup of tea but I couldn't fault the atmosphere.
Silvia.. you are Spanish .. been wanting to ask someone this:

Is there anything about dancing behind Spanish guys?

Like.. do they find it provocative or something?

I'm not talking up in their ass/back but like 1+ meter behind?

Cause we didn't even understand WHY those guys got so p*ssed for no apparent reason... :confused: :confused: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused: :eek: :x
solask said:

Is this irony?

Since 1999 I've never had ANY trouble EVER in Ibiza.

This year we ended up moving around/leaving clubs on 4 (FOUR) different (separate) occasions, all due to groups of Spanish guys starting trouble (bumping into us, making aggressive gestures etc.) for NO APPARENT REASON WHAT SO EVER!! :evil:
We didn't look at them, talk to them or even look at any girls around. Just dancing and minding our own business. This took place in Space, DC10 and Pacha (!).

On the other hand, I've never met as friendly, outgoing and helpful people as the Italians. :confused:

Sorry solask, I don't really understand what you mean.
But if it's about dancing around of a spanish group, then probably the guys were being protective with the girlies.
Or it was probably a group of spanish idiots, we have lots of them :lol: :lol:
In a club and regarding general manners, I prefer the Spanish. The Italians are not very friendly nor polite, plus they harass blonde women a lot more (in Italy) than Spanish men do (in Spain).
fatphilb said:
The Spanish I spoke to were all extremely friendly. Some didn't give that impression though, especially the women (and i didn't even bother trying to speak to any!)

I never spoke to any Italians, mostly because they had that arrogant air about them that said, "Don't Talk To Me You Pasty White Brit". They weren't friendly at all and there did seem to be an awful lot more there this year than last year, and most were walking about all muscly etc. some with muscles bigger than my head.

Mind you, this was all in Space where the music and the club made up for it. In Amnesia, Spanish and Brits mingled in a big mad trancey friendly party. Ok, music wasn't my cup of tea but I couldn't fault the atmosphere.

Well I'm not British but we def. got better along with the Italians. More friendly/willing to speak english and always asking if they could get you anything (spliff, pills, whatever..).

Talked to some Spanish girls (sorry if I generalize here) but their english is really rubbish :confused: Hard to get anywhere when they don't even understand a full sentence in english. :p
solask said:
Talked to some Spanish girls (sorry if I generalize here) but their english is really rubbish :confused: Hard to get anywhere when they don't even understand a full sentence in english. :p

I don't think you can base people's command on english by the way they speak in the clubs. Most of the English people in them are so trashed they would struggle to string a sentence together. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Besides, they are in Spain- why would they want to speak english?

Surely, if you are talking about good manners, it is the other nationalities who should be speaking some Spanish ;)
silvia said:
But if it's about dancing around of a spanish group, then probably the guys were being protective with the girlies.
:lol: :lol:

At first we thought that this was it...but a couple of times even guys with no ladies around got aggressive for no reason... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Basically what I was saying was like.. standing behind them on the dancefloor...if they feel threatened or anything if a couple of guys dance behind them...?? :rolleyes: :confused: :confused:
solask said:
Talked to some Spanish girls (sorry if I generalize here) but their english is really rubbish :confused: Hard to get anywhere when they don't even understand a full sentence in english. :p

Then use the body language ;) :lol: :lol:

Anyway, ibiza is spanish, don't complain about spanish not being able to speak in english cos it's not fair, I think it's much more rasonable to complain about nice foreing tourist not being able to speak spanish ;)
Scoobie said:
solask said:
Talked to some Spanish girls (sorry if I generalize here) but their english is really rubbish :confused: Hard to get anywhere when they don't even understand a full sentence in english. :p

I don't think you can base people's command on english by the way they speak in the clubs. Most of the English people in them are so trashed they would struggle to string a sentence together. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Besides, they are in Spain- why would they want to speak english?

Surely, if you are talking about good manners, it is the other nationalities who should be speaking some Spanish ;)

Well... true to some extend.

I do speak very little Spanish, but I speak about 3-4 other languages ;) (not included the universal language of love of course :D )
solask said:
Well... true to some extend.

I do speak very little Spanish, but I speak about 3-4 other languages ;) (not included the universal language of love of course :D )

Solask, I'm just being pickey, but I always find quite funny that in this forum people complain for locals not talking in english but you never will hear a local complaining for tourists not talking in spanish ;)

PMSL@ Peppermint