The end of the West End?

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Well, it would be silly to expect something like this...





Spoke to one popular West End bar owner who's managed to keep himself and his business afloat and is hoping he can open. A lot of the less popular bars on the West End won't open this year though I feel
Where’s ‘decent’ for drinks in the west end now ? Been a good few years since I’ve been and just in case we fancy a ‘quieter’ night this year…

Better near the Marina and strip near Ibiza Rocks Bar these days. Bar Rio, Itaca and Orange Corner are all nice for chilled drinks.
Highlander has posted they’ve had a change of heart after hundreds of messages and are now opening

And that will be a good test for 'is the West end viable anymore' as they've been the busiest bar down there since the 'inside at midnight' rules, and of course they are a long established bar with a loyal crowd. I'm not even Scottish and I always like it in there.
And that will be a good test for 'is the West end viable anymore' as they've been the busiest bar down there since the 'inside at midnight' rules, and of course they are a long established bar with a loyal crowd. I'm not even Scottish and I always like it in there.
Idiots like this don’t help the reputation of the west end. Really sad….


Also 'Rammy'?

Well, in my younger years I’ve been down West End and seen it all…I guess now people have phones with cameras but it’s not good - what the hell do people have in their minds to act like that? This really doesn’t help the image. I feel sorry for the two bars involved…they are opening to try and make a living for themselves and the people they employ and then you get tossers like that. It’s not nice.
A couple of phrases from the president of the San An and bay hoteliers in an article on today's DDI called "The hoteliers of San Antonio are committed to change the tourism model":

-"The West End will have to be completely refurbished and the typology of the businesses will have to be changed. The nightlife area needs to be changed to make San Antonio not only a better tourist destination, but also a pleasant place to live"

-"Everyone is welcome. The only thing we don't want is exclusionary tourism, those who, with their attitude, make others feel uncomfortable and don't come here"
Let's see what the Mambo king has to say...

"Sant Antoni is home to the crappiest in the world. Tourism is changing in Ibiza and we're seeing it this season. I'm doing very well at Casa Maca, the best people in the world come here. But it's not the same in Sant Antoni and that's because there are businessmen who aren't interested in change. The island now has the opportunity to make this change and to get rid of the cheap, booze-fuelled tourism"

Taken from an article on yesterday's DDI...

For the mayor the transformation of the West End involves replacing bars for british youth tourism with shops and restaurants: "It's not that we don't want bars, it's that we want the leisure offer to be more diversified and with a change in the business model. The bars and clubs that are up for it will receive direct help to transform themselves. He points out that this philosophy involves "encouraging" and not forcing, and that he's convinced that "although some are reluctant, most are up for it".
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