The end of the West End?

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The Rum Runner in the West End (the pirate themed bar) is no more :!:

New in town: Pinguin Cocktail Bar... same location but sadly nothing to do with the our beloved Pinguin Rock Bar :!:

Run by Ben, the incredible barman formerly at Tapas in San An :) looking forward to this one
The Hall of Fame is coming...

The Hall of Fame is coming...

Nice to se that they do something, just hope to get a stop to the balloons that make people crazy.
Well that’s a shame. Is that new owners completely and a new direction, ie more upmarket?

I can’t say I’m surprised, my friends wouldn’t even come in there last year as people that don’t know the place. No passing trade anymore and nowhere near as many workers there really meant it was quiet, probably just many people visiting through memories and nostalgia.

First night on one trip last year I had a few games of shut the box in there with some residents/locals, good memories 🥃. Which itself leads me to remember another bar closed down - The Fish 😟
I do miss the Fish, some great memories of meeting people and learning how to play shut the box (badly) .
What's this alcohol ban all about then?
Just been reading up on it myself. Will let the experts on the ground chime in but reeks of “ we want to redevelop the west end to add more posh hotels and attract a different kind of tourist” if this doesn’t get reversed I’d imagine it won’t be in place in say.. 2/3 years ( conveniently about the amount of time it takes to stick some new hotels in!) - just my two cents - could be miles off it!
It’s all a bit unclear. To me it sounds like no drinking outside between those times and no shops to sell alcohol between those times. However, The Sun likes to make it sound like bars and clubs are included so people start to worry they won’t be allowed out partying.

I’m pissed off as I had plans to get pissed up and drive around on a scooter naked.


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Been reading about the "alcohol ban" in the Majorcan paper, very unclear except that it is only certain resorts.
Surely they can't mean bars after 2130? If so it will kill the resort and the businesses, folks will either drink shop bought alcohol in the streets, or simply go to another resort.
Will private bus or coach companies put night buses on from San Antonio to, say, Ibiza town and the "problem" simply moves there?
I'm sure it doesn't but needs clearing up. Bars closed at 2130 smacks of those horrid COVID days.
Absolutley no chance they’ll stop bars serving at 9.30. It’ll just be drinking in the streets (unless you’re sitting outside at a bar surely?) or buying from shops at those times
this thread basically...

rumoured clampdown
well it's about time
gasp horror sacrilege
bunch of yobs
bunch of snobs
ashamed to be British
proud to be British
it's happening
it'll never happen
rumoured clampdown

I think you’ve summed up the editorial policy of the Daily Mail and most British newspapers. Which let’s be honest reflects their readers.
I think you’ve summed up the editorial policy of the Daily Mail and most British newspapers. Which let’s be honest reflects their readers.

it's an age-old chicken and egg though. do the lurid headlines reflect the situation on the ground or do people turn up seduced by the lurid headlines?
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