the end is nigh!


Active Member
It's the real begginning of the end! Nothing is sacred!

We will all be living in tents in a few years! Everything has been on tick & the debts are being called in!

The fourth-largest investment bank in the US, Lehman Brothers, has filed for bankruptcy protection, amid a growing global financial crisis. 8O
im so glad i started to repay my big lump when i did!

only 12-18 months left and im freeeeeeeee of the shackles of all that crap!
Scary times :(

The chances of selling our house looks as likely as Robert Mugabe getting the nobel peace prize...

Where will all this end?
The signs were all pointing to it after Lehman announced their results last week and the US government said no to another Bear Sterns-style bailout.

US market is quite a mess. Aside from Bears' subsidized acquisition by JP Morgan, and the government practically nationalizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (together holding nearly $1 trillian in mortgages!!), now you've got Lehman in bankruptcy and Merrill Lynch up for sale.

Amazing, really... the most storied names in American banking all tumbling down. Sub-prime dominoes.
hopefully, if all the shapes drop into place, i'll be getting a 10 yr one myself in December. Should be done by 40...PLEASE LORD!

Its the way to do it if you can - I have spent the last 3 years getting my finances into shape - paying off a bit more every few months when I have a lumper in the savings....

Go for it!! its amazing what you can save when you really put your mind to it :?:?
Listened to a leading professor talking about the global credit crisis several months ago on radio four. He actually suggested the whole banking system could collapse. Sounded too wild to take much notice of the claim back then. I know very little about economics but it looks very bleak at the moment8O:cry:
So money becomes worthless, we all turn on each other
and erstwhile Spotlighter LagunaBeach rules the world until his ammo runs out.:lol:
Scary times :(
The chances of selling our house looks as likely as
Robert Mugabe getting the nobel peace prize...
the situation is much worse:

The chances of selling our house looks as likely as
George W. Bush getting the nobel peace prize...
Scary times :(

The chances of selling our house looks as likely as Robert Mugabe getting the nobel peace prize...

Where will all this end?

If you do sell would you like to buy a nice little villa on the costa blanca, really could do with selling this also. i'll do ya a good deal;)

The signs were all pointing to it after Lehman announced their results last week and the US government said no to another Bear Sterns-style bailout.

A client of mine who is a financial analyst (of some sort) in the city, told me last week he reckons by new year it's gona get tonnes worse and we could see another 'Great depression' Like the one in the late 20's !!!!!!
the situation is much worse:

The chances of selling our house looks as likely as
George W. Bush getting the nobel peace prize...

the situation is much much worse:

The chances of selling our house looks as likely as
Newcastle winning the Premier League in the next 100years...
If you do sell would you like to buy a nice little villa on the costa blanca, really could do with selling this also. i'll do ya a good deal;)

Dunno about buying, because once I shuffle off this mortal coil I have no one to leave my worldly goods to (assuming Phil and I die at the same time that is :lol:) but can you find me somewhere nice with a garden so I can have a goat and a couple of chickens with a veg patch please to rent for the foreseeable future once I have paid off my mortgage and left with the cash to live on????

Around 2014 onwards would be about right timewise.... :lol::lol:
Dunno about buying, because once I shuffle off this mortal coil I have no one to leave my worldly goods to (assuming Phil and I die at the same time that is :lol:) but can you find me somewhere nice with a garden so I can have a goat and a couple of chickens with a veg patch please to rent for the foreseeable future once I have paid off my mortgage and left with the cash to live on????

Around 2014 onwards would be about right timewise.... :lol::lol:

next of kin mother, leave it all to your next of kin...
next of kin mother, leave it all to your next of kin...

Only if you promise to travel the world and photograph strange and wonderful things - I shall leave you a list of photographic challenges in my will before you get your hands on my hard earned cash......