The Brand & Ross 'gate scandal

In another forum I go on, in the ubiquitous Brand thread, we've already had "the world economic forum are trying to control all the governments" line. :lol:

Floodgates opening shortly I guess. Red-pillers will have them all as deep state actors, obviously.

I note, as is the way of these things, a woman I worked with in Ibiza years ago who's gone that way, but was rightly anti-Morillo and campaigning about the wider misogyny and rape culture in the DJ Scene has done a volte face. She's moved from 'women should to be believed' to 'due process, nothing's been proved, he was nice to me'. When someone metioned Saville, she's even pulled the 'but all the girls wanted Russell, so there's no comparsion'. Beacuse we all know that anyone able to secure consensual sex, lots of it even, could never need to assualt anyone......
Something that concerns me is that Brand claims to be bi polar. Now I've gone hyper sexual when on a manic high and it's 'uncomfortable' to say the least. BUT it does NOT turn you into a sex offender. I've been compelled by my own brain chemistry to masturbate 20+ times a day causing pain, blistering and friction burns. Re-hydration becomes as much a full time occupation as the act itself. Masturbation goes from being pleasurable to a chore to a bind to something you literally dread. I've also been incredibly promiscuous even when I've had a regular or live-in partner which is like Russian roulette as far as STI's are concerned. All that being said, even on a manic high I have never flashed anyone, never groped anyone against their will, never coerced or tried to coerce anyone, never raped or sodomised anyone against their will. Being bi polar means you're mentally ill, your brain chemistry is out of whack and your behaviour erratic. If your behaviour means you're a legitimate danger to yourself or others then you run the risk of being sectioned. That doesn't mean you suddenly become ignorant of the law or what's right and wrong so I sincerely hope he doesn't try to use bi polar as an excuse because that's just horseshit
Went to see Catherine Ryan on Friday...she said she was undecided whether to name and shame the 'well-known celebrity' being outed as a sexual predator...but she had 'Russelled with it in her head! Got one of the biggest cheers...
Went to see Catherine Ryan on Friday...she said she was undecided whether to name and shame the 'well-known celebrity' being outed as a sexual predator...but she had 'Russelled with it in her head! Got one of the biggest cheers...

Lucy Beaumont (comedian from Hull, don't find her particularly funny but anyway...) had this to say before and it does makes sense as to why stand up comedy is more problematic than other industries:

"Predatory male behaviour," she began. "I've had quite a few incidences where if you're in any other workforce you would go to HR [Human Resources], but there isn't one. I think it's just everywhere and it's not talked about enough. It upsets me when I hear about young female comics having the same experiences. I thought for a while it was the same five or six people - and now it's not - I could name you 10 or 15 because of course people talk."

"Comedy has the biggest gossips ever so everybody knows - or if you don't know the ones I know yet then you will do soon. It [comedy] attracts such interesting, passionate, raw, edgy, wounded people - but it also attracts predatory men who are really messed up and sexually have been repressed for years. And they get a bit of fame and display these behaviours.

"It just gets covered up. Their agents know and the channels know and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. There's been times when I've just wanted to go on Twitter and just let people know everyone that we talk about, but not allowed to say."