
West London Shadow

Active Member
Cigarette kiosk aside, the disgustingly filthy Liverpool St. branch has now gone fully automated. 1 member of staff attending 25+ people flapping over unreadable barcodes, payment methods, unopenable carrier bags, booze alarms etc... All under the watchful gaze of Mr & Mrs CCTV positioned by the exit door. Bwop bwop... A truly depressing experience... bwop bwop...

In London, you are never more than 20 ft away from a rat or an equally vile branch of Tesco.
You mean that metro opposite the station?

It's a vile store. It's also never got anything in it.
Cigarette kiosk aside, the disgustingly filthy Liverpool St. branch has now gone fully automated. 1 member of staff attending 25+ people flapping over unreadable barcodes, payment methods, unopenable carrier bags, booze alarms etc... All under the watchful gaze of Mr & Mrs CCTV positioned by the exit door. Bwop bwop... A truly depressing experience... bwop bwop...

In London, you are never more than 20 ft away from a rat or an equally vile branch of Tesco.

They are finding it hard with only 3.4bn of your UK pounds profit for last year!!!!

I F&^%ing hate self serve. I would rather queue than do it myself.
So let me get this straight.....there is one member of staff in this Tesco branch ?! :confused: and the rest of it is self service etc etc
:lol::lol::lol: I remember having my first self scanning experience in that very branch about 3 years ago........down for the weekend and popped in on the way back to the hotel about 7.30am :eek: picked up some juice and beers to the continual..

"Please place your item in the bagging area" "Item not recognised" "Please place.." :lol:

"Please wait for assistance" The assistant came over about 4 times for 6 cans, a bottle of wine and a carton of juice :lol:

We were a mixture of :lol::oops::cry::confused: :spank: :lol: - not sure Mrs Tesco found it as amusing as us though - we were probably a bit care in the community!!
I left my Sainsburys store in London (was a Checkout Team Leader) about two months before we were due to get 18 of them. Can imagine what hell they would of caused.

At least with the Tesco ones, you can mute them.
I must admit, and be the only one, to actually not mind the self service check outs....

I use them in Asda and Sainsburys, because the queues are always shocking and i can pack at my own pace and not feel under pressure to pack as quick as the woman in scanning and lobbing my items down at me :eek:

I can understand your frustrations but they can be quick to use, when they co-operate :lol:
They are ok for a few small items - and not alcohol as you have to wait for someone to come over and check you are old enough, slightly irritating. I just use my own bags a lot "recycling" and all that but it just sends the machine haywire.
I must admit, and be the only one, to actually not mind the self service check outs....

I use them in Asda and Sainsburys, because the queues are always shocking and i can pack at my own pace and not feel under pressure to pack as quick as the woman in scanning and lobbing my items down at me :eek:

I can understand your frustrations but they can be quick to use, when they co-operate :lol:

The problem with most stores is that staff are expected to scan at a certain number of items per minute. For Sainsbury's, that number is 19. Or an item every three seconds. Some of the staff I worked with had an scan rate of 25, and usually got complaints from customers for it (an item every two seconds is hard to keep up with).

I don't mind self checkouts, when they work.
Some are stupid, like Morrisons. 'Card Only' means no cash is in it. Yet the self-checkout still offers you cash back... but theres no cash in it. Design flaw.

I prefer the options you get on ASDA ones, like cash back. But I like Tesco and Sainsbury's ones because you can mute the damn things.
The problem with most stores is that staff are expected to scan at a certain number of items per minute. For Sainsbury's, that number is 19. Or an item every three seconds. Some of the staff I worked with had an scan rate of 25, and usually got complaints from customers for it (an item every two seconds is hard to keep up with).

I don't mind self checkouts, when they work.
Some are stupid, like Morrisons. 'Card Only' means no cash is in it. Yet the self-checkout still offers you cash back... but theres no cash in it. Design flaw.

I prefer the options you get on ASDA ones, like cash back. But I like Tesco and Sainsbury's ones because you can mute the damn things.

That is true, my mum works at Tesco and she hates whizzing things through so to speak but they get told off if they dont do enough in the hour or whatever. They get penalised on it so to speak. Apparantly Tescos motto is to get as many people through the tills as quickly as possible even if people hate it.
Try working in one. Glad I'm out of the retail business.
T'was a social place, though.

I worked at Tesco when I was a student part time, great social life, lots of young people in the same boat, regular nights out, met some great friends working there I have to say.
The problem with most stores is that staff are expected to scan at a certain number of items per minute. For Sainsbury's, that number is 19. Or an item every three seconds. Some of the staff I worked with had an scan rate of 25, and usually got complaints from customers for it (an item every two seconds is hard to keep up with).

:eek: wow i actually didnt know this, i wont get the arse so much now when they are wipping them through like they are in a rush to see the back of me :lol: