
I was a store detective in Woolworths. A plain clothes police officer once came up to me & said "keep your eye on those two... they're up to something." I looked round to see two seven year olds rifling through the pic n' mix. Needless so say, I let them & their loot leave the store unapprehended. In fact, I never intervened in any blatant acts of shoplifting for fear of being stabbed.

I guess it was this kind of attitude that brought down the entire Woolworths empire & as hard as it might be, I must shoulder some of that blame.
Alot of security gaurds I've worked with in Sainsbury's say that.
The ones they know who try and shop lift repeatedly, they stop.

The ones who they've not seen before, they let them go. Can't blame them
I love it... selective enforcement! :lol:

I'd be surprised if there wasn't a race element to it
(NOT saying this in accusatory fashion...)
Not so sure, our security guys were either frail white men, or massive black guys.

And they were completely selective on who they stopped.
Not so sure, our security guys were either frail white men, or massive black guys.

And they were completely selective on who they stopped.
Great images in my head of your guards based on that description.

Curious... does it happen when they stop a girl and use leverage to get a phone number?
Great images in my head of your guards based on that description.

Curious... does it happen when they stop a girl and use leverage to get a phone number?

Can't say in my time of working, I saw that many female shop lifters. Certainly not ones you'd want the phone number of, anyway ;)
I really like Aldi -:oops::oops: its got some random stuff in there - I can highly recommend their jars of Wasabi Nuts - whole new level of pain - awesome things!!! 8)
Not so sure, our security guys were either frail white men, or massive black guys.

And they were completely selective on who they stopped.

Our Sainsburys security guards consist of....

1. A fat man who does nothing more than smoke outside the shop with his fat gf


2. An old man who looks about as fit as a dead person

says it all really
Woolworths staff got to keep all damaged items...

Needless to say, there were plenty of in store accidents... one rather voluptuous female colleague seemed to lose all sense of balance when carrying easter eggs.