take that

Barbie said:
Actually I forget to tell you I just put our 6 Take That tickets on Ebay :lol:

Fine, as long as you give me a cut of the profits. :lol:

Btw, Lorna said she accidentally only paid you £30, but she's going to transfer the extra £8.

What's your banner going to say? "HOWARD, WHY CAN'T I WAKE UP WITH YOU?"? :lol:
Holly G said:
Fine, as long as you give me a cut of the profits. :lol:

Btw, Lorna said she accidentally only paid you £30, but she's going to transfer the extra £8.

What's your banner going to say? "HOWARD, WHY CAN'T I WAKE UP WITH YOU?"? :lol:

I hadn't even noticed, you know what I'm like with bank statements :oops: :lol:

Something subtle along those lines I thought :lol:
Holly G said:
Barbie said:
Actually I forget to tell you I just put our 6 Take That tickets on Ebay :lol:

Fine, as long as you give me a cut of the profits. :lol:

Btw, Lorna said she accidentally only paid you £30, but she's going to transfer the extra £8.

What's your banner going to say? "HOWARD, WHY CAN'T I WAKE UP WITH YOU?"? :lol:

Pathetic... a group of middle aged ladieeeeez going to a pop concert :rolleyes:

;) :twisted: :lol:
x-amount said:
Beckiboo said:
If he was hawking food to the starving I'd be with you but it's only entertainment. It's product controlled by supply and demand. Most 'real fans' (i.e. those manipulated by a massive marketing drive as teenagers - not them I'm knocking that in itself) are old enough to have reasonable jobs - paying grego for his quick thinking isn't going to break them.

It just funks me off when people do that, its basically being a ticket tout. They dont even like the band and the specifically buy tickets to make a profit out of them. Many a time I've tried getting tickets for a concert, but they've sold out, and you see people touting them on Ebay for 5 times the going rate :x
You say "most fans" have reasonable jobs and wouldn't mind paying over the odds - sorry but I'm old enough to remember the Take That era but there's no way my wage would cover £600 a ticket :rolleyes:
Sorry but in my opinion I really disagree with making money out of other people's disfortune at being able to get a ticket at going rate :rolleyes:

What she said.

I thk it's a horrible thing to do, especially, if you excuse the dramaticising, with the emotional aspect of it all.

At the end of the day, music means too much to me that I would ever want to stop others from experiencing what I experience when I hear my fave dj/band.

(Oh, and good rant! See... let it all out... feels good, doesn't it?! ;) )

But how is it intrinsically difference from buting and selling any other product? Because you really like it? So I'm ok to rant against people who buy caviar (which we'll assume is my favorite food for the purpose of the exercise) wholesale abroad and then sell it at exhorbitant rates here? Because I really like it.
Buckley said:
But how is it intrinsically difference from buting and selling any other product? Because you really like it? So I'm ok to rant against people who buy caviar (which we'll assume is my favorite food for the purpose of the exercise) wholesale abroad and then sell it at exhorbitant rates here? Because I really like it.
Hmmmm....... :idea:
Buckley said:
x-amount said:
Beckiboo said:
If he was hawking food to the starving I'd be with you but it's only entertainment. It's product controlled by supply and demand. Most 'real fans' (i.e. those manipulated by a massive marketing drive as teenagers - not them I'm knocking that in itself) are old enough to have reasonable jobs - paying grego for his quick thinking isn't going to break them.

It just funks me off when people do that, its basically being a ticket tout. They dont even like the band and the specifically buy tickets to make a profit out of them. Many a time I've tried getting tickets for a concert, but they've sold out, and you see people touting them on Ebay for 5 times the going rate :x
You say "most fans" have reasonable jobs and wouldn't mind paying over the odds - sorry but I'm old enough to remember the Take That era but there's no way my wage would cover £600 a ticket :rolleyes:
Sorry but in my opinion I really disagree with making money out of other people's disfortune at being able to get a ticket at going rate :rolleyes:

What she said.

I thk it's a horrible thing to do, especially, if you excuse the dramaticising, with the emotional aspect of it all.

At the end of the day, music means too much to me that I would ever want to stop others from experiencing what I experience when I hear my fave dj/band.

(Oh, and good rant! See... let it all out... feels good, doesn't it?! ;) )

But how is it intrinsically difference from buting and selling any other product? Because you really like it? So I'm ok to rant against people who buy caviar (which we'll assume is my favorite food for the purpose of the exercise) wholesale abroad and then sell it at exhorbitant rates here? Because I really like it.

legally yes.

Hurting your 'fellow' Take That fan, and morally, no. She is not a business, and her opportunist (although yes, every business is oportunist to an extent, but...) act serving just to milk money out of the situation is wrong.

Say you own a food outlet. If you're in an isolated place, due to natural disaster or something, do you quadruple your prices accordingly? (and that example doesn;t take into account to this sense of togetherness, bound by your music tastes, in my example, 'your fellow raver'? IYSWIM)

You could do it quite legally, but you'll never get me to say I condone the situation.

(Oh, and Mr Caviar importer grafts for his contact, and bears the cost that of risk of seasonal downturns, or that the business goes under. And I was under the impression the massive taxes and restrictions on sturgeon (or whatever) fishing are what makes caviar expensive?)
x-amount said:
I was under the impression the massive taxes and restrictions on sturgeon (or whatever) fishing are what makes caviar expensive?
It's weird. You'd think so, but it's not entirely true.

Nowadays, there are more CITES restrictions which has driven up the price.

But even a few years ago, when there were no such restrictions, I could buy 100g jar for around $15-30 our here and saw them sold for $100 or more in European airports. I'm not sure how much of that is duties and how much is pure speculation.

One time, when out near the Caspian, I bought a kilo for $40. :eek:

Back on topic, concert tickets are a good and/or service. The idea of buying a good and/or service and reselling it at a higher price based on demand is one of the purest forms of capitalism. Nothing immoral in that.
Buckley said:
If he was hawking food to the starving I'd be with you but it's only entertainment. It's product controlled by supply and demand.

x-amount said:
Say you own a food outlet. If you're in an isolated place, natural disaster or something,

Already covered Dan. Concert tickets are a luxury not water in the desert.

Wicked - tonight's first debating topic already sorted! :p
Beckiboo said:
Pathetic... a group of middle aged ladieeeeez going to a pop concert :rolleyes:

Pathetic... a group of middle aged men giving to a pop concert :rolleyes:

btw touting is a coward's game

i have though, just bought 2 tix for mrs russ's xmas pressie to the wembly gig. hopefully she will want to take a friend otherwise i might have to go. help
x-amount said:
Morbyd said:
purest forms of capitalism. Nothing immoral in that.

Very funny. Look, if you're not going to take this seriously, than please exit the thread.

I mean really...

Apologies for not being serious enough about such a serious topic as.... Take That :lol:
russ said:
btw touting is a coward's game

Touts who hang around outside footy matches are often violent sods who force rates for their product up by intimidating any competitors. But this isn't like that touting.

If Grego had bought a job lot of ornate picture frames which he/she (I'm confused here now after reading some people saying 'she' above) was pretty damn sure would be extremely popular and sold them at a profit, would you consider that out of order? Or is that only the case if you are personally very keen on the product?
Buckley said:
Buckley said:
If he was hawking food to the starving I'd be with you but it's only entertainment. It's product controlled by supply and demand.

x-amount said:
Say you own a food outlet. If you're in an isolated place, natural disaster or something,

Already covered Dan. Concert tickets are a luxury not water in the desert.

Wicked - tonight's first debating topic already sorted! :p


Whilst it's not a 'water in the desert' (apols - forgot bit in your post), being snatched of the chance to go see your fave band is pretty low. And what about the 'screaming kid' that now can't go? The pain that they'll go through, just so grego can earn a few quid?

Stop me if I'm wrong.

If you can't see that him buying tickets for money, and thus denying a fan (whilist not directly the case, though in a roundabout way) the chance to go is immoral, then I'm bemised. Especially a place with such highly strung fans/occaision like re-living their youth. Fairplay if you're playing devil' but it is wrong IMO.
Morbyd said:
x-amount said:
Morbyd said:
purest forms of capitalism. Nothing immoral in that.

Very funny. Look, if you're not going to take this seriously, than please exit the thread.

I mean really...

Apologies for not being serious enough about such a serious topic as.... Take That :lol:

Ok, go on, say it again, only this time with a straight face. I dare ya.

Do you really 'ucking think there's nothing wrong in capitalism? (and that's coming from pretty much a deluded yet die hard capitalist)
x-amount said:
Stop me if I'm wrong.
x-amount said:
Do you really 'ucking think there's nothing wrong in capitalism? (and that's coming from pretty much a deluded yet die hard capitalist)
In general? No, I don't see much wrong with it.

I think that I, like most, see some areas where there need to be some limits... Take That tickets are not among them. :lol: