sweaties invade manchester

seville 2003 celtic lose 3-2 but dont riot or leave 20 tons of rubbish lying at their arses and celtic are welcomed to barcelona rangers arnt it must have been bad down in manchester real die hard rangers fans i work with that can handle theirselfes said they had never seen anything like it rangers fans attacking each other and anyone that got in the way they also said people where going in to the sqaures with shopping trollys full of drink at lunch time that was never going to turn out good as the real rangers fans are saying up here shop the yobs
interesting post by a Man U fan on one of their forums that worked as a steward on the day

seems that they let too many people into the Picadilly Gardens area and feared that should rangers score, there might be a massive crush

so they had no intention of showing the game there - but instead of informing people at 5pm giving them time to move to other venues - they left it to 8pm

and funny how the Velodrome - originally intended to be a car park - was suddenly somewhere to go and watch the game and shuttle buses were suddenly avaliable
what a week it is so far :lol: Rangers gubbed in the UEFA Cup Final, and today
Motherwell 1 -1 Rangers, you beauty, im sooo excited

Rangers can you feel it slip away :p:lol::lol: we're going to win the league :D:D:D:D:D

Roll on Dundee next Thursday, the title showdown i can hardly wait8)
pint sized people always need to shout to get their point across

what a week it is so far :lol: Rangers gubbed in the UEFA Cup Final, and today
Motherwell 1 -1 Rangers, you beauty, im sooo excited

Rangers can you feel it slip away :p:lol::lol: we're going to win the league :D:D:D:D:D

Roll on Dundee next Thursday, the title showdown i can hardly wait8)

Quadruple? Laugh? I nearly died!!

I reckon when McManus lifts the trophy on thursday night it'll be the greatest comeback since Nazareth...

Hail Hail
i spent an hour in Piccadily Gardens
all good natured
some cops talking to guys nearby commented on the lack of toilet facilities there and when i took a small wander about there seemed to be no bins of note

the small percentage that insigated the mayhem should be ashamed of themselves
we've gone all across Europe this season and in previous ones without arrests or incidents

these "people" are not true Rangers fans - clearly hangers-on looking to get pished and when the screens went down saw an opportunity

got to add that Manchester's organisation was a disgrace
added to the bins/toilets i noted above

1. lack of signage etc to show where things were

2. trains finishing round about the time of the fans coming back from the stadium (i had to wait in freezing Picadilly station from 11:30 to 4:50am) - even the cops in the station were bemused

the station resembled an airport lounge with a couple of delayed planes

3. hundreds in taxi queues at Picadilly with no taxis appearing

4. shuttle buses to the stadium - none after

these all apply to both Rangers and Zenit fans as well - and no annoucements in the station in Russian

the general consensus was that Manchester took the money and once they had it basically said "F*** you"

Manchester were warned that 100,000 there could be a conservative estimate
clearly they did not take heed


Well done to Macdonsj for you reply above.... i was at Piccadilly Gardens myself the enitre day and there was no sign of any trouble until latter that night.

Just like to point out that it was not Rangers Fans who caused these riots, it was the randomers who were only there to get pissed and saw an opportunity to cause trouble when the screen went down. Notice in the papers etc all the pictures of these people creating are not wearing colours... Just RANDOMERS... who have given the rest of us a bad name.

Manchester was warned to expect 100,000 people and they were not even the least bit prepared so who does all this look bad on... Yes that would be us!!!
Just like to point out that it was not Rangers Fans who caused these riots, it was the randomers who were only there to get pissed and saw an opportunity to cause trouble when the screen went down. Notice in the papers etc all the pictures of these people creating are not wearing colours... Just RANDOMERS... who have given the rest of us a bad name.

Manchester was warned to expect 100,000 people and they were not even the least bit prepared so who does all this look bad on... Yes that would be us!!!

Eh, so in the CCTV footage of the policeman getting tripped up then having the **** kicked out of him and his arm broken the rangers tops have all been superimposed? Or in the the photographs of the fans clashing with the riot police, are those actually Portsmouth tops that some cheeky journalist has scribbled a rangers badge onto? Accept it, some of your fans, even if you are not, are hooligans and out to cause trouble, and I wouldn't be surprised if more of the same happened up in Aberdeen and in Glasgow tomorrow after we take the league flag home.

And I can't see how Manchester can be blamed, UEFAs official stance is that fans shouldn't travel to games without tickets, you were lucky they showed the courtesy to put up big screens and relax drinking laws for the afternoon. How can you blame Manchester for a technical fault on a big screen? They did send an engineer to try and fix it...oh, wait, you pelted him with bottles and chased him away.

Stop moaning that everyone (UEFA, The SPL, Manchester, English Police, Spanish Police, Artur Boruc etc etc) is out to get you, it's getting tiring and we want to enjoy our three in a row in peace!!! (Well, not in peace, we've got dreams and songs to sing but im sure you can catch my drift...)