SW4 Rollcall....

Actually can I recall that idea like you can on with an email?? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just remembered what I was like last time on an afternoon of Pimms and sunshine.......

Well the ingredients of Pimms and how to make it is a well kept secret and only known to select few, apparently In other words fcuks knows what they put in it but it does the job!!8)
She can be very persuasive.

Count me in too.


what? you mean batter your head into submission???

Phil said you and Daz are in charge and are being held responsible for any misbehaving that may occur, I do reckon with some (clever and light) persuasion on your part he may be swayed to join us on the crusade ;)
I am quite adept at getting my own way I'll have you know...... without fluttering anything - its all about negotiation......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Althought I pride myself on working things so that people see that "my idea is really a dead good idea ever and you might not agree now, but you will agree later"- I had a battle on my hands in persuading Mr PL to come along to this - he was happy to leave me in the capable hands of Messrs Gingerfreak and The Fox..... (so he said anyway) I have been trying to persuade* him (read nag!) to no avail until Messrs GF and The Fox thought of a ploy to get him to come...... (they do subtle - I dont!) and lo and behold it worked - so one more for the roll call Mr Puppylover....

I am soooo happy today :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I am planning on walking round SW4, rather like the cider girls of Ibiza wearing a "Ghost Busters stylee back Pack" full of the stuff, pouring Pimms, Ill be wearing a wide brimmed hat with flowers and a tea dress to complete the look....
So CANNOT wait for this! you guys think the weather will be ok?! I think it's going to be poo! I've seen really unluck ywith festie's this year! Was meant to go to the Renaissance one, but that got canx 2 days before! :-(

Anyone up for meeting by the way?!!?