So, five years after this conversation started, I finally got around to making hierbas at home
The first hurdle we had to overcome is that it appears that no one is importing any Spanish anisette to Russia. We found one French brand but not in the quantities we required (about 30 liters). We bought a bottle of sambuca to test but decided the flavor was all wrong (makers of sambuca and pastis tend to add licorice on top of anise).
So, we made our own anisette!
Pretty easy, actually - 8 liters of 95% alcohol, 22 liters of water, 9 kg of sugar and 3 bottles of anise extract.
You have to combine the sugar and part of the water into a syrup before adding it.
In the bottle on the left is 15 liters of anisette. It turned out surprisingly well!
The one on the right, still in progress.
I found a couple of recipes on the Internet and gathered most of the necessary herbs, although for about half of them we had to settle for dried versions. We also added a couple of typical Russian herbs, just to give it a local twist.
And here we go! 30 liters of
Hierbas de Moscu
Now the waiting begins! It's supposed to sit for at least 6 months but we need it for an event mid-July so it'll have to come sooner.
We've got 100-odd 250 ml bottles to put it in.
With thanks to
@McRackin for some advice (I hope we haven't done this totally wrong!)