Suggestions on Hotels in Playa d'en Bossa


New Member
We stayed at Es Vive last year. This year we would like to stay closer to Space and Bora Bora.
Any suggestions on where to stay? We are coming at the end of June.
how about jet apartments, next to bora bora and space i think, i have never stayed there but lots of people on here have stayed there.....

sorry not much help really....
Funnily enough, I stayed at Jet and Es Vive this year. I preferred Jet to be honest. Obviously not as good quality or peaceful, but the rooms and appartments we had were much bigger in Jet, and it was really in the thick of things. Ancient People was situated directly underneath it, Bora Bora is a 2 min walk, as is Space. Lots of (not fantasticly good TBH) restaurants, and bars also.
Go for Jet if you don't mind it to be pretty basic, I've stayed there a couple of times, I wouldn't stay there for more than a wk tho cos the rooms aren't the best.
Jet seems to be the place to well i hope so cos im gonna be stayin there around the same time flick. last week in june for exactly the same reasons of wanting to be alot closer to bora bora and space. seems to be highly recommended for bein in the middle of things by everyone on here anyway. maybe c ya there... ;)
we are discussing this same topic in" nicest hotels in Ibiza". i seem to lean toward the jet apartments cause there on the beach. but not as nice. es vive seems to have more of a nicer feel to it by what everyone is saying. the larger places seem to far away from the beach. one question about the smaller ones is if u sleep all day will it be quiet. i am a old clubber (45) looking for sun and wild happy atmosphere, looking to go in late june and early july for 10 days. i grew up in ny and always would stay out in the wee hours. :D california closes at 130am :cry:
no way!

I personally wouldnt live there! There are way too many airplanes flying over the beach and the sound is horrible! You cant enjoy your tanning, as you constantly think the planes are gonna crash on top of you, because of the scary noise!

Just a thought*! 8O
Perhaps jet isnt for you if you're gonna need some peace and quiet (and, by the way, I think your attutude stinks!!!), because it has Ancient people below it, which is the main 24 hr bar outside of San An.
I was at the Hotel Club Garbi (look the hotel section of ibiza spotlight, it's mentioned there). Quit a good hotel and sea view from every room (sunrise was beautiful!!!!!!!). Of course the planes are flying over the hotel, but as i liked planes they didn't disturb me and to be honest, they're not that loud (no 747s *lol*).
They only thing that sucked was the pool animator at 3 in the evening and the food in the restaurant, but there are so many cheap possibilities in eivissa, so that wasn't a problem.
Re: no way!

ibizagirl said:
I personally wouldnt live there! There are way too many airplanes flying over the beach and the sound is horrible! You cant enjoy your tanning, as you constantly think the planes are gonna crash on top of you, because of the scary noise!

Just a thought*! 8O

That's one of the reasons why I love staying in Playa den Bossa - the planes going overhead, you can't beat that feeling when loads of people down at Bora Bora cheer everytime a plane goes past.
yes barbie, that's really fantastic, it was so amazing. Also at Space it was the same, i loved the atmosphere on the terrace .... AMAZING!!!!!
Lele said:
yes barbie, that's really fantastic, it was so amazing. Also at Space it was the same, i loved the atmosphere on the terrace .... AMAZING!!!!!

It's even better at DC10 when the planes go over, they are so damn low, sometimes you think they are just skimming the canapy :o
Re: no way!

ibizagirl said:
There are way too many airplanes flying over the beach and the sound is horrible! You cant enjoy your tanning, as you constantly think the planes are gonna crash on top of you, because of the scary noise!

watch out - another damn plane!! 8O

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

love it. i grew up in ny and the big planes flew over the highway and in the summer the concorde would fly over my house...great shot
Lele said:
They only thing that sucked was the pool animator at 3 in the evening

All the Fiesta hotels suffer from the same problems.

1. Pool animators are tossers who think that people who fly to Ibiza really want to be woken up first thing in the morning by some twat shouting shit over a loudspeaker right outside their balconies. God, what a nightmare we had coming in from Pache with severe hang-overs to be woken one hour after crashing out by this din.
2. The bathroom water is salt water in all Fiesta hotels, what a f***ing joke. I complained like mad but the response I got was that it was like this all over the island. Funny how the shower unit on Bora Bora feeds nice clean water though isn't it!

3. Lack of 24-hour bar! Whats better than coming in and seeing some cool people at the bar with whom you can party on with!

The moral is to look for clubbing friendly venues, it makes a big difference. The best hotel I stayed at was in the Hotel Bahia in San Antonio. A shame they couldn't have this in Ibiza Town. Has anyone stayed at thge Ocean Drive or even better the Pacha Hotel?
Lele said:
They only thing that sucked was the pool animator at 3 in the evening

All the Fiesta hotels suffer from the same problems.

1. Pool animators are tossers who think that people who fly to Ibiza really want to be woken up first thing in the morning by some twat shouting shit over a loudspeaker right outside their balconies. God, what a nightmare we had coming in from Pache with severe hang-overs to be woken one hour after crashing out by this din.
2. The bathroom water is salt water in all Fiesta hotels, what a f***ing joke. I complained like mad but the response I got was that it was like this all over the island. Funny how the shower unit on Bora Bora feeds nice clean water though isn't it!

3. Lack of 24-hour bar! Whats better than coming in and seeing some cool people at the bar with whom you can party on with!

The moral is to look for clubbing friendly venues, it makes a big difference. The best hotel I stayed at was in the Hotel Bahia in San Antonio. A shame they couldn't have this in Ibiza Town. Has anyone stayed at thge Ocean Drive or even better the Pacha Hotel?
Lele said:
They only thing that sucked was the pool animator at 3 in the evening

All the Fiesta hotels suffer from the same problems.

1. Pool animators are tossers who think that people who fly to Ibiza really want to be woken up first thing in the morning by some twat shouting shit over a loudspeaker right outside their balconies. God, what a nightmare we had coming in from Pacha with severe hang-overs to be woken one hour after crashing out by this din.

2. The bathroom water is salt water in all Fiesta hotels, what a f***ing joke. I complained like mad but the response I got was that it was like this all over the island. Funny how the shower unit on Bora Bora beach feeds nice clean water though isn't it!

3. Lack of 24-hour bar! Whats better than coming in and seeing some cool people at the bar with whom you can party on with!

The moral is to look for clubbing friendly venues, it makes a big difference. The best hotel I stayed at was in the Hotel Bahia in San Antonio. A shame they couldn't have this in Ibiza Town. Has anyone stayed at thge Ocean Drive or even better the Pacha Hotel?
When A plane flies over in Bora Bora its one of the best things on Gods earth. Its soo good 'cos everyone knows its kinda ibizan tradition, so everyone works with each other and raises the atmosphere and tries to out-cheer each other!

Its also good if your there all day, and early on, there not really nothing but a slight murmur as a plane flys over, and then gradually the cheers get louder and loder as the day progresses.

Now, when a plane flys over and theres a breakdown in the song (so its quieter) now that is the bomb!

Im gonna have to stop now, cos im gonna do my nut if i think any more about this!!!
When A plane flies over in Bora Bora its one of the best things on Gods earth. Its soo good 'cos everyone knows its kinda ibizan tradition, so everyone works with each other and raises the atmosphere and tries to out-cheer each other!

Its also good if your there all day, and early on, there not really nothing but a slight murmur as a plane flys over, and then gradually the cheers get louder and loder as the day progresses.

Now, when a plane flys over and theres a breakdown in the song (so its quieter) now that is the bomb!

Im gonna have to stop now, cos im gonna do my nut if i think any more about this!!!