stupidity in ibiza reaching all-time high

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any1 knows what exactly happened to that sailing boat between jockey club and sa trinxa? just wondering ?


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any1 knows what exactly happened to that sailing boat between jockey club and sa trinxa? just wondering ?
It went down in May !!! - apparently tried to re-float it but too much water in it - the owner is a foreigner & has left the island so who knows what happens next ???
It went down in May !!! - apparently tried to re-float it but too much water in it - the owner is a foreigner & has left the island so who knows what happens next ???
thanks for the info! how can the owner just leave it like that?
strange that the authorities don’t react and get it towed away, it’s not a nice sight to look at it?
thanks for the info! how can the owner just leave it like that?
strange that the authorities don’t react and get it towed away, it’s not a nice sight to look at it?
yeah I've seen it in June too. The boat was still a bit more vertical then.There was a guy swimming towards it then and climbing on it. Perhaps he hoped there was something of value there...
It went down in May !!! - apparently tried to re-float it but too much water in it - the owner is a foreigner & has left the island so who knows what happens next ???
When I saw it it looked like the keel had been torn off, leaving a big hole, so it's not going to be floating anywhere I don't think.
thanks for the info! how can the owner just leave it like that?
strange that the authorities don’t react and get it towed away, it’s not a nice sight to look at it?

If the owner officially abandonend the ship it belongs to everyone who just wants to take it.
Lying on the beach it is a matter vor the authorities. A waterside salvage will probably probably not work due to shallow waters. The only thing possible, cut it in pieces have it lifted via a mobile crane and brought to a landfill on a lorry.
Sounds like an expensive operation and who knows the ownership structure? Maybe a private person or a limited company, both most probably without any assets and no chance for the authorities to claim back the costs.

Best approach probably to wait for the next storm and hope that it will be swept into the water and afterwards hopefully drifting to Northern Africa.
If that was UK the Coast Guard and Fire Bregade would likely jointly on-shore what's left of it. I've no doubt local volunteers would then have got the debris removed if the Council didn't. Can't actually believe it's been left for so long in such a significant spot as an eyesore for the whole Summer. There have been a few storms since it wound up there and it's gone nowhere !
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