stupidity in ibiza reaching all-time high

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The most upsetting article I've seen in a long time... Sometimes I wish I didn't check the newspapers!

Here's a great new word, Stivi: alcabotarro! :lol:
JLF speaking the truth once again...
Leyre L.


Years ago I used to come by myself to this cave in Esvedra on full moon nigths .
You could bring a simple mattress and some candles and spend a beautiful nigth in an empty cave .The day after you will clean the space , take your things, give thanks and go.
Today after 2-3 years I visited the cave and I found it FULL FULL FULL of all type of things... I understand that for some people to leave objects have some kind of symbolic meaning but personally instead of finding a regenerating empty cave in nature I found a space like a human mind ,full of thoughts and wishes trapped in objects covered in dust .
I was not anymore attracted to spend time there It was like being in the house of a grandmother who piles up things since 1890 and never clean them and that she does not even longer lives in the house!
On the way back, just in 10 min you can collect from the floor 300 cigarette butts.
I will love to see this cave empty again , a breath ,a tought, a song,a pray , or just being present there will fill the space without human trace.
Really,For what are all these objects??


A mansion of almost 1,000 m2 processed in a fully protected area of Cala d'Hort
The complex will include a main building of 430 m2, basement of 60 m2, an annex of 80 m2, large swimming pool and terraces, all in ANEI and LIC
The Consell and the Govern have already given their approval

A total residential complex will occupy about 1,000 square meters between buildings, pools and terraces, is about to get planning permission by the City of Sant Josep in a fully protected area of Cala d'Hort, particularly in a place declared Area Natural Special Interest (ISNA) and site of Community Interest (SCI).

Neither these two forms of protection, nor the fact that the farm is populated by endemic plants and endangered species
not appear to have been a problem for institutions governed by the progressives in both Ibiza and Mallorca, have given approval to this project ...
stupidity ... in formentera ...

The danger of strutting with her bare chest bare before a motorist [video]

Summer brings numerous driving violations, irresponsible attitudes and actions that pose a serious danger on the roads of Ibiza and Formentera.

The video shown below is an example.
Two young girls cycling and wearing a simple bikini panties on the roads of Formentera. The other main character is a biker who does not hesitate to record the action, complimenting the young and as close as you can on your bike, regardless at any time the meters apart to be maintained if overtaking a cyclist

Young, meanwhile, especially the one that goes first, is not averse to compliments and no doubt strutting on the bike showing their attributes without compunction.

The end of the scene does not end here. And is that during the recording you can see how at a given moment, the girl who seconds before palmito- no doubt look down on the side of the road.

The motorcyclist, responsible for conducting the recording, nor succor noticed the girl or stop his motorcycle to check the status of the injured, despite the long journey he made with her.

Definitely a more irresponsible attitude on the part of one and the other.

Martin I. shocked here: Ayuntamiento De Sant Antoni De Portmany
Its absolutely insane how these prostitutes and street thugs work at the start of the West End, by Koppas. Been out here for a half hour pretending to be on the phone and seen three whores surround a drunk man at la caixa, he entered his pin and they took out a wad of money. They totally saw him enter his pin too, I'm sure they also have his debit card!

So many of the thugs pretending to be cool, giving high fives and then they reach in to the victims pockets. One takes the wallet, while the others do the distracting. I tried to get some pics, also warn some fellas to watch out for their belongings, but got approached by a thug asking if I had a problem. Told him to f*** off that I was busy talking on the phone.

Called the cops twice but they just rolled by without stopping. I'm not a certified police officer, let alone an investigator, but it only took me 30 min to notice about 10 of these scumbags were bad news. These cops are a bunch of cowards and don't deserve to wear the uniform nor work for this city. It's time that the elected city officials do something about this or resign to let someone with some balls handle it.

Absolutely insane! I had no idea it was this bad.
ive always wondered what is the significance was of these little piles of rocks I often see not only in Ibiza but in other parts of Spain?.....please enlighten me if you know?:(

Originally these are, as namaste said, landmarks. But what many of those 200 € wearing sandals hippies don't know is that in spiritual environments they represent the male organ.
It's time to get militant... Torch their f***ing cars and run them out of town. Or back to their yachts anyway,they can watch the cars burn from there.
Wow, another one.
And I hoped the Modball 2017 EUROPE RALLY - SATURDAY JUNE 24 - SATURDAY July 1 2017: LONDON – IBIZA would have been more than enough.

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