stupidity in ibiza reaching all-time high

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A hiker, José Luis Rodríguez Gómez, outdoorsman, found last Monday in sa Punta Grossa lighthouse in Sant Vicent, a graffiti that have sparked outrage. The young man hanged himself in his profile Facebook some snapshots to report graffiti appeared on the base of the lighthouse and a few more in surrounding the same elements.

Rodriguez Gomez says in a text included in the complaint in social networks that "ground never make photo reports but I have today indignation over is too big to keep quiet. Today I visited one of those who consider most idyllic locations of Ibiza, the lighthouse of Punta Grossa ... and you can not imagine what has been already far distinguish a painted on its facade ...
Whats inside the head of the person who decides to leave his mark on such an emblematic place? It seems totally stupid damaging a figure like the lighthouse to paint something so ridiculous. The desire for destruction and go over all of the human race is overwhelming, "he concludes.


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Gary C.
Are there any law abiding citizens left in ibiza?

Karen G.
Seriously NO

Gary C.
Every f***er making there own rules up its a joke....

:lol: :twisted:

Expedientan a mansion of Sant Agusti for multiple violations
Neighbors reported continuous holidays, huge expansions and unlicensed tourism


The Consell de Ibiza Ibiza confirmed yesterday that it has opened disciplinary proceedings against a huge mansion of Sant Agusti
, known as Villa SA CLARO, tourism exercise without having the required authorization. Inspectors, alerted by a complaint from the local police in Sant Josep, went to that building in late July and currently is dealing with the case. However, a period of claims and other proceedings before the Consell issued, if applicable, the cessation of the activity that takes place there, and repeatedly advertised online remains.

However, this is not the only problem that creates this mansion, since neighbors have complained to this newspaper "the sound of music" that "rumbles" in homes that are in the vicinity, but can be heard kilometers away.
As usual in other cases, residents say the local police in Sant Josep respond that "can do nothing" to this offense, said one of the neighbors.

In addition, this housing weighs an order of demolition, which has never been executed by "extensions to the beast, and breaking the law," said the neighbors, who sent this newspaper a photo album where construction of extensions is appreciated and apartments under the pool.

"During the time of opening of nightclubs, festivals throughout the day are performed continuously every day, and even got to see drink distributors that distribute their trucks inside the house," they explained.
"Despite the demolition order and records this past winter again expansion work was done and neighbors see dumbfounded how some days came up to 20 or 30 concrete trucks," added the note sent to this newspaper, which they relate to housing as "a new Lola home."
Nathan V.,

2013: Install sound limiter XXXX Ibiza at a cost of €3000. Its this expensive as we have to install ONLY the official limiter that the town hall confirms is the correct one, and even then ONLY via their official installer. It 100% cannot be installed yourself, or sourced yourself to cut costs.

2016: Inspection comes in and now the town hall says "This limiter no longer meets the standards we require. You will need to fit another one... at a further cost of €3000"

Congratulations San Antonio town hall. I didn't think you could be this incompetent or this desperate to "limit" the sound levels in a bar that one limiter that stops the music at the official decibel level, is any different to another one that does exactly the same thing.

But of course, I should be the one to foot a €3000 bill for it. Of course I should. Its not your fault, nor your problem that you made me buy something that is now obsolete even though the new item you want me to buy does EXACTLY THE SAME THING. Nor will it be my fault that next week it will be obsolete again and I'll have to pay again.

Taxi!!!! I'm off out of here.

Stacey C.

We've just had the exact same, except they 'lowered' the level we are allowed! And even though we had it fitted within 24 hours they continue to come in a re check it's been done!
All the while 20 pickpockets stand outside and rob anything that's moving
so happy we pay these idiots wages!

Anthony M.

They don't give a f*** about the actual crime that goes on in the town because they cant make any money from locking up Looky Lookys in a cell, that costs them money.

So instead they focus on the hardline acts such as music issues and what time you have your door open until, or if you have someone stood on the doorstep of your own f***ing business greeting customers, which is standard practise in holiday resorts around the world.

They are punishing the very people who invest the most money into the towns economy and letting the criminals have a field day terrorizing and scamming tourists...

Said it many times before, the full legislation system of San Antonio is nothing short of diabolical...
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Nathan V.,

2013: Install sound limiter XXXX Ibiza at a cost of €3000. Its this expensive as we have to install ONLY the official limiter that the town hall confirms is the correct one, and even then ONLY via their official installer. It 100% cannot be installed yourself, or sourced yourself to cut costs.

2016: Inspection comes in and now the town hall says "This limiter no longer meets the standards we require. You will need to fit another one... at a further cost of €3000"

Congratulations San Antonio town hall. I didn't think you could be this incompetent or this desperate to "limit" the sound levels in a bar that one limiter that stops the music at the official decibel level, is any different to another one that does exactly the same thing.

But of course, I should be the one to foot a €3000 bill for it. Of course I should. Its not your fault, nor your problem that you made me buy something that is now obsolete even though the new item you want me to buy does EXACTLY THE SAME THING. Nor will it be my fault that next week it will be obsolete again and I'll have to pay again.

Taxi!!!! I'm off out of here.

Stacey C.

We've just had the exact same, except they 'lowered' the level we are allowed! And even though we had it fitted within 24 hours they continue to come in a re check it's been done!
All the while 20 pickpockets stand outside and rob anything that's moving so happy we pay these idiots wages!

Anthony M.

They don't give a f*** about the actual crime that goes on in the town because they cant make any money from locking up Looky Lookys in a cell, that costs them money.

So instead they focus on the hardline acts such as music issues and what time you have your door open until, or if you have someone stood on the doorstep of your own f***ing business greeting customers, which is standard practise in holiday resorts around the world.

They are punishing the very people who invest the most money into the towns economy and letting the criminals have a field day terrorizing and scamming tourists...

Said it many times before, the full legislation system of San Antonio is nothing short of diabolical...


Pinguin Rock Bar said:
Bar opens again tonight but unfortunately with the music behind a limiter so clean your ears if you wanna listen to the music because it's on a very low level,thanx townhall you bastards!!!!!
Alejandro B.
Fotos denuncia. No maltracteu ses nostres Pitïuses.
Estoy más que harto de no poder descansar por culpa de los "guiris" a quien alquilan turísticamente apartamentos que legalmente se pueden alquilar, y para colmo cuando se les pide silencio, te saltan con lo sé "esto es Ibiza"
esto pasa todos los días madrugada a grito pelado, portazos,gritos etc
que pongan un teléfono donde se pueda denunciar, lo peor es que hay hasta un concejal de San Antonio que es el que más alquileres lleva este verano, si eso no es corrupción!!
que hace el ayuntamiento para parar esto?? Nada de nada!!!
his version now is that he is innocent.
the flare was shot by accident during a "safety course". :confused: :spank: :lol:

no doubt you hold a safety course when only 2 from 8 crew members are on board ...

The defendant claims that the fire was "accidental" and the captain made notes that were a safety course

The fire of s'Espalmador accused has argued before the judge of the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Eivissa, Santiago Pinsach that the flare was "accidentally" fired. As pointed out by his lawyer, Danielle Mundura, the defendant, who has been released with charges, he noted that it was an "accidental fact."

In addition, the judge has ordered the seizure of the vessel 'Ruah' Slovenian flag and owned by a Slovenian company and the declaration of the master of the vessel.
This statement will take place tomorrow.

Safety course
The captain, meanwhile, told the Civil Guard, which at the time when the flare, which caused the fire soared, were providing a safety course.
Since the Civil Guard do not give credit to this version as if it were that this course of security measures on board should have done the first day of navigation and not on the second.
Furthermore, the fact that at the time when, supposedly, was teaching the course had on board only two of the eight persons occupying the ship, Slovenian flag, including the detainee is given.

Also called into question if a course of security measures is done is left in the hands of someone who has no knowledge a flare

=> summary:
complete bullshit that this flare could have been fired "by mistake".

... The 'RUAH', the yacht from which the flare that ignited s'Espalmador was launched, has been transferred to the port of Valencia, where he was based and where it will be sealed by court order ...
... Both italiansd released with charges, but as a precautionary measure, the judge ordered the freezing of the yacht in order to cover at least a portion of the liability for serious damage on the island. By the time these damages are incalculable. Dozens of people participated throughout the night from Saturday to Sunday last in extinguishing the fire ...
Miguel Vericad, the minister defended the tourist towel against abuse
The Ibizan Minister of Environment complaint a couple of beaches on the coast of Sant Josep where there are people who try to appropriating the public domain area and even pose severe threats to those who want to bathe there


The Minister recommends that when someone comes across a similar case call the police through 112 and then report the fact to the City Council and the Coastal for the record.

"Mafioso behavior"

But Vericad warns that even worse is what happens further north, near Platges de Comte:
"In this area there are a set of four or five houses which was taken over a Russian oligarch. There they directly threaten people. By the time you're walking down the easement area or the coastal area of rocks, one people appear with pinganillo seriously threatening you. " In his view, what is happening there "is outrageous. It is a mafioso behavior in the public domain. This can not afford. "

"First come their way Vericad- 'says a couple of guys in uniform of a security company ruled that, without touching at any time because they know that the play, do not let you go and try to hinder you even though it is the bonded area on the way. First they tell you is private. They are putting forward so you can not access. You only spend if elusive. If they fail to stop you, they send thugs with very bad arts kick you out threats. "

It ensures that if swimming or boating access to one of the rocks, which are also public domain, it is the same, "some men with pinganillo appear. One of them is a mace, a black man about two meters high, you start screaming in English piss you go to the door of your f***ing house. Seriously threatens you until you achantas and go because the degree of threats and verbal violence is so strong you think you are going to stick. "

Hammocks work on the coast
Below, in a kind of port, "have a false authorization season," says Vericad: "I do not know why not yet been taken away" from Costas. In that house, where among others have stayed the actor Leonardo di Caprio, "they have even built a deck work, works that are illegal."

The insular Department of Environment, remember Vericad, already he denounced this house "because without any license a basement of 500 square meters was built."

Witness this situation (which is repeated for decades) and threats has been the mayor, Josep Marí Ribas "A year ago we went there accompanied by a local policeman, who identified the guards." Vericad says that among those who identified themselves as workers of this house "were plainclothes policemen."

unreal whats going on these days just a few steps to the left from sunset ashram ...

Citizens rebelling against the occupation of the coast in Sant Josep :)

Several citizen groups rebelled Sunday against occupations in the public domain.
After a long summer jams on the roads, illegal moorings on seagrass and many other irregularities, several people decided to go at different times of day, to the coastal area occupied by a jetty and a wooden platforms installed by the ownership of a mansions located on the cliffs of Platges de Comte.


If in the morning a large group of people agreed to the area, including the deputy Aitor Morrás, despite impediments employee safety, afternoon did another group of people, in which Olivia Barrabés was. Barrabés, who came to the area in the afternoon with other people and dogs, has related to Noudiari these employees housing assured them they could go to access the coast but not stay in the existing platform and has direct access from housing. In this wooden platform you can see how they have installed hammocks and other elements of rest.

According Barrabés one of the security guards showed them a paper that would show they have permission to install Costas hammocks and kayaks. As for the attitude, Barrabés explained that although they were not aggressive, ways were not the kindest: "There was a time when I cornered me four guys. We had to stop the feet and tell them not to come out more, "he says. Barrabés says a man appeared aboard a zodiac, and they think is the owner of the apartment, the Russian tycoon Vladimir Doronin, with very bad manners. "That one was more aggressive," he says. This individual rebuked them saying they had come to disturb his home.

Complaint with the Civil Guard and lel City Hall

After the situation, both Barrabés decided to call the local police in Sant Josep as the Civil Guard to report the situation. To the scene both municipal patrol agents and the Civil Guard personó. According to the testimony of Barrabés, the Civil Guard told them they were free to move along the coast but expressed know if these works were covered pier and within the law. Barrabés decided to proceed with its complaint and reported the incident in the barracks of the Civil Guard. Today there has been an instance before the City Council of Sant Josep to record what happened. Apparently Barrabés has not been the only one to denounce and other young people have come today to the Civil Guard to report the same facts.

From Sant Josep, meanwhile, they point out that competition is an area Costas, so have noted that the Consistory will be transmitted to the complaint registered by Costas Barrabés. Still not enter specify whether the arrangement of the elements or installing the wooden platform is legal.
Several groups of citizens flocked yesterday to the place to enjoy a day at the beach. :lol: :twisted:

The deputy, Aitor Morrás, meanwhile, ensures that the mansion has an administrative concession for the installation of hammocks, kayaks and jetties. Apparently have a temporary permit, which expire in 2018. "What we have is granted the exclusive use of public space so that not only must allow passage to the pier and hammock area, but also is allowed to remain space in the public domain that is for public use, "he says.

More trips to the privatized coast

Sunday excursions were the first groups of residents of the island are organized to go to coastal areas that have been privatized by owners of mansions in different parts of the island.

It is a citizens' initiative without political color
and that, in fact, is not under the same organization. Through social networks, people are calling to attend these coastal areas to vindicate the public domain, a mobilization that has begun in Platges Comte and continue for other areas of the coast. :cool:

On Sunday morning, the expedition to Platges de Comte was videotaped by private security if the mansion used violence to put people off. Although one of the first calls last week, it was recommended not bring kids if there were problems, the fact is that the tour some parents decided to take their children, and the morning was uneventful.

"Our start was pretty peaceful," said Jorge Paez, who participated in the tour Sunday morning. With them, security was not aggressive. Two employees responsible for safety and the mansion insisted that they should leave the pier, and they showed an occupancy permit public domain. Hikers refused and demanded their right to be there.

A jetty for celebrities, occupied by families on the island

At the insistence of the head of the mansion, hikers asked him to call the authorities to expel them from the place and to denounce them. That was the moment, in the responsible stopped trying them out.

The owner of the mansion is Russian tycoon Vladimir Doronin, who was boyfriend of the model Naomi Campbell and accommodates Hollywood stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, when it comes to Ibiza.

The house formerly belonged to the Italian Giacomo Ferretti, and was the house where every summer Elle McPherson was staying.

These days, the area of public domain where the pier is installed, has not stars or famous but neighbors and families on the island claiming a zone of public domain.

It is an area to which access to vindicate is not easy: first you have to cross a wall with chains, which warns by two signs is a de
ad end and that care is taken with the dog, and a second wall that while has a door that is always open, front has a security guard and three others waiting on the other side.

i "like" especially that part of the story =>

... Meanwhile, passengers remained calm, though nervous because they did not know what was happening and although no one saw the gun, everyone could hear shooting and smell the gunpowder that was on the plane.

The Insular Direction downplayed
The Insular Director of the State Administration, Roger Sales, when asked about this, has downplayed the incident. Sales says it has been a timely incident that had no consequences, so they have avoided providing more information to the press to consider that there is a "remarkable" fact.

There has been no information from Aena
, who said that "when dealing with an incident in an aircraft is to be the company operating the flight itself which report what happened."

Vueling, meanwhile, has refused to give explanations nor has echoed the incident in any of its usual channels of information, even though the news has spread like wildfire among staff Ibiza Airport.
unreal whats going on these days just a few steps to the left from sunset ashram ...

Citizens rebelling against the occupation of the coast in Sant Josep :)

Several citizen groups rebelled Sunday against occupations in the public domain.
After a long summer jams on the roads, illegal moorings on seagrass and many other irregularities, several people decided to go at different times of day, to the coastal area occupied by a jetty and a wooden platforms installed by the ownership of a mansions located on the cliffs of Platges de Comte.


If in the morning a large group of people agreed to the area, including the deputy Aitor Morrás, despite impediments employee safety, afternoon did another group of people, in which Olivia Barrabés was. Barrabés, who came to the area in the afternoon with other people and dogs, has related to Noudiari these employees housing assured them they could go to access the coast but not stay in the existing platform and has direct access from housing. In this wooden platform you can see how they have installed hammocks and other elements of rest.

According Barrabés one of the security guards showed them a paper that would show they have permission to install Costas hammocks and kayaks. As for the attitude, Barrabés explained that although they were not aggressive, ways were not the kindest: "There was a time when I cornered me four guys. We had to stop the feet and tell them not to come out more, "he says. Barrabés says a man appeared aboard a zodiac, and they think is the owner of the apartment, the Russian tycoon Vladimir Doronin, with very bad manners. "That one was more aggressive," he says. This individual rebuked them saying they had come to disturb his home.

Complaint with the Civil Guard and lel City Hall

After the situation, both Barrabés decided to call the local police in Sant Josep as the Civil Guard to report the situation. To the scene both municipal patrol agents and the Civil Guard personó. According to the testimony of Barrabés, the Civil Guard told them they were free to move along the coast but expressed know if these works were covered pier and within the law. Barrabés decided to proceed with its complaint and reported the incident in the barracks of the Civil Guard. Today there has been an instance before the City Council of Sant Josep to record what happened. Apparently Barrabés has not been the only one to denounce and other young people have come today to the Civil Guard to report the same facts.

From Sant Josep, meanwhile, they point out that competition is an area Costas, so have noted that the Consistory will be transmitted to the complaint registered by Costas Barrabés. Still not enter specify whether the arrangement of the elements or installing the wooden platform is legal.
Several groups of citizens flocked yesterday to the place to enjoy a day at the beach. :lol: :twisted:

The deputy, Aitor Morrás, meanwhile, ensures that the mansion has an administrative concession for the installation of hammocks, kayaks and jetties. Apparently have a temporary permit, which expire in 2018. "What we have is granted the exclusive use of public space so that not only must allow passage to the pier and hammock area, but also is allowed to remain space in the public domain that is for public use, "he says.

More trips to the privatized coast

Sunday excursions were the first groups of residents of the island are organized to go to coastal areas that have been privatized by owners of mansions in different parts of the island.

It is a citizens' initiative without political color
and that, in fact, is not under the same organization. Through social networks, people are calling to attend these coastal areas to vindicate the public domain, a mobilization that has begun in Platges Comte and continue for other areas of the coast. :cool:

On Sunday morning, the expedition to Platges de Comte was videotaped by private security if the mansion used violence to put people off. Although one of the first calls last week, it was recommended not bring kids if there were problems, the fact is that the tour some parents decided to take their children, and the morning was uneventful.

"Our start was pretty peaceful," said Jorge Paez, who participated in the tour Sunday morning. With them, security was not aggressive. Two employees responsible for safety and the mansion insisted that they should leave the pier, and they showed an occupancy permit public domain. Hikers refused and demanded their right to be there.

A jetty for celebrities, occupied by families on the island

At the insistence of the head of the mansion, hikers asked him to call the authorities to expel them from the place and to denounce them. That was the moment, in the responsible stopped trying them out.

The owner of the mansion is Russian tycoon Vladimir Doronin, who was boyfriend of the model Naomi Campbell and accommodates Hollywood stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, when it comes to Ibiza.

The house formerly belonged to the Italian Giacomo Ferretti, and was the house where every summer Elle McPherson was staying.

These days, the area of public domain where the pier is installed, has not stars or famous but neighbors and families on the island claiming a zone of public domain.

It is an area to which access to vindicate is not easy: first you have to cross a wall with chains, which warns by two signs is a de
ad end and that care is taken with the dog, and a second wall that while has a door that is always open, front has a security guard and three others waiting on the other side.
I know this place....bravo the protesters !!
New complaints of threats to beachgoers in Platges de Comte
The Civil Guard continues to receive complaints about a mansion whose private guards frighten swimmers who use public domain
One of the guards kept a scuffle with a neighbor


The house where a foreign magnate, apparently Russian, spends the summer at Platges de Comte continues to cause problems.
After private security alarm him the insular Minister of Environment, Miguel Vericad few days ago when it was in the public domain, against that house, other citizens have been forced to lodge complaints with the Civil Guard by the attitude threatening of these guards, according to the testimonies of those affected insult, threaten and they even struggle with those who use the coast in that stretch.

In recent days, at least two other residents have filed complaints with the Civil Guard. One of them, Oscar Vospy, who lives in the area "since I was little," said one afternoon last week, when approaching the rocks, "where they had mounted their chill out ', told them they could not" sitting on that land, which was only passing and had license to do so. " "After discussion with them about the legality of the concession, appeared the owner of the house yelling, threatening, insulting and assaulting, me on the back when sitting, and floundering," he added through Facebook.

As a result, they had to call the Civil Guard. While waiting for the agents, "the owner of the house went on his yacht, knowing that the police would come and he would have problems." When the agents were corroborated the right to public use of the area where they were.

Moreover, Inés Rojo, a woman who arrived a few days ago to this area on board his yacht to anchor said that the occupants of the house ordered him to leave because he could not anchor in these waters, where they and their guests they were using jet skis, paddle surfing and other water elemenos. They also filed a boat in front of his yacht to try that forward.

Another user of the area, Xumeu Ferrer, advised yesterday through social networks ignore the watchers of this mansion by inviting swimmers to enter the house, since "it is a trap." "Once inside he denounce you for trespassing or anything else," he said.

According to several accounts, this house, which is where he was staying in the previous decade supermodel Ellen McPherson, takes at least five years causing such problems. The insular Minister of Environment of Ibiza, Miguel Vericad, said yesterday that since last year, no more taking office, went to inspect the house in the company of the mayor, Josep Marí Ribas, Agustinet, and a police officer Local. Since then, the official delegation was increpada by the occupants of the dwelling, as stated by the Minister.

Councilman Beaches and Environment of the City of Sant Josep Pep Cardona, said yesterday that "this is a matter of the general direction of Costas" but confirmed that "prevent access to the sea is illegal". He added: "Perhaps we should advise people to go there, to see if [the occupants of the house] are bored."

The russian tycoon uses a lawyer from Ibiza to defend his interests.
New complaints of threats to beachgoers in Platges de Comte
The Civil Guard continues to receive complaints about a mansion whose private guards frighten swimmers who use public domain
One of the guards kept a scuffle with a neighbor


The house where a foreign magnate, apparently Russian, spends the summer at Platges de Comte continues to cause problems.
After private security alarm him the insular Minister of Environment, Miguel Vericad few days ago when it was in the public domain, against that house, other citizens have been forced to lodge complaints with the Civil Guard by the attitude threatening of these guards, according to the testimonies of those affected insult, threaten and they even struggle with those who use the coast in that stretch.

In recent days, at least two other residents have filed complaints with the Civil Guard. One of them, Oscar Vospy, who lives in the area "since I was little," said one afternoon last week, when approaching the rocks, "where they had mounted their chill out ', told them they could not" sitting on that land, which was only passing and had license to do so. " "After discussion with them about the legality of the concession, appeared the owner of the house yelling, threatening, insulting and assaulting, me on the back when sitting, and floundering," he added through Facebook.

As a result, they had to call the Civil Guard. While waiting for the agents, "the owner of the house went on his yacht, knowing that the police would come and he would have problems." When the agents were corroborated the right to public use of the area where they were.

Moreover, Inés Rojo, a woman who arrived a few days ago to this area on board his yacht to anchor said that the occupants of the house ordered him to leave because he could not anchor in these waters, where they and their guests they were using jet skis, paddle surfing and other water elemenos. They also filed a boat in front of his yacht to try that forward.

Another user of the area, Xumeu Ferrer, advised yesterday through social networks ignore the watchers of this mansion by inviting swimmers to enter the house, since "it is a trap." "Once inside he denounce you for trespassing or anything else," he said.

According to several accounts, this house, which is where he was staying in the previous decade supermodel Ellen McPherson, takes at least five years causing such problems. The insular Minister of Environment of Ibiza, Miguel Vericad, said yesterday that since last year, no more taking office, went to inspect the house in the company of the mayor, Josep Marí Ribas, Agustinet, and a police officer Local. Since then, the official delegation was increpada by the occupants of the dwelling, as stated by the Minister.

Councilman Beaches and Environment of the City of Sant Josep Pep Cardona, said yesterday that "this is a matter of the general direction of Costas" but confirmed that "prevent access to the sea is illegal". He added: "Perhaps we should advise people to go there, to see if [the occupants of the house] are bored."

The russian tycoon uses a lawyer from Ibiza to defend his interests.

that's what happens when you prostitute your resources and flog them to foreign mafiosi
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