stupidity in ibiza reaching all-time high

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Simon W.

Two rants, first off, wankers on quads ...

Secondly, crap adverts on Global radio, who thinks them up !?
The guy that comes on and sings a few bars of Billie Jean (badly), then says " sorry, I'm not Michael Jackson" , you should be sorry, because a) you sound f*** all like him, and b) we know that, because he's dead. And , Japaruvian cuisine !!! Effin Japaruvian cuisine, what is it , raw fish and beans, did they throw a couple of darts at a world map, what next , Swedetralia, meatballs on a BBQ.


Christina W.

...And all the sushi Restuarants and ones that put it on the menu. Btw When you do the japeruvian piece please point out that in every radio ad on certain stations they are using the same vile American accent. I think they are trying to capture the American market here...its not working. I'm American and can't find those ads so horrendous that I change the channel every time I hear that voice . :twisted:
I hope the advertisers got a discount since every ad sounds exactly the same. ... Not to mention if they have a native English speaker they should at least know some grammar. My rant over
43 years old Italian arrested on suspicion of fire in s'Espalmador
The fighting efforts continue to this hour.


The Civil Guard has arrested a man of 43, an Italian national, on suspicion of wildfire on the island of s'Espalamador, Formentera.
According to sources Beneméria, it was he who allegedly launched from a boat anchored in the area near the islet buoys flare has unleashed the fire, which is still active at this time, although reports the Balearic Institute of Nature (IBANAT) through his Twitter account, is progressing well. However, since the Consell de Formentera they say has already given stabilized.

The fire started around 23.30 pm. from this night. Effective of all emergency agencies working in the area to try to extinguish the flames completely ...


... The boat from which the flare was shot causing a serious fire last night on the island of s'Espalmador, 'RUAH' Italian flag, is anchored in s'Espalmado
r, on the pier at the end of s'Alga beach.


A technical inspector of the Consell de Formentera has confirmed that the ship you see in the picture, of 23 meters, is from which the rocket was launched.

The Civil Guard has arrested a 43-year-old Italian is in jail,
charged with a crime against the environment.

The president of the Consell, Jaume Ferrer, and the Minister of Presidency, Bartomeu Escandell, visited the area affected by the fire, one hectare of juniper area.

The operating extinction has had thirty people:
Formentera, they participated seven members of Civil Protection, four firefighters and staff IBANAT. Eivissa nine technicians and two IBANAT Environment. They have also joined the work workers Marine Reserve is Freus and inspectors, as well as at least two volunteers, according to data provided by the Minister Bartomeu Escandell.

At nine o'clock they have reached s'Espalmador by helicopter from Mallorca technician Environment, another of IBANAT, a genera
l foreman foreman IBANAT and another brigade and four forest (plus another Ibiza)
... The island is a magnet for idiots ...

a reliable predictor of being an idiot is his shirt ...

... with the polo ralph lauren emblem in XXXL !

:eek: :oops: :eek: :twisted:


... Monday morning has been brought to justice the alleged perpetrator of the fire that occurred this past dawn on the islet of s'Espalmador, a man of 43 years of Italian nationality who is accused of a crime of forest fire by negligence .

The fire originated around 2330 hours on Saturday when, supposedly, the detainee threw a flare from the anchored boat near s'Espalmador, thus sparking the flames. The broad device arranged to smother the fire, after all night working in the area, managed to control the fire about 7.30 hours of Sunday morning after affecting a hectare of juniper, almost a third of the surface islet protected.
The most upsetting article I've seen in a long time... Sometimes I wish I didn't check the newspapers!

Me too - the right of public access has to be allowed without abuse and intimidation. Someone has to act on this or it is the beginning of a long and slippery slope .....
^^ he has been released with charges... justice in spain is a joke!
his version now is that he is innocent.
the flare was shot by accident during a "safety course". :confused: :spank: :lol:

no doubt you hold a safety course when only 2 from 8 crew members are on board ...

The defendant claims that the fire was "accidental" and the captain made notes that were a safety course

The fire of s'Espalmador accused has argued before the judge of the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Eivissa, Santiago Pinsach that the flare was "accidentally" fired. As pointed out by his lawyer, Danielle Mundura, the defendant, who has been released with charges, he noted that it was an "accidental fact."

In addition, the judge has ordered the seizure of the vessel 'Ruah' Slovenian flag and owned by a Slovenian company and the declaration of the master of the vessel.
This statement will take place tomorrow.

Safety course
The captain, meanwhile, told the Civil Guard, which at the time when the flare, which caused the fire soared, were providing a safety course.
Since the Civil Guard do not give credit to this version as if it were that this course of security measures on board should have done the first day of navigation and not on the second.
Furthermore, the fact that at the time when, supposedly, was teaching the course had on board only two of the eight persons occupying the ship, Slovenian flag, including the detainee is given.

Also called into question if a course of security measures is done is left in the hands of someone who has no knowledge a flare

The judge also accused the captain of the 'RUAH' for the fire at s'Espalmador
The captain has testified before Judge Santiago Pinsach, who had been summoned for investigation today. He was also charged with the alleged commission of a crime of serious negligence forest fire, like the author of the launch of the rocket, with whom he shares the lawyer.

...The captain left the court with his face hidden with a motorcycle helmet and sunglasses and went running to avoid being photographed.
crazy shit =>so s´espalmador is private property ?!

Jaume Ferrer requests the Government to buy s'Espalmador

The President of the Consell de Formentera, Jaume Ferrer, said yesterday that a month informed the Balearic Government of the new proposal made by selling the property islet s'Espalmador ago.
This time, the owners have lowered the price to 18 million, six less than in the initial approach made more than a year ago.
Jaume Ferrer has raised the Govern if there is a possibility of reaching an agreement, with financial assistance from the central government and even the European Union, so that the island becomes public property, which would exert greater control and better protection this territory, said yesterday Ser Radio Ibiza.

Demanding the Govern
Moreover, the party to which he belongs Jaume Ferrer, Gent per Formentera (GxF) yesterday issued a statement demanding the immediate Govern Actions to solve the chaos in Formentera because of the massive and illegal moorings.
As demonstrated by the fire s'Espalmador, the situation "required by the Department of Environment of the Government urgent action", specifically with a "proposal of measures both repair and regeneration of the affected area and prevention to avoid further aggression. "

"This summer we have seen a saturation with boats which causes damage beyond the known so far. This situation especially serious in the park extends to the other coast of the island, where boats moored on sea grass or sand bottom areas at very high densities, is still very worrying, "says Gent per Formentera. That is why "the Consell is working with the Government to implement a system of moorings throughout the island." "But this can not be delayed. Formentera needs and demands and shouting, a space that has no direct powers to be equipped with the instruments necessary for their protection, "says the statement. "This requires speed and efficiency by the Government, because the quality of our coastline and seabed immediately require," he adds.
Espalmador is owned by a Barcelona family since the 1920s'.

The beach and waterfront are public land, in keeping with Spain's Ley de Costas. The public has the right to walk along the sea front, but not to walk into the island.
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