SPTL086: Derrick May


It has come to our attention that a former Detroiter named Michael James has been making deeply troubling allegations regarding Derrick May on social media, wherein Mr. James alleges that Derrick May has drugged and/or raped several women.
These statements are patently false, libelous, and calculated to ruin Derrick May’s professional career. Derrick May does not and has not ever used drugs, nor would he ever have unwanted sexual relations with anyone.
Furthermore, Derrick May has never been arrested, or even contacted by any investigative agency regarding allegations of any crime, ever.
Michael James is motivated by a spat over royalties that he feels he is owed for Derrick May’s Strings of Life track. Rather than discuss the matter like an adult, Mr. James has resorted to character assassination.
This has been a challenging time for Derrick May and his fans, but the truth is on their side and Mr. James will be held accountable. These allegations are serious and will be dealt with through appropriate channels.

Kyle J. Dupuy

Dupuy Law Firm, PLC

From Derrick May’s Facebook
That is nearly a perfect statement, apart from saying that derrick may has never ever used drugs hahah.

When people say that I just think liar
In fairness a lot of the old school yanks on house scene were never much into drugs beyond the odd spliff. I remember Louie Vega was dead against. Some of the others are more into God. Some pals of mine who went to the shelter nyc for timmi regisford couldn't believe that many of the punters actually treated it more as an aerobic session!

Anyway I've been reading Carl Craig (nobody's fool) defending his pal/mentor who he owes big time and I get the loyalty . There is noone alive in dance music I respect more than C2 and I so want to believe him but behind the scenes I also heard a shocking story about DM from an industry friend of mine who I trust.. and justice is all that counts here
Both drugs and although legal, arguably more harmful than some illegal drugs
Aren't alcohol and nicotine two drugs? ?
Yes, I'm in full agreement.
But they are legal and socially acceptable in most countries. When we refer to "drugs" I think we all know what is meant by it.
As for harmful, my Dad was a chain smoking alcoholic who died of Throat Cancer at 53 years old, so i'm fully aware.
(I can post a picture of him at my age now if like and we can all see what it does to you)
The original post alluded to the fact that when a DJ says that they have never taken "drugs" that they are lying. Why should they be?
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