Spotlight Fitness Club


Well-Known Member
Fluctuating with my weight a bit:oops:

Cant build muscle very easily:oops:

Being 41 years old and maintaining a "toned" body, not the easiest of tasks

Been trying to bulk over spring time and now the summer has arrived my week in Cornwall last week on a diet of bread products and alcohol has caught up with me. Time for some drastic action -

This ????

Ive done a high protein / no white products diet a lot recently but it takes one hell of a lot of prep of foods.

I carry nearly all my excess weight on my belly.

Shall i go to a Cardio/weights 70/30 spilt in my training

Any advice welcome?

What are you all up to fitness/diet wise?
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Have been on weight loss / fitness drive for bout 5 or 6 weeks. Have lost 3kg of weight and about 5% body fat (but those electric scales arent very accurate for BF). I look thinner and my belts are loose so its def been good i just think going by weight isnt the best measure.

I tried my best to stick to a programme a friend of mine who is a PT did for me and also did 2 PT sessions a week and gym workouts 2.

Mix of weights and metabolic (cardio). Deadlifts and Benchpress varying weights from heavy/less reps to lighter / more reps. LOTS of squats / lunges particularly isolated on each leg (step on to a platform with 1 foot and go down as u use much more muscles with the balance). Also assisted pullups and other 'pulling' exercises with dunbells.
Workouts were not too focussed so always did a push , pull , leg and metabolic to finish.
metabolic can be a range from skipping ,boxing, high jumps on to a box , burpies , plank , crawls etc any thing that gets your heard going super fast and makes u feel like your gona pass out.

Maybe 2 workouts with heavier weights per week and 2 light with more reps. He said not to really bother with constant slow cardio if you want to get most effective fat burn.

eat 4 times a day , no carbs after 5/6pm. Breakfast must include some protein (boiled eggs or chicken/turkey breast). Try to cut out sugar so no fruit juices. Steer clear of even 'diet' soft drinks as still does things to blood sugar which inhibits fat burn. You shouldnt need to feel hungry as u eat more often but you def have to plan what you want to eat alot more like making batches of brown rice or cooking big packs of turkey/chicken breasts at a time.

Avoid alcohol if possible as it inhibits testosterone and promotes eastrogen (particularly hops in beer annoyingly!)

You could lose weight faster but this seems to be more sustainable for a long term approach

* also taking eskimo oil supplement and drinking 1/3 lemon in boiling water 20mins/30mins before you eat anything in morning
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Have been on weight loss / fitness drive for bout 5 or 6 weeks. Have lost 3kg of weight and about 5% body fat (but those electric scales arent very accurate for BF). I look thinner and my belts are loose so its def been good i just think going by weight isnt the best measure.

I tried my best to stick to a programme a friend of mine who is a PT did for me and also did 2 PT sessions a week and gym workouts 2.

Mix of weights and metabolic (cardio). Deadlifts and Benchpress varying weights from heavy/less reps to lighter / more reps. LOTS of squats / lunges particularly isolated on each leg (step on to a platform with 1 foot and go down as u use much more muscles with the balance). Also assisted pullups and other 'pulling' exercises with dunbells.
Workouts were not too focussed so always did a push , pull , leg and metabolic to finish.
metabolic can be a range from skipping ,boxing, high jumps on to a box , burpies , plank , crawls etc any thing that gets your heard going super fast and makes u feel like your gona pass out.

Maybe 2 workouts with heavier weights per week and 2 light with more reps. He said not to really bother with constant slow cardio if you want to get most effective fat burn.

eat 4 times a day , no carbs after 5/6pm. Breakfast must include some protein (boiled eggs or chicken/turkey breast). Try to cut out sugar so no fruit juices. Steer clear of even 'diet' soft drinks as still does things to blood sugar which inhibits fat burn. You shouldnt need to feel hungry as u eat more often but you def have to plan what you want to eat alot more like making batches of brown rice or cooking big packs of turkey/chicken breasts at a time.

Avoid alcohol if possible as it inhibits testosterone and promotes eastrogen (particularly hops in beer annoyingly!)

You could lose weight faster but this seems to be more sustainable for a long term approach

* also taking eskimo oil supplement and drinking 1/3 lemon in boiling water 20mins/30mins before you eat anything in morning

This !! Except fruit juices should be ok, they are natural sugar so you body disposes of it naturally. Been doing 2 x PT sessions & 2 x Circuits classes a week and seems to be working :)... Avoid all fizzy drinks ( diet or not) think of saturated fat as being posion for your body. Get a mixture of all the food groups and plenty of sleep. Keep to full body workouts Cardio, Core & Strength do a bit of each on every session.
After a couple of years of trying to hit 6 hours (or 5/6 sessions) of exercise a week, I've decided to cut to 4 (2 runs, 2 weights) and just eat sensibly without calorie counting (hardly any junk food, tho booze at weekends). A fitness regime is as much about the rest between sessions... :D

Right now, I'm still trying to lose belly, but keeping weight loss to < 500g a week to try not and have too much impact on muscle. BMI 22.2 - can't have too much more to go. Once I have a flat(ish) stomach, I'll switch to putting weight on (bit extra protein shake) in a very controlled manner. I read 450g muscle is about as much you can hope to put on in month, so any more will be fat!
Pretty much nothing happened in the first week or 2 as your body is adjusting to become a fat burner (so I'm told). There are quicker ways to lose weight but I'm going for something that will work long term but also won't be reversed in one session like when u come off a no carb diet. Still got a long way to go!!
Try to eat lean fats fish chicken pork.

Weights = 15 reps only 10 second break between sets

i do weights/cardio one day then all cardio and abs the next, taking day break after 3 days

i try to eat salads rather than fries etC

skim milk honey instead of sugar ( coffee)

has made a big difference to me :-/)
Fluctuating with my weight a bit:oops:

Cant build muscle very easily:oops:

Being 41 years old and maintaining a "toned" body, not the easiest of tasks

Been trying to bulk over spring time and now the summer has arrived my week in Cornwall last week on a diet of bread products and alcohol has caught up with me. Time for some drastic action -

This ????

Ive done a high protein / no white products diet a lot recently but it takes one hell of a lot of prep of foods.

I carry nearly all my excess weight on my belly.

Shall i go to a Cardio/weights 70/30 spilt in my training

Any advice welcome?

What are you all up to fitness/diet wise?

Im exactly where you are mate, same age and carry most around the middle. Im 13st 10lbs at the moment and would like to be 13st come september for Ibiza. I train 5 times a week Monday - Friday or the occasional day off in the week and throw a Saturday in, I only train one body part per session ie chest, back, legs, shoulders and arms and limit the weights to no more than 40 mins, any longer and im not working hard enough. Each session I do 30 mins cardio before the weights usually on a bike but definitely push yourself with it. Keep hitting the weights as usual as muscle in the body naturally burns fat I was told and always try and hit the big muscles heavy ie legs and back and the rest of your body will follow. Higher the reps and lower the weights if your trying to tone but always chuck a heavy week in. Lower the carbs and up the protein intake otherwise you will lose a little size, always try and eat every 3 hours and as some of the above said cut out the beer and anything sugary. One tip ive heard is if you do have any "nice" food always try and have a warm drink instead of a cold one. Sorry for the long paragraph im having trouble moving the cursor... :oops:
Count calories, 1g protein per lb lean body mass 0.5g fat per lb lean body mass fill in calorie surplus with everything else.
Lift heavy, do compound movements ie squats, dead lifts, barbell rows, bench press....
Look here at the beginner routines they work and lots of nutrition stuff to get through.
Nothing complicated and no need for cardio to lose weight and get toned if you wanna bulk up especially these guys recommend no cardio at all!
Im not an expert anyway but a lot of these guys are defo worth a read.
I've lost 10kg since christmas.

Generally diet is 3 eggs for breakfast, recently I've been having scrambled with smoked salmon (you can get smoked salmon trimmings for 90p for asda, lasts about 4 servings)

lunch is normally chicken and salad or a small serving of brown past and pesto

dinner, griddle chicken breast, baked sweet potato, salad or boiled/steamed greens.

Gym 3 or 4 times a week, no milk, occasional fruit, if I get peckish between meals I have a handful of nuts. Try to only booze 1 day a week max. Sometimes allow myself a cheat day (just had chippy tea as been packing up the house) Easy and don't feel like I'm missing out too much, after a few months you get used to it and proper look forward to a piss up or a big meal out. Just make sure you work out the day after boozing or binging.
What Ollie said. Compound lifts/exercises. Was told not to bother with situps as you cant localise fat loss. You burn shed loads of calories lifting weights
That article is interesting on the fasting I might try it. If I do I will report results

i think cardio is a must in any workout program just makes me feel good :)
Count calories, 1g protein per lb lean body mass 0.5g fat per lb lean body mass fill in calorie surplus with everything else.
Lift heavy, do compound movements ie squats, dead lifts, barbell rows, bench press....
Look here at the beginner routines they work and lots of nutrition stuff to get through.
Nothing complicated and no need for cardio to lose weight and get toned if you wanna bulk up especially these guys recommend no cardio at all!
Im not an expert anyway but a lot of these guys are defo worth a read.

Exactly this ^. I'm a regular poster on the forums.

Cardio is not necessary but it can help create a larger deficit allowing you to eat more food while still losing weight.
Check out this website it tells you pretty much everything you need to know about body recomposition (essentially replacing fat with muscle).

It helped me lose 4 stone and get my body fat down and lean mass up. Its simple but difficult, eat less, excercise more. You cant spot reduce belly fat, it will be the last area to get lean so motivation is key, as it will take time, but if you do it right it will last.

The internet is mainly filled with exercise bull ****, people trying to sell you ****, and give you miracle cures, or people telling you to do this and that with no scientific back up.
Sorry about delay in replying guys n fems, been far to busy preparing food and at the gym, more of an update soon :lol::oops:.
I've recently completely changed by fitness regime. I've started using the Paleo diet and ditched the gym, cut back on the miles I run and discovered compound exercises. I've never seen so much progress in so little time, in terms of overall body shape, energy and strengthening. Plus really enjoying it!
That is good advice from all of you, I hear you colombo...cardio makes you feel great.
Recently cut out bread completely, virtually no breakfast cereal products, cut out all processed foods and no meat. For the first time in more than a decade the stubborn crap around my waist is slowly going.

Discovered what an amazing difference paying extra for decent fruit & veg can make to overall enjoyment of meals.
Sounds like a pseudo vegetarian paleo diet to me????

Looking at details of a Paleo diet, it does look similar. I have no intention of giving up cheese/ milk/ butter on my baked potato! Absolutely no chance of giving up beans, they form a large part of my diet.

My inspiration came from a book by legendary ultra runner Scott Jurek, although he is vegan, I could never become so extreme. Not missing meat one bit but would find it hard to give up fish, and have no intention of trying.
I've recently completely changed by fitness regime. I've started using the Paleo diet and ditched the gym, cut back on the miles I run and discovered compound exercises. I've never seen so much progress in so little time, in terms of overall body shape, energy and strengthening. Plus really enjoying it!

Ugh... What? Why?

Recently cut out bread completely, virtually no breakfast cereal products, cut out all processed foods and no meat. For the first time in more than a decade the stubborn crap around my waist is slowly going.

Discovered what an amazing difference paying extra for decent fruit & veg can make to overall enjoyment of meals.

No meat? Why? The reason you are losing weight is because you have cut out entire groups of foods, therefore reducing calories and filling up on low calories fruit and vegetables. It's about the calories, not the foods you eat. Plus, with no meat, you may struggle to retain Lean Body Mass and just look skinny (no offence intended).