Spotlight Fitness Club

Yeah but you originally said it will cool down muscles. I was saying it won't.

The whole point is to get results and provide information that will get people results. That's what I'm doing. Why share unsuccessful methods?

I may get get banned from the forums for this and if i do I'd just like to say how much i enjoy being part of them and have done for a few years but.......F*CK OFF Germaine!!!!!!
People are sharing methods that have been successful for them...
Offering lots of friendly advice for what has / hasnt worked etc.
When were all these 'laws' created? Heard of evolution?
You come across as the worst sort of keyboard warrior...go and enjoy the west end for 7 nights!
I've lost 2st 3lbs since my last visit to ibiza, am lifting weights as well as I manual job. It's working :lol:
I do stick to compounds and throw in some bicep curls ;) not that they're showing much :lol:
I love when folk get arsey about training methods given them by someone in the know though, most gym experts I know don't know much in reality and although some look good, I think the point being put across is that with better advice they'd have even better results. I think their program's are referred to as 'fluff and pump'. Simple routines with heavy weights and watching calorie intake(properly) will get any able bodied human results, and that IS a fact.

^^ agree largely Ollienotts and great to hear you're getting results 8). If you keep it up you can flex yer pecs with the best of 'em in Ibiza in September :lol:.

A few months ago I bought in the services of a personal trainer after putting on a couple of kg of muscle doing a loosely progressive but not rigorously structured 6-week 3 times per week training routine of my own going for what felt right and mixing up sequencing of lifts along with some dropsets, not lifting to muscle failure. Had levelled out though and after a few weeks wanted a bit of structured help. The devised programme was rigorously progressive focusing on core muscle groups with calf raises thrown in and a little flexibility stuff. Mix of fixed and free weights (mainly free). Was sorry to see that in 6 weeks of following the structured progressive conventional programme devised by the personal trainer and eating plenty according to an agreed diet I didn't put on any muscle at all - actually my body fat % went up marginally but not especially significantly with weight roughly constant. Was a hypertrophy followed by hardening programme. I was probably a bit more toned (or at least it felt that way right after the gym :lol:) and stamina may have gone up a bit but as far as any significant gains are concerned it wasn't a success.

All the meticulously kept cards recording sets and weights are at another house right now (and details blanked in frustration !) - don't know why, but it didn't work for me. I think it's easy for PTs to say that your results would have been better if you'd done things their way (and paid them of course in the case of the ones doing it for a living !) but there just isn't any way of proving that. When their plans show no tangible results after seeing them through to the end you really do wonder whether you're just being taken for a ride.

Have moved back to the sticks for Summer so no gym for miles round here. With long nights, a warm sea and some great lanes to cycle to the beach I've decided gyms will have to be a Winter thing :spank:. Enjoy being outdoors in the Summer too much to devote time to a sweat room !
I've lost 2st 3lbs since my last visit to ibiza, am lifting weights as well as I manual job. It's working :lol:
I do stick to compounds and throw in some bicep curls ;) not that they're showing much :lol:
I love when folk get arsey about training methods given them by someone in the know though, most gym experts I know don't know much in reality and although some look good, I think the point being put across is that with better advice they'd have even better results. I think their program's are referred to as 'fluff and pump'. Simple routines with heavy weights and watching calorie intake(properly) will get any able bodied human results, and that IS a fact.

A man who speaks senses! :)

I may get get banned from the forums for this and if i do I'd just like to say how much i enjoy being part of them and have done for a few years but.......F*CK OFF Germaine!!!!!!
People are sharing methods that have been successful for them...
Offering lots of friendly advice for what has / hasnt worked etc.
When were all these 'laws' created? Heard of evolution?
You come across as the worst sort of keyboard warrior...go and enjoy the west end for 7 nights!

I have heard of evolution. That's one reason among many others, why I think Paleo is dumb. Do you know how long evolution takes? More than a few hundred years. Seriously, you are a moron. Don't even attempt to discuss it because you have no knowledge on it...

Btw, why you mad bro? lol
well since losing a load of weight before ibiza ive been working my ass off and been to the gym 0 times in 3 weeks. diet isnt too bad foodwise but beer consumption has been high this weekend as first days off in weeks. I know what i need to do to get back in the game so just got to do it , simples
well since losing a load of weight before ibiza ive been working my ass off and been to the gym 0 times in 3 weeks. diet isnt too bad foodwise but beer consumption has been high this weekend as first days off in weeks. I know what i need to do to get back in the game so just got to do it , simples
First time back on the horse is the hardest mate, but you'll feel better for it - mentally and physically!
well since losing a load of weight before ibiza ive been working my ass off and been to the gym 0 times in 3 weeks. diet isnt too bad foodwise but beer consumption has been high this weekend as first days off in weeks. I know what i need to do to get back in the game so just got to do it , simples

I'm with you on this one. Took some last minute holidays over the weekend (was due on a night shift and just couldn't stomach it). I managed lots of cardio out and about on my push rod, but to counteract, the lovely summer weather in the UK forced me to do a bit of suppin' :oops:. I ended up putting on 3lb in 2 days, thats how weird my metabolism is.

I'm still hovering round the 12st point but have changed my routine both in the gym and foodwise. Lets see how it goes??
Expand on that Germaine? (no pun)

Sure. Well, basically what I'm saying is not to worry about that weight. It won't be fat. For you to have gained 3lb of fat in 2 days you would have had to have eaten about 11,000kcal above your maintenance, assuming average 2,500kcal. That means in 2 days you would have had to eat ~16,000kcal.

You body simply has increased water retention. You ever notice how when people start a diet and lose loads of weight the first 1-2 weeks and then stabilise? That's because the first week or two they are losing water weight.

There are numerous factors that can affect water retention. High carb will lead to more water. If you were to binge. I retain a lot of water after alcohol too. Not because of the alcohol per se. Alcohol is a diuretic, which dehydrates the body. When you eat after a night of drinking alcohol, your body is more prime for water retention.

Water retention isn't bad though. Muscle glycogen is water weight. You ever dieted down and felt you were looking smaller, weaker, more stringy looking, then had an off day. the following day you wake up and muscles are more full, pumped, vascular. That's the water.

Morale of the story, don't worry about it :)