Spotlight Fitness Club

Anyway, let's get back on track. I've dropped to my target weight with my paleo diet and training - and I'm starting to get the bug for weight training. Moondust: What would you suggest in terms of how often you should increase weights - and in what increments?
Anyway, let's get back on track. I've dropped to my target weight with my paleo diet and training - and I'm starting to get the bug for weight training. Moondust: What would you suggest in terms of how often you should increase weights - and in what increments?

Personally i would go with your own strength levels. I always work to between 8-12 reps per set. If its more than 12 then increase the weight or decrease if less than 8.You will soon find a weight that pushes you sufficiently. Maybe take a notebook with you and record what and how much your doing and track your progress. Rightly or wrongly i do always rep to failure or at least try too. When doing weights mate i was advised once never really do it with cold drinks. At least room temp with water and i have seen guys training drinking coffee and even tea.
On a side note Ive just seen my flatmate has gone and got a full length bar + weights so can do deadlifts , military press's etc at home now so no excuses!
Personally i would go with your own strength levels. I always work to between 8-12 reps per set. If its more than 12 then increase the weight or decrease if less than 8.You will soon find a weight that pushes you sufficiently. Maybe take a notebook with you and record what and how much your doing and track your progress. Rightly or wrongly i do always rep to failure or at least try too. When doing weights mate i was advised once never really do it with cold drinks. At least room temp with water and i have seen guys training drinking coffee and even tea.

MARKB Id completely agree with the above, when training I try to do anywhere between 2-4 sets with 8-12 reps as a general rule, if you keep at it and it becomes easier you up the weight and go again. To failure is always a good technique to use, high weights low reps is what i find works for me but its each to their own. A thing I do at the end, once ive completed all my sets is wait 15 seconds then try and pump out a few more reps to failure, a PT friend of mine said that he finds it helps. I can only usually manage quite a low number depending on the muscle groups im training.

Moondust, just out of intrigue whats supposedly the negative effects on having a cold drink when doing weights? At the moment my gym is absolutely roasting hot (weather and failed air con!) so i tend to take ice cold water/juice with me.
I couldn't agree more, your knowledge is wasted on us. Im sure there are various forums out there where you would be much more appreciated..;)

If you look at the "helpful" posts that I quoted myself from, you will find I listed some quite basic, easy to follow guidelines that will set people on their way to getting the results they want :)

I only get "technical" or go more in-depth when I am showing someone why they are wrong or misled.

Anyway, let's get back on track. I've dropped to my target weight with my paleo diet and training - and I'm starting to get the bug for weight training. Moondust: What would you suggest in terms of how often you should increase weights - and in what increments?

You could follow a progression scheme like Moondust said. Here is a good sample workout which follows that scheme: A Simple Beginner's Routine - Forums

Also, you don't have to stick to that rep range. A lot of people have great success following a 5x5 set/rep pattern and the progression being that you add weight each time. Another good example: Ripptoes SS or

To add, avoid training to failure. It is not a good, smart or efficient way to train. Train close to failure, not to failure. I'm afraid your PT friend has misled you Taylor.
I'm afraid your PT friend has misled you Taylor.

Do you have some kind of God complex by any chance? Because reading through this forum its seems quite likely that you do.

Hes a good friend of mine, I've known him for years and judging by how ripped he is I think ill trust his judgement on this occasion thank you very much.

You just sound like a bit of a keyboard warrior if I'm honest, but that's just my opinion of course :)

But on the back of that MARKB the first routine Germaine quoted in her last post is quite a good one to use. You can get a lot of advice from the forums.
MARKB Id completely agree with the above, when training I try to do anywhere between 2-4 sets with 8-12 reps as a general rule, if you keep at it and it becomes easier you up the weight and go again. To failure is always a good technique to use, high weights low reps is what i find works for me but its each to their own. A thing I do at the end, once ive completed all my sets is wait 15 seconds then try and pump out a few more reps to failure, a PT friend of mine said that he finds it helps. I can only usually manage quite a low number depending on the muscle groups im training.

Moondust, just out of intrigue whats supposedly the negative effects on having a cold drink when doing weights? At the moment my gym is absolutely roasting hot (weather and failed air con!) so i tend to take ice cold water/juice with me.

I hear you mate we only have fans at our gym so gets pretty hot aswell so ive been hitting the cold drinks but do what you can to steer clear of the ice cold ones. Yet again rightly or wrongly a guy once told me you need to keep them muscles warm and pumped when training so try an avoid cooling them down to much with ice cold drinks.
Do you have some kind of God complex by any chance? Because reading through this forum its seems quite likely that you do.

Hes a good friend of mine, I've known him for years and judging by how ripped he is I think ill trust his judgement on this occasion thank you very much.

You just sound like a bit of a keyboard warrior if I'm honest, but that's just my opinion of course :)

But on the back of that MARKB the first routine Germaine quoted in her last post is quite a good one to use. You can get a lot of advice from the forums.

Wow. Defensive much? Do you want me to explain why your PT is wrong?

I don't care if he's ripped, I don't care if he's your friend, that doesn't make him right. Google Logical Fallacy. That's what you just did. Then google Training To Failure and learn why you and your friend are wrong and giving out BAD advice.

Just because I know about nutrition and science, I am a God to someone like you? Thanks. :)
I hear you mate we only have fans at our gym so gets pretty hot aswell so ive been hitting the cold drinks but do what you can to steer clear of the ice cold ones. Yet again rightly or wrongly a guy once told me you need to keep them muscles warm and pumped when training so try an avoid cooling them down to much with ice cold drinks.

Moondust, fyi, a cold beverage will not cool down muscles.
Germaine if the people on this thread and forum wanted all of the scientific jargon you keep linking to they could just google it.

You keep shooting down peoples methods etc as being wrong and the incorrect way to do things but if it is working for them and giving results then it's clearly not as wrong as you make out.

The whole point is to share what successful / unsuccessful techniques methods etc people have tried and the reasons why they failed to try and help forum friends.

I've tried 'proven' workout techniques / diets etc based on laws / scientific backing etc and they havent worked. The fact is everyone is different and therefore it is impossible for these laws to apply to everyone.
Cold drink not so bad, ice cold drinks can cause muscle cramp... that im afraid is a fact..

Yeah but you originally said it will cool down muscles. I was saying it won't.

Germaine if the people on this thread and forum wanted all of the scientific jargon you keep linking to they could just google it.

You keep shooting down peoples methods etc as being wrong and the incorrect way to do things but if it is working for them and giving results then it's clearly not as wrong as you make out.

The whole point is to share what successful / unsuccessful techniques methods etc people have tried and the reasons why they failed to try and help forum friends.

I've tried 'proven' workout techniques / diets etc based on laws / scientific backing etc and they havent worked. The fact is everyone is different and therefore it is impossible for these laws to apply to everyone.

And what scientific jargon would that be? Did you even read my last few posts? Those links were to workout routines.

And I shot down training to failure because it IS a bad and inefficient way to train. It's working for them, but only at a fraction of what they could do if they trained proper. Pretty much any type of lifting will make progress. The difference lies in how much progress. Don't get involved in what you don't understand.

The whole point is to get results and provide information that will get people results. That's what I'm doing. Why share unsuccessful methods?

Yeah, I doubt you have tried any of that. Laws do apply to everyone. That's why they are LAWS. Again, don't try argue something you don't understand. Don't really want to deal with another clueless person.
Germaine im afraid your being offensive rather constructive. You may well have extensive knowledge of nutrition and fitness and i wont debate that but members have posted on here techniques and diets from themselves or people they know that have worked for them and not to be shot down or blinded by science from yourself. No one is going to listen to your advice however valuable it might be simply because your coming across as a bit of a tool.
Why dont you start a new thread about the LAWS of weight loss and bodybuilding then all your helpful info will be in one place?
Germaine im afraid your being offensive rather constructive. You may well have extensive knowledge of nutrition and fitness and i wont debate that but members have posted on here techniques and diets from themselves or people they know that have worked for them and not to be shot down or blinded by science from yourself. No one is going to listen to your advice however valuable it might be simply because your coming across as a bit of a tool.

I'm only being offensive in a response to attacks on me. You can clearly see how politely I put it about training to failure, implying he was merely misled, to then get a defensive, over-reaction and attack on me. I have no time to try rationale with people like that and refer bluntly to their stupidity.
I'm only being offensive in a response to attacks on me. You can clearly see how politely I put it about training to failure, implying he was merely misled, to then get a defensive, over-reaction and attack on me. I have no time to try rationale with people like that and refer bluntly to their stupidity.

By training to failure I mean until you start to lose your form or technique, not until you cant physically lift anymore as this can have a detrimental effect on the muscle group your working, so maybe I should of been clearer on that point.
By training to failure I mean until you start to lose your form or technique, not until you cant physically lift anymore as this can have a detrimental effect on the muscle group your working, so maybe I should of been clearer on that point.

Yeah I stated myself that training close to failure is good, so I guess we are in agreement after all :)
I fail to see how ice cold drinks can affect a muscle - surely by the time any of the water from the drink has reached the muscle it will have been warmed to the body temperature and absorbed in the gut.
I've lost 2st 3lbs since my last visit to ibiza, am lifting weights as well as I manual job. It's working :lol:
I do stick to compounds and throw in some bicep curls ;) not that they're showing much :lol:
I love when folk get arsey about training methods given them by someone in the know though, most gym experts I know don't know much in reality and although some look good, I think the point being put across is that with better advice they'd have even better results. I think their program's are referred to as 'fluff and pump'. Simple routines with heavy weights and watching calorie intake(properly) will get any able bodied human results, and that IS a fact.