"So......." Roll Call (Sticky please mods?)


Well-Known Member
So........who's gonna be in attendance on the 30th and how many bods are you bringing with you? One post each please and remember if your party includes other Spotlighters to make sure that you each get counted once only on this thread.

Cheers folks............its gonna be special :!:

I will be there.....
DrewUK said:
I will definately not be there :p

That's a shame Andy, was hoping you and Ange would be coming down for it :(

I will be in attendance plus one partner in crime plus 2 mates (Babs - Chloe and bf are coming ;) )
cookie said:
That's a shame Andy, was hoping you and Ange would be coming down for it :(

I will be in attendance plus one partner in crime plus 2 mates (Babs - Chloe and bf are coming ;) )

As above :D
cookie said:
DrewUK said:
I will definately not be there :p

That's a shame Andy, was hoping you and Ange would be coming down for it :(

I'll PM you ;)

SwissTaff - shame, wouldn't been nice to meet ya :( I will probably get over to Switzerland sometime before summer so we may arrange a meet up ;)
Was gonna come as in the South on the 31st but the missus cant get fri off now so probably wont. But still might. lol.
I shall be present :D With a couple of mates.

I was going to ask what everyone looks like but then I rememered that this is a post up containing everyone photo's......

30th will be my first night out since NYE.
Beckiboo said:
I'll be there, hopefully not spending any money and poncing drinks off everyone all night!

SkintBoo :evil:

robo makes a note, not to buy becki a drink :p :p

looks like lynch is in for one expensive night