So I have to ask....what kind of mess do you return from Ibiza in?

haha i dont think i have the emotional stability to think about it just yet, tomorrow is another day so hopefully report will be complete by Monday.

My report for today;


please someone take me back

Take me with you please :p
Mad how the place stays in the brain for some of us. I know folk who have been to Ibiza and dont wanna go back, and there is me and my best mate and now g/f who would love to not come home and just enjoy the lifestyle that it has to offer. I have spent 2 years thinking about Ibiza, till I got there and it still stays in the brain I want it to go away but then I come on here and mentally I am there again :lol:
Love reading the reviews and experiences of others there to, god I am sad :confused:
Love reading the reviews and experiences of others there to, god I am sad :confused:

Not sad at all as you are yet another Ibiza statistic that tells the World "You love the Ibiza Party Lifestyle:D" so where's the harm in that? Chin Up and and try to stay positive.
