Oh and I also don't think it's a good idea to artificially make your body rest/sleep/comedown. I.e valium! It's gotta be done naturally IMO.
Nothing a large glass of red before bed won't do anyway....
Done the loads of drink before bed before. Feels far healthier imo to pop 5mg valium (has a range of 4 hrs). Just don't make a habit of it.
I thought that was only prescribed to housewives in the seventies and eighties?
Last few years I've ended my trip on Tuesday, i.e. after the DC10/Cocoon marathon. Suffice to say I sleep well on the flight homeI know it's tempting to party till the very last minute..
(I know one spotlighter who frequently went from space straight to the airport )
Famous last wordsNever ever again.
I remember the 1st time getting it.
In one night:
floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles
I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then.
I remember the 1st time getting it.
In one night:
floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles
I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then.
Sounds messy
I remember the 1st time getting it.
In one night:
floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles
I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then.
Oh and I also don't think it's a good idea to artificially make your body rest/sleep/comedown. I.e valium! It's gotta be done naturally IMO.
Nothing a large glass of red before bed won't do anyway....