So I have to ask....what kind of mess do you return from Ibiza in?

Oh and I also don't think it's a good idea to artificially make your body rest/sleep/comedown. I.e valium! It's gotta be done naturally IMO.

Nothing a large glass of red before bed won't do anyway....
Oh and I also don't think it's a good idea to artificially make your body rest/sleep/comedown. I.e valium! It's gotta be done naturally IMO.

Nothing a large glass of red before bed won't do anyway....

Done the loads of drink before bed before. Feels far healthier imo to pop 5mg valium (has a range of 4 hrs). Just don't make a habit of it.
Done the loads of drink before bed before. Feels far healthier imo to pop 5mg valium (has a range of 4 hrs). Just don't make a habit of it.


I thought that was only prescribed to housewives in the seventies and eighties?:D
I know it sounds sadistic, but I love the after feeling once I am through it. I know it was a bloody good night/day/week when I feel this bad and I am not dead :lol:
Sven vath followed by carl cox was quite hard though, I did we love followed by ritchie hawtin last time and swore I would always have a day recovery but ffs when I only have a week.....And the worse thing is if money allowed it I would do every night till I dropped :lol:
I know it's tempting to party till the very last minute..
(I know one spotlighter who frequently went from space straight to the airport ;) )
Last few years I've ended my trip on Tuesday, i.e. after the DC10/Cocoon marathon. Suffice to say I sleep well on the flight home :lol:
(although I usually get a little rest before the flight... depending on flight times maybe even half a day)

The one time I went straight to the airport after a party in Ibiza was quite possibly the worst trip home ever! :lol: But I blame the 5-hour layover in Barca for that one... I've gone straight through when traveling from here and not been bothered.
Last year first trip. 4 nights on it. I'm not a particulalrly strong thing anyway, first night i'm a ninja, after that a ghost until I can get back on the booze. Recovery takes me time.

Got home and sixish hours later had to get in the car with my in laws to drive from Manchester to their place in France.

Including an overnight ferry journey - utter torture. Had total and bizarre sleep paralysis, floated around my own body etc etc.

Had to force the buffet down on the ferry.

Never ever again.
It's always the 2nd night after 'partying' that the sleep paralysis hits me. Fortunately, it's just one night. My mate would get it for a week after a heavy weekend partying. :eek:
I remember the 1st time getting it.

In one night:

floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles


I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then. :lol:
I remember the 1st time getting it.

In one night:

floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles


I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then. :lol:


Sounds messy
I remember the 1st time getting it.

In one night:

floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles


I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then. :lol:

Hallucinations lol some people pay good money to see that sort of stuff:rolleyes::lol:

Sounds messy

I was still on my honeymoon period, believed there were no downsides and was on it for 5 nights in... Benidorm. :lol: Boy, did I get a shock 1st night back. Weird thing is there was no actual comedown.

I should have seen the sleep stuff building up - on earlier occasions I'd experienced more muscle twitching on getting to sleep or thinking someone had something to me on drifting off (once something about smurfs... lol) when they hadn't.

But vals/xanax/etc kill it completely. :D I'd never do it again without having something like that available - or failing that the luxury of being able to glug sh!tloads of brandy in the middle of the night if and when required.
I remember the 1st time getting it.

In one night:

floating off the bed sideways
being strangled by a demon
being buried alive with the feeling of soil being shovelled over my eyes and trying to scream out but being unable to
random impressions of the room at different angles


I wish I'd known about valium, xanax, etc back then. :lol:
That lot makes me feel quite normal. :p
Just be careful - there is going to be a downside from drugs to make yourself awake, drugs to make you sleep etc etc!

Has anyone ever been so bad they weren't able to get on the plane? I've seen a few car crashes in the airport :lol:

Once our mate was so bad (believe it or not just on alcohol!!) we found a discarded wheelchair, put him in it, the security at Ibiza airport actually thought he was disabled and were helping us in the lift lol!!! TBF he did look very very ill!!!
Im normally okay when I get home, but thats probably because last couple of nights are spent in hotel bar, or close by, with bedtime being no later than 1am, plus during the holiday I drink loads of water, eat at roughly the same time as at home, even if its just a snack on the beach, am normally in bed by 3am/4am, up at 9am ish, depends on how much alcohol was drunk the night before, :):)
sometimes we,ve got up, thought about going for breakfast, then just went back to bed, :D
I drink a reasonable amount on holiday, but take resolve with me,:lol:, but dont do " sweeties"
so thankfully when we,ve got back home none of us have been that poorly,
Im not boring when I go on holiday, I have loads of fun, drink quite a bit, chill out on the beach the next day,
but being 50 my body doesnt recover as easily as it used to do in my teens,
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Oh and I also don't think it's a good idea to artificially make your body rest/sleep/comedown. I.e valium! It's gotta be done naturally IMO.

Nothing a large glass of red before bed won't do anyway....

I talk to bob and it relaxes and gets me to eat also.

I am wrecked post Ibiza, but if you party hard you have to pay the cost. The Jet lag adds to it also.