So I have to ask....what kind of mess do you return from Ibiza in?

Just be careful - there is going to be a downside from drugs to make yourself awake, drugs to make you sleep etc etc!

Has anyone ever been so bad they weren't able to get on the plane? I've seen a few car crashes in the airport :lol:

Once our mate was so bad (believe it or not just on alcohol!!) we found a discarded wheelchair, put him in it, the security at Ibiza airport actually thought he was disabled and were helping us in the lift lol!!! TBF he did look very very ill!!!

I passed out at the Madrid airport gate, they took 30 minutes to wake me:oops:
I passed out at the Madrid airport gate, they took 30 minutes to wake me:oops:
I've passed out at the gate in Ibiza. Luckily woke up mid-way through boarding.

On the aforementioned hell-trip when we had a 5-hour layover in Barca, we couldn't check in for our connecting flight until 2 hour before, so the missus and I took a long nap in the departure hall, legs and arms strategically placed over all our stuff :lol:
I've passed out at the gate in Ibiza. Luckily woke up mid-way through boarding.

On the aforementioned hell-trip when we had a 5-hour layover in Barca, we couldn't check in for our connecting flight until 2 hour before, so the missus and I took a long nap in the departure hall, legs and arms strategically placed over all our stuff :lol:

When I planned my trip I thought pack the night before leave travel clothes out. Come back to hotel shower change check out on to the airport. I was thinking a could stay awake during a 6 hour lay over in Madrid. I was so wrong the post club crash just smashed me:spank:
I know it's tempting to party till the very last minute..
(I know one spotlighter who frequently went from space straight to the airport ;) )

Begin with 'B' by any chance ? :lol:

I've done it loads, straight from club to the ferry of doom, mostly because i'd be over only for the weekend or so. But that ferry, oh my lord, not good when completely trollied or broken :spank:
I've passed out at the gate in Ibiza. Luckily woke up mid-way through boarding.

On about my 2nd or 3rd trip we had to be woken up by passengers who recognised us from the flight out :oops:

This year we have strategically planned things so we have 3 full days to readjust to civilian life before we have to go back to work. I'm thinking a lot of that time will be spent weeping and boozing.
I've been back 28 hours and am amazed at how i feel, slightly sore throat, my skin needs some tlc and nutrition but overall not too bad, i do have the fear though the scary fear that like after a weekend bender sometimes it takes til wednesday for the blues to hit am slightly concerned after a week of abuse it may hit me with a sledge hammer in a few days i certainly hope not. wnna do it all over again.

i should point out mid holiday at zoo on sat i did fall asleep dancing and had to go straight from there to burger king where i had the pleasure of meeting clubbers who enjoy ibiza the west end way, that was fun after 2 days of no sleep 8)
I've been back 28 hours and am amazed at how i feel, slightly sore throat, my skin needs some tlc and nutrition but overall not too bad, i do have the fear though the scary fear that like after a weekend bender sometimes it takes til wednesday for the blues to hit am slightly concerned after a week of abuse it may hit me with a sledge hammer in a few days i certainly hope not. wnna do it all over again.

i should point out mid holiday at zoo on sat i did fall asleep dancing and had to go straight from there to burger king where i had the pleasure of meeting clubbers who enjoy ibiza the west end way, that was fun after 2 days of no sleep 8)

I've been on nights this week and the 'Ibiza cold' has well and truely set in, added to my cough I feel dreadful but at least I'm not tripping of a night like I have before :(

Matt, your blues are coming it's a factual detail after hitting it hard but when it comes you know it's worth it ;)
Usually have the 'ibiza flu' but never any mad dreams. Back sunday and in work monday no problem. Its the depression that you've had your holiday and thats you till next summer that gets to me :cry:
Im wayyyyyyyyy to old to have no sleep, admittedly at home I only normally get 6 hours sleep a night,due to my working hours. so on holiday its nice to catch up on some zzzzzzzzzzz.s
Blondie i want a full report of your week's antics on my desk monday morning!

haha i dont think i have the emotional stability to think about it just yet, tomorrow is another day so hopefully report will be complete by Monday.

My report for today;


please someone take me back