So I have to ask....what kind of mess do you return from Ibiza in?


Well-Known Member
I know not everyone goes to go clubbing get drunk or use other naughty methods but for those of us that do what kind of mess do you arrive home in?
I have been terrible today and last night :spank: I had the sweats and shakes last night after a very enjoying trip with the mrs and my third time there it seems for me it just keeps getting better and better :eek:
There are great highs and lows for which I will do a review on later when I have the time cant wait to re-live it all as I write it down lol
Only thing that kept me going yesterday was the lad in front of me queuing for the plane was an even bigger mess then me, he just kept crouching down head in hands :lol:
Dont you just love "beefa" I need a bloody holiday to rest now 8)
Takes me a good week or so to get my brain and body back in shape! Always try and get back on a thursday so it gives me a few days to recover before work begins the following week.

Come to think of it i did get sacked the first day back at work after i came back from Ibiza last year. Biggest comedown ever!
I know not everyone goes to go clubbing get drunk or use other naughty methods but for those of us that do what kind of mess do you arrive home in?
I have been terrible today and last night :spank: I had the sweats and shakes last night after a very enjoying trip with the mrs and my third time there it seems for me it just keeps getting better and better :eek:
There are great highs and lows for which I will do a review on later when I have the time cant wait to re-live it all as I write it down lol
Only thing that kept me going yesterday was the lad in front of me queuing for the plane was an even bigger mess then me, he just kept crouching down head in hands :lol:
Dont you just love "beefa" I need a bloody holiday to rest now 8)

Usually return something like this : (your hands will stop shaking enough to type a review again in a few days ;))

GERVAIS by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
To my utter surprise i wasnt as broken as i thought i might be....i amaze myself with my stamina and sheer endurance levels :lol:

I just had to catch up with ALOT of missed sleep over the weekend i was back ready for Monday morning :spank: then a mad one in Newcastle to follow...

I dont think im gona be quite the same next year tho ;)
Last year when I came back I was fine just a bit tired, but then I didn't cane it really hard last year as had a friend with me who wasn't upto doing much once we got there:rolleyes:

This year will be different I expect;)
Used to always come back with Ibiza flu but as i have got older I deffinitly pace myself alot more so I get more out of my holiday and not dying for a week when I get back :)
A week to start eating proper again, head was still dizzy by the 4th day i was back, qued up in the wrong que at the airport and threw up in the womens toilet before boarding to head back home...sound now after ****loads of sleep. 3 weeks to get over it all!!!
When we was queing to get on the plane all the others were feeling awfuly, i was there thinking "nice i have got lucky"! How wrong was i!
First night back my body must of noticed the party was over. What a come down, couldn't sleep properly, dodgy dreams and every so often getting paranoid as f**k. Went on for a good 3/4 days. Was it worth it? What do you all think? :p
I know it's tempting to party till the very last minute..
(I know one spotlighter who frequently went from space straight to the airport ;) )

but I really do think it's worth having a quiet(ish) final 24h before your flight back.
Ha ha loving the fact I am not alone :lol:
Well its been 2 days back now and feels like I never went :( The random pumping techno that still disturbs the brain and the pins and needles I had from sat morning to this morning keeps reminding me I am still feeling the effects.
I had to go into Nottingham today, walking around looking at the complete and utter scum that my city has waltzing around it thinking I hate this life/place/etc the head still isnt right my body is unable to move faster then sloooww and all I cant think driving home is I need more techno, sven vath is on tonight I need to be there :lol:
I think the fact is I am getting too old for all this :oops:
Cant wait for 13-06-2012 though, the return to the villa with the lads got it all to do again and I cant wait 8)
Edited as I forgot to mention the sweats, like I have never had em before. Pure body burning, pouring with sweat while laying in bed scared to nod off because of the mental dreams that you know are :lol:
Ha ha loving the fact I am not alone :lol:
Edited as I forgot to mention the sweats, like I have never had em before. Pure body burning, pouring with sweat while laying in bed scared to nod off because of the mental dreams that you know are :lol:

This!! First time i did any 'sweets' and i'm glad it just wasn't me what had dodgy dreams when i got home. :lol:
Sleep paralysis/buzzing noises in the head before sleep was the thing that put me off doing them completely for a while, as if I'm reasonably sensible I don't get comedowns. (Actually, I'm far more limited in what I do by how terrifying/laughable I look while clubbing than how I feel afterwards.) In fact, I felt it coming on last night after having fun with mandy on Sat. The cure? 5mg valium before bed and maybe another 5mg if you wake up in the middle of the night. Stops it completely and great sleep all round. :D Always try and eat bananas, oily fish, turkey, fresh fruit/veg, nuts and take 5-htp/fish oil supplements in the following days too - but I suppose I get a lot of that in my diet anyway.
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I don't know why people are suprised they feel like sh1t after Ibiza :lol: You take mind-bending drugs for 7 days, drink your body's weight in alcohol, eat the equivalent of one whole kebab leg and probably get less than 2hrs sleep per night on average.

No wonder your body needs time to mend itself!

What goes up must come down ;)

I'm always of the opinion that 1 night out = 1 day comedown.

But sometimes depending on the severity of the clubbing, 1 night can = 2 day recovery lol!