SHM calling it a day...

Social media is all about being current and relevant.
..but not necessarily accurate... which is the main problem.
No fact checker, no regulation, anything goes and even the most obscure blog can get traction.
(only blog I read regularly is Engadget)
And the blog did break the story :)
See note above re: educated guess months ahead of time not equal to breaking story :spank: :p ;)
..but not necessarily accurate... which is the main problem.
No fact checker, no regulation, anything goes and even the most obscure blog can get traction.
(only blog I read regularly is Engadget)

See note above re: educated guess months ahead of time not equal to breaking story :spank: :p ;)

Yes I agree with you.....but you have to move with the times or be left behind.

On the breaking story....... I will agree to disagree ;)

Fat chance of getting any credit for it here
Ok they announced it on Saturday. They are still together and playing a number of dates this year.

So technically still not broke up? so why release it on Saturday, rather than using your logic and announce it when they finish their contracted dates at end of this year when its a done deal??

Yea sorry about the judgemental jibe........just had it in my ear re the story over the last 24hours

Why did they say on Saturday then Bez? I'm asking out of interest? 8)
Yes I agree with you.....but you have to move with the times or be left behind.

On the breaking story....... I will agree to disagree ;)

Fat chance of getting any credit for it here

Calm down everyone it's about spreading the LOVE on here not killing it :D. I'm sure you were the 1st Blog to post this Bez well done that man, I did read it on your blog site also. For me personally a breaking story is when Axwell calls up Pete Tong and says i'm bringing Paris Hilton with me tonight for my set at it's all Gone Pete Tong, Source Original Mag/Site or Radio has the exclusive on the comment.!
Bez, you know I've got nothing against you, mate.

But the rise of blogs is one of the main factors killing journalism and destroying the reliability of information.

(following not directed at you personally, and based on solid professional experience)
Blogs print whatever bit of information comes their way without getting two sources, fact checking, contacting people involved for comment, etc. - the ideal hallmarks of real journalism. From there it hits Twitter, etc., and then the "traditional" media feels it has to pick it up and next thing you know, entirely baseless rumors become fact in people's minds.

Furthermore, "traditional" media have lowered their standards to compete in the 24-hour news environment. Everybody loses.

I've seen it happen. In my work, I've won lawsuits over stories that evolved this way.

I've even seen blogs created just for the purpose of starting rumors to advertise various businesses mentioned in passing somewhere in the text of their stories!

So no, if anything, a lot of blogs are contributing to the dumbing down of society.

Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I couldn't let that comment go unchallenged.

Spot on many people now only get their news from social media and commentary, instead of non-biased news. I fact check multiple sources when I see something, but most people just leap before they look. It has created a rash of people thinking they have the facts when it could not be further from the truth.
Bez was last seen climbing down a drainpipe behind the Ecuadorean Embassy as Stephen and James tried to batter the door down.
Bez was last seen climbing down a drainpipe behind the Ecuadorean Embassy as Stephen and James tried to batter the door down.

I'm glad the bail I posted for him was from my Nat West account to be honest!:lol:

Just read this thread as SHM doing anything is pretty far down my interest list only to find I'm missing out on another f*cking hilarious bickerfest - better than any soap on TV and the above Jimmy Carr specials are honestly priceless.

Sorry, Bez but I have to disagree with some things you seem to be implying this time round. A Blog cannot compare to a massively diverse open Forum with input and interest from a large number of people with no vested interest in commercial matters, 'profile-maintenance' or hit counts. Both have their place but one is very personally biased in focus and the other is open to content as diverse as its members decide to make it. That's my perception anyhow :!:
Just read this thread as SHM doing anything is pretty far down my interest list only to find I'm missing out on another f*cking hilarious bickerfest - better than any soap on TV and the above Jimmy Carr specials are honestly priceless.

Sorry, Bez but I have to disagree with some things you seem to be implying this time round. A Blog cannot compare to a massively diverse open Forum with input and interest from a large number of people with no vested interest in commercial matters, 'profile-maintenance' or hit counts. Both have their place but one is very personally biased in focus and the other is open to content as diverse as its members decide to make it. That's my perception anyhow :!:

Not to worry a big boy now I can handle the rejection:cry:..... glad you enjoyed the bickerfest....some funny contributions. Half them should be on stage! It seems it requires a debate on something contentious to wake people up on here these days.

We were comparing blogs with traditional media sources not forums......Im all for different opinions once they are backed by a good argument and not just mud slinging.
Fair play to you Bez for the effort that's going into your blog.

I didn't know you had a blog before, so this thread has at least gained you one more reader.

All intended as good natured leg pulling!

I'm sure you will have plenty of chances to return the favour :lol:
Fair play to you Bez for the effort that's going into your blog.

I didn't know you had a blog before, so this thread has at least gained you one more reader.

All intended as good natured leg pulling!

I'm sure you will have plenty of chances to return the favour :lol:

Thanks well used to it by now. Although some of us are beginning to show signs of old age

When you are competing with Ibiza's No1 website you have to try and be different in some way;)

Dont worry I will be as cantankerous as ever in the future