SHM calling it a day...

Until they announced it, there was always a road back whatever their disagreements and grievances. So if you're going to peg a date, I'd say it was the day they announced it.

That's the point I was making earlier re: "breaking the story". I wasn't trying to be "judgmental". I was just pointing out that dissent within the group and even one or more members considering a break-up doesn't mean it's reality until they make a final decision.
Until they announced it, there was always a road back whatever their disagreements and grievances. So if you're going to peg a date, I'd say it was the day they announced it.

Ok they announced it on Saturday. They are still together and playing a number of dates this year.

So technically still not broke up? so why release it on Saturday, rather than using your logic and announce it when they finish their contracted dates at end of this year when its a done deal??

Yea sorry about the judgemental jibe........just had it in my ear re the story over the last 24hours
Which begs the question.......

If they all knew about it months before, why didnt they publish it then?

why should we? it's not exactly the same like a new night, a new exciting project like hawtin at space. it is bad news for a many clubber (believe it or not) and we just prefer to have the people involved to have the first word in such cases if that makes sense. and moreover, we're not after sensationalistic journalism, we just spread facts.
Ok they announced it on Saturday. They are still together and playing a number of dates this year.

So technically still not broke up? so why release it on Saturday, rather than using your logic and announce it when they finish their contracted dates at end of this year when its a done deal?
Because a "farewell tour" is a great way to milk the cash cow one last time :lol:
why should we? it's not exactly the same like a new night, a new exciting project like hawtin at space. it is bad news for a many clubber (believe it or not) and we just prefer to have the people involved to have the first word in such cases if that makes sense. and moreover, we're not after sensationalistic journalism, we just spread facts.

First off you are a commercial website who's primary aim is to make money....its been stated on this forum many times, where any posts that may negatively affect your advertisers/clients are taken down.

Secondly you entertain a whole "gossip" page which is spreading facts?? You also got involved in the SHM story by publishing that they were to hold 4 shows at Privilege that turned out to be non-factual and false. Once again you removed that post.

I would go on but I would be worried that you would take down my post as it would not adhere to your commercial ethos.

People arent stupid you know...they want to be given a little bit of respect rather than patronising them all the time. Thats why blogs are becoming more and more popular these days and sites likes yours ( which were very good when they started) are becoming bogged down and boring with commercial and biased adverts for club nights and promoters.
dj sneak must be happy.

or was it all a stunt?

i've got no opinion on this, i don't give a sh*t what they do.
First off you are a commercial website who's primary aim is to make money....its been stated on this forum many times, where any posts that may negatively affect your advertisers/clients are taken down.

Secondly you entertain a whole "gossip" page which is spreading facts?? You also got involved in the SHM story by publishing that they were to hold 4 shows at Privilege that turned out to be non-factual and false. Once again you removed that post.

I would go on but I would be worried that you would take down my post as it would not adhere to your commercial ethos.

People arent stupid you know...they want to be given a little bit of respect rather than patronising them all the time. Thats why blogs are becoming more and more popular these days and sites likes yours ( which were very good when they started) are becoming bogged down and boring with commercial and biased adverts for club nights and promoters.

Why the aggressive ball busting? It's only bloody SHM you're talking about.

Do you think you are Julian Assange? :lol:

Spotlight is hardly News international.

"People arent stupid you know..." = most patronising comment of 2012.
Thats why blogs are becoming more and more popular these days and sites likes yours ( which were very good when they started) are becoming bogged down and boring with commercial and biased adverts for club nights and promoters.
Bez, you know I've got nothing against you, mate.

But the rise of blogs is one of the main factors killing journalism and destroying the reliability of information.

(following not directed at you personally, and based on solid professional experience)
Blogs print whatever bit of information comes their way without getting two sources, fact checking, contacting people involved for comment, etc. - the ideal hallmarks of real journalism. From there it hits Twitter, etc., and then the "traditional" media feels it has to pick it up and next thing you know, entirely baseless rumors become fact in people's minds.

Furthermore, "traditional" media have lowered their standards to compete in the 24-hour news environment. Everybody loses.

I've seen it happen. In my work, I've won lawsuits over stories that evolved this way.

I've even seen blogs created just for the purpose of starting rumors to advertise various businesses mentioned in passing somewhere in the text of their stories!

So no, if anything, a lot of blogs are contributing to the dumbing down of society.

Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I couldn't let that comment go unchallenged.
sites likes yours ( which were very good when they started) are becoming bogged down and boring with commercial and biased adverts for club nights and promoters.


Blogger says Ibiza website isn't as good as it used to be!
a victory for music!!! good riddance ( and i mean that with every beat of my heart!! )...

Good call but a proper victory for music would be if they all died in a plane crash along with Guetta and DJ Paris Hilton :D
Bez, you know I've got nothing against you, mate.

But the rise of blogs is one of the main factors killing journalism and destroying the reliability of information.

(following not directed at you personally, and based on solid professional experience)
Blogs print whatever bit of information comes their way without getting two sources, fact checking, contacting people involved for comment, etc. - the ideal hallmarks of real journalism. From there it hits Twitter, etc., and then the "traditional" media feels it has to pick it up and next thing you know, entirely baseless rumors become fact in people's minds.

Furthermore, "traditional" media have lowered their standards to compete in the 24-hour news environment. Everybody loses.

I've seen it happen. In my work, I've won lawsuits over stories that evolved this way.

I've even seen blogs created just for the purpose of starting rumors to advertise various businesses mentioned in passing somewhere in the text of their stories!

So no, if anything, a lot of blogs are contributing to the dumbing down of society.

Sorry for the off-topic rant, but I couldn't let that comment go unchallenged.

Fair comment.

Social media is all about being current and relevant. Blogs are popular for a reason whether we like it or not.

For any journalist the opportunity to break a news story is what they get out of bed for each morning....not writing what editors tell them to do. As we have seen in the whole Murdoch/News of the World scandal large corporate media outlets can sensationalise the facts just as much as blogs do.

We are both coming at this from different viewpoints so lets say we will beg to differ. I respect your viewpoint, I hope you do mine.

Same way as Spotlight is entitled to run their business any way they want to, I would expect the same courtesy returned as to how I run my blog.

I just dont appreciate the cheap shots coming from a minority on here which I wont even bother replying to.
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I just dont appreciate the cheap shots coming from a minority on here which I wont even bother replying to.

C'mon, lighten up! You did invite a bit of ribbing by claiming that your blog 'broke' a story.

No-one's really having a pop. Not maliciously, anyway
C'mon, lighten up! You did invite a bit of ribbing by claiming that your blog 'broke' a story.

No-one's really having a pop. Not maliciously, anyway

I understand but when you are defending your position from all flanks it comes across like that at times....

And the blog did break the story :)