Shannon - The plot thickens

it's like the "good o'l us of a"
Not like the US at all... if it were us, the girl would have stolen her stepfather's gun and killed the family before running away with her 20-year-old boyfriend. This all taking place in West Virginia, of course.
Seems to me that in recent years there has been a noticable emergence of scumbags like these people that weren't around say 30 years ago.
I think that the nanny state and the easiness that one can spend one's life claiming benefits and days in front of the TV with a can of Special Brew and a big spliff are contributing to this.
There is definate lack of social responsibility and a constant demand for instant gratification.
They feel that stating at the bottom in a trade or proffession is below them and a waste of their time.
How many times have you heard the phrase 'It's not worth me going to work, I get more in benefits if I stay at home'
They fail to see the bigger picture...That yes, of course when you start a job the pay is going to be crap. But so will be your productivity for said company.
I went to a pretty rough comprehensive school and grew up on a council estate. But when leaving school we all found some kind of job. No they weren't well paid, and definately not enough to live independantly. But now I see some of ex school friends who started off in the most basic jobs such as hod carrying etc, everyone owns their house and has done well for themselves...even the ones who had to spend a bit time in jail first.
Ok now i am going to be told that those oportunites don't exist any more. But I disagree. It goes back to economics.
Over the past 5 years the trades that the people with a lower standard of education would have tended to fall in to have been dominated by the influx of Eastern Europeans. But we had better get used to it, because like it or not from the day that the British public decided to part of the EEC we were always going to be on a path to 'Europe the counrty'. So in 25 years time blaming the Polish for taking British jobs is going to like blaming the Cornish. We have to still enter these trades and work our way through the lower levels.
We are never going to be the same as the US as apart from the American Indians everybody had a relatively short existance of American identity.
But we have to accept that we are not going to be able change this path and we should make sure that we are a respected and responsible part of this new direction. Racism should not come into it as economic migration due to choices of a nation are a natural by product of other advantages gained. I would be here too if I was a Pole and did exactly the same thing myself when working in a fish factory in Alaska.
Everthing is much easier to come by in recent years sex... you can see more in 2 minutes on the internet than a person living in the 70's would see in their entire life, 200 TV channels, drugs (£2 E) supermarket alchohol, world travel, cheaper consumer goods (you can buy a dvd player for about 4 hours wages).
This loser of a stepfather typifies this new white trash who thinks the world owes him everything and wants it by this afternoon at the latest.
I think that the nanny state and the easiness that one can spend one's life claiming benefits and days in front of the TV with a can of Special Brew and a big spliff are contributing to this.
To us outsiders who spend time in the UK, this does appear to be the case.

I left the States right when we had Clinton's welfare reform, which limited the time people could stay on benefits but also boosted programs to help put people to work. I'm not sure how it worked out, to be honest, but it supposedly had some degree of success.

(It must be working because all of our miscreants now seem to have enough money to arm themselves :lol: just kidding)
This just gets weirder and weirder if you ask me. Unless they have just arrested the mum but she hasnt actually done anything wrong....
Seems as she might have known the kid was there before she was found by the cops.....
Probably discovered her whilst shagging Uncle Abducter on the said hiding place bed.
Seems as she might have known the kid was there before she was found by the cops.....
Probably discovered her whilst shagging Uncle Abducter on the said hiding place bed.

I reckon they were all in on it...probably planning to sell her to some peado ring for a crate of kestrel super and a couple of packs of baccy!!
fancy faking your own daughters kidnapping to get their mitts on some kinda "free Maddy| style fund..

lowlife scum.
I think we are getting dangerously close to the truth here....

a plan probably hatched in one of the "extended families" kitchens during one of their daily pissups.........she probably would have lived in that bed for years until they worked out the 2nd part of the to sneak her back into the community
Scum bags come in all shapes , sizes , nationalities and creeds...Not just "white trash"
Scum bags come in all shapes , sizes , nationalities and creeds...Not just "white trash"
No disputing that, good sir...

I don't recall anyone here calling these particular offenders "white trash". However, I do believe the term "pikey" was used. :lol: