Shannon - The plot thickens


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Shannon stepfather in porn arrest

Craig Meehan was arrested at the family home

Detectives investigating the disappearance of Shannon Matthews have arrested her stepfather on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
Craig Meehan, 22, was arrested after officers on the Shannon Matthews case carried out inspections on a number of computers.
Mr Meehan was arrested at the family home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.
Michael Donovan, 39, of Lidgate Gardens, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, has been charged with kidnapping Shannon.
West Yorkshire Police said in a statement: "During inquiries by the Shannon Matthews investigation team, the contents of a number of computers have been examined.
"As a result of this work, police have arrested a 22-year-old man from the Dewsbury Moor area on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
"He is currently being questioned at a West Yorkshire Police Station."
We thought the next step would be Shannon coming home or at least getting to see her

Neighbour Peter Brown

Officers said they did not believe any of the images found on the computer were those of family members.
On Wednesday morning two officers were on duty at the front of the family's red brick home.
Shannon's mother, 32-year-old Karen Matthews was believed to be at a neighbour's home with three of her children.
West Yorkshire detectives were seen going in and out of the house carrying bags and boxes.
Neighbour Peter Brown, 34, said: "We thought we were going back to normality but now all the reporters are back again.
"We thought the next step would be Shannon coming home or at least getting to see her. Now it looks like that could take a while."
Mr Meehan, a fishmonger, has lived at the property with Karen Matthews, a mother-of-seven, for five years.
The nine-year-old schoolgirl was eventually found hidden in the base of a bed at a house a mile from her family home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in March, 24 days after she went missing. But the youngster has not returned home since officers found her and she is in the care of social services. Her disappearance in February led to the launch of one of the biggest police inquiries in Yorkshire since the Ripper investigation of the 1970s.
Gosh - I saw this and didnt feel shocked - kind of expected to hear something along the lines of this - 'specially as how the little girl hasnt been allowed home yet - so ****ing sad!!
Its very strange.

The fact they have not let her home AT ALL suggests something at home is not quite right....maybe this was while they were digging stuff up on him lead to her being kept away??
We all said something weren't right in that household.

was just about to revive post of 3 weeks ago with this.

This lad is 22.... (and quite a looker!!) has lived with shannons mother for 5 he was 17 when he met her???? :eek:..fookin pikeys...nowt better to do apart from booze & shag.........and apparently they aint fussy about who......relatives near & distant are apparently all fair game!!!
I saw a movie at the weekend called "Gone baby Gone".

it's a american movie and it's pretty fcking good.

It's about an abduction of a young child from a family and the footage of the first five minutes of the film was like watching the news footage from the Shannon case.

Good film, in fact great film, i recommend it
Police always seem to find child porn on peoples computers don't they when they have nothing else at all on the people!
The scummer has been charged on 10 counts!!!

this is bad enough, however to make matters worse, when the police led him away this morning he was wearing a man u shirt!!!
Mark - ya that movie got good reviews... some said Affleck should give up his (often maligned) acting and become a director.

N8 - I hear you. IT'S A SET-UP! :lol:
Police always seem to find child porn on peoples computers don't they when they have nothing else at all on the people!

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the day when they arrest a ten year old for having pictures of Gary Glitter's knob.
What pi55es me off about this turn of events, and child pronography in general, is that all these Police computer techno whizz kids can find incriminating pictures in a matter of seconds, even if the things been deleted 7 times, the hard drives been formatted twice, put on a bonfire, and then put through a washing machine.

Ask them to find a document I've lost that I've been bloody working on all day... :twisted:
What pi55es me off about this turn of events, and child pronography in general, is that all these Police computer techno whizz kids can find incriminating pictures in a matter of seconds, even if the things been deleted 7 times, the hard drives been formatted twice, put on a bonfire, and then put through a washing machine.

Ask them to find a document I've lost that I've been bloody working on all day... :twisted:

lol @ Dan

Always said the step father looked dodgy!!!
I think that this uncle guy kidnapped the kid in a messed up attempt her to protect her.
I have a feeling that this only the tip of the iceberg and some weird stuff was going on in her house.
The stepfather couldn't look more dodgey if he tried.
I think that this uncle guy kidnapped the kid in a messed up attempt her to protect her.
I have a feeling that this only the tip of the iceberg and some weird stuff was going on in her house.
The stepfather couldn't look more dodgey if he tried.

agree with you 100%