September 7th to the 21st

  • Thread starter Thread starter amber3
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Hey everyone,

I am going to be there from the 7th of sept to the 21st. I have never been to Ibiza before and I am soooo excited!!
Are you guys gonna have a meeting point? I am going to be staying in Figueretas.

hey cool another Canadian!! (I'm from toronto) i'm gonna be there with 3 other guys till sept 8th!! we should meet up for your first night!
Glad to hear from you all !

I arrive in Ibiza on 7 Sep also ! I went last year and I am going back by myself this time ! I am from North Bay (yeah, way up there ! ) :P

I definitively want to go see Danny Tenaglia's 12 hour marathon at Priviledge on Sat. 7 Sep (8 PM to 8 AM), I actually planned my trip with this in mind.....I never saw him so it will be a treat for him.......he has also never spun at Priviledge, the biggest club on earth....he is supposed to spin in a different room according to his own post on his site....from Priviledge, we can go directly to Sunday as Space which coicidentally starts at 8 AM ! 8) Might as well start of with a bang eh ?

So anybody want to groove to this legend with me on this history-to-be-made night ? Maybe we can all meet at Bora Bora at 7 PM or something like that ?

and Tues will be John Digweed at Amnesia 4 sure I will be there (rated #1 dj in the world by dj mag). He reportedly ripped the roof off Stereo in Montréal a few weeks ago.....sadly I missed it.... :(

So far, I plan on attending : Wed. Morillo AND Seb Fontaine at Pacha, Thurs. will be Carl Cox AND Chris Liebing at Space........

I am there until 18 Sep :P Hope to meet up with some other like-minded Canucks and others from around the world !

my email is :

à la prochaine, Christian
Looks like we will have a Canadian reunion before going to see Danny Tenaglia.. If only I would have known beforehand that he was spinning that day (I posted it that date 5 days after I had booked my trip)...
I will still be going there though!
Arriving sept 6 til sept 13...

8) whats up guys...I'll be in Ibiza sept 6 til sept 13...First time coming so I'm a newbie to Ibiza but not clubbing..have to go see tenaglia..and a few others..I saw danny in NYC (vinyl) now called ARC..he is amazing by far the best DJ in the world.....I'll be staying in san antonio...if anybody wants to meet up to party let me know..there are 7 people with me on this trip so the more the better.... :P
Hey everyone,

Do you guys want to meet up since it seems we are all arriving around the same time?? I will get in around 11pm on the 7th, and then I have to go to my hotel. When do you guys get in? I want to go to Space on the 8th but other than that I am open to suggestions!
Lindsay :D
ps- this is my first time and I am soooo excited!!! :lol: :lol:
Hello again !

Lindsay : due to your arrival time, it may be best you meet up with us all at Priviledge as your plane lands at 11 PM (meaning you will likely be at the club 1-2 hours later) and Tenaglia starts at 8 PM, so I would suspect that most people that go will want to go earlier....I myself was planning to go there maybe around 9 or 10....however we can set a time to meet at the club (ie at the clothing store at 2 AM or something like that, as there is just one store at Priviledge to my understanding). Of course Lindsay I am making the big assumption that you will want to hook up with us all at that club...which I suggest will be a slammin' night that will be talked about for a long time in clubland........

khawajaf1 / Ziggy / Serious Danger : my plane lands around lunch time on 7 Sep.....would you all like to meet at Bora Bora that day around 6 or 7 PM b4 heading over to hotel is in Playa d'en Bossa...would be cool to all can tell me/the gang how your stay will have been.....and really get me hyped up !

re : NYC Crew.... I have been to Twilo (RIP) in Y2K....what a wicked club that was ! I'm sure we could have a nice conversation about that...among other things !

Oh, and yes, I will be wearing my custom-made platform shoes that night :)

The more the merrier ! !

Well, the above are suggestions only......let us know your feedback !

Peace, Christian
Le Danseur Canadien : Yea that would be awsome to meet up @ Bora Bora.. i'm coming with 3 other guys from Toronto and we'll be staying @ Jet apartments in Playa De'n Bossa .. Meeting up on sept 7th sounds awsome!!!!!
Sounds good to me

Yea..we can meet at Bora Bora say around 6:00-6:30pm...I have about 7 people with me....cant wait to see Danny........I guess the closer we get to the date for arriving in Ibiza we can descibe what we look like.???

hey amber u guyz will love it in ibiza i have just came back from there and it was awesome i will be going again round that time u fancy meeting up for a drink?
Hey guys,

This sounds like a good plan, except I will have to meet you guys later!! :cry: Since I won't get in till 11pm so I guess I can meet you all at privilege if that is where you go.

Christian: Don't worry about your assumption!! I am up for anything!! I can't wait to go and have as much fun as I can! So it does not matter to me. Do you guys want to go to Space on the 8th?? I really want to go there. It will be nice to have someone that has gone before, you can show me around! ;) Are there some good beaches or anything that you really liked last time? Platform shoes eh? I have to get some shoes before I go away, something comfy!!

David: Yes it would be fun to meet, you want to meet us at the club?

Counting down the days till I leave.........only 44 left to go!! YEAH BABY!!

Lindsay :D
Salut la gang !

Lindsay : we will figure something out, I will take care of you ;) I really like play d'en bossa for a beach, but there are others that I still need to discover....Space starts at 8 AM on 8 Sep....(and ends at 6 AM on Mon.) so get ready for an insane 28 hour warm-up to Ibiza..... :P I plan on going there 4 sure ! It is perfect as we leave Priviledge to go right to Space !

khawajaf1 / Serious Danger / davidbancroft18 : would be wikkid for all of us to meet at Bora Bora on 7 Sep around 6:30 PM... I am 5'11, blond hair that is short (natural color!) :P I will try to figure some way I can ID myself for you all ! (ie a small Canadian flag stuck on my headband or something like that......or I can just scream from the top of my lungs every 30 seconds like a madman : "anyone from the Spotlight Board here ?"....hmmm, I think I will go with option 1 !

For stuff to do : I am considering : parasailing, renting a motorcylce, exploring the Island, shop in San Antonio, sunset in San An also,.....jeez, when I am supposed to find time to sleep ? :o Answer : when I get back to Canada of course ! :roll:

Later for now ! Christian
hey guyz yeah we are up for meeting u guyz at bora bora, l'll think of something to id myself so u know its me
Good to go!!

Alright we will meet at Bora Bora On Saturday around 6:30pm..sounds good... Just look for the BALD guy with a TRIBAL tattoo on my right arm.......about 6' tall 230lbs...I'll have a group of 7 people with me 2 girls 5 me you can't miss me...ha///later guys..see you there...I will keep in touch til then...
khawajaf1 : wikked stuff !

I'm gonna feel super safe with you and your crew ! ! I will proceed to dismiss my 2 bodyguards booked for my trip :)

we'll chat some more b4 we meet 4 sure !

.....dreaming of Ibiza ! ! Christian
Hey guys,

I am so excited for us all to meet, this is going to be one great trip!! :lol: should rent a bike, but isn't the driving down ther kinda crazy??
Are you guys as excited as I am!!!????

be good too meet up with u arange a date and time and a bar and we can hook up
Hi Lindsay !

Oh yeah, I am getting mega-hyped for my return to Ibiza !

Last year I rented an enduro (or on/off road) motorcycle and had no problems. I have been riding motorcylces since I have been 15.....the trick in IBZ is to drive super defensively, responsibly...and sober ! Riding a motorbike in IBZ is a wikked way to discover the Island and get around.....well, I might be able to convince you to hop on for a ride !

ps. got to drive my friend's Harley in Ottawa on July 1st this year, of course I put a Canadian flag on the back fender ! Wish I could bring that bike to IBZ ! :D

Cheers, Christian

Well, it is my holiday and I think I would definately go for a ride on the motorcycle!! I LOVE THEM!! They are so much fun......and yes it would be responsible and sober!! I would hate to see otherwise.......This sounds like so much fun!! I can't wait to get out there and explore Ibiza........and all the nice (nudey) beaches......... ;)

Like Arlo Guthrie, I just wanna ride my motorcycle!

Phew, I'm really starting to jones here. My Euro vacation begins in three weeks. The time is beginning to creep. I'd like to rent a bike in Ibiza as well. I'm a moto freak, and that's how I decided I was gonna visit Ibiza. (I didn't find out about the party scene until later.) A certain former 250cc world motocross champion is gonna be doing an Ibiza off-road tour from the 14th to the 21st of Sept. I hope they don't snag up all of the good bikes.