See you later Adios Amigos

sandi said:
I'm better than everyone actually Morb.

I'm confused? I've never seen my name spelt "I'm"?...

Look, to be honest, I think you're being a little too sensitive on this one Fronty. Everything that was said was in full jest, and I'm disappointed you took offence at anything that was written. I'm quite sure it wasn't meant in that way.

I'll say no more as I don't want this to turn into a "no, please stay" fawning obsequious-ness-athon fishing session, save I wish you all the best for your HCIYH clubbing venture, and I found the tales and updates of it's growth, well, heartwarming, y'know. Like hard graft and work can bring the rewards it deserves for little old David against the Goliath of some of the seemingly lazy current club nights.

All the best
dave, i'm sorry you're going, i do know what you mean. every now and then the board tends to run away with itself and people start replying to everyone exactly how they would reply to their closest friends - which in the UK generally involves sarcastic, derrogatory comments.

sadly, most of the replies in this thread take that form.

i'm no exception, i take the mickey out of my friends constantly when in their company, but would never dream of writing these sort of things to "complete strangers" on boards.

wish you luck in all your future ventures and give my heartfelt thanks for all your support here during the years!

take care
chewie_oo7 said:
ahhh i love you rob.

please stay, the place will be duller with out you. (honest)

and the bear-talk quotient would never be reached causing a bear-talk catastrophe on a global scale. :lol:

seriously tho - Fronty, don't leave the board! Spotlight needs all the people here!
I think this board has blown up in it's own face. Too much of the our gang/your gang mentality has caused it to implode on itself.

I think most of the old crowd got sick of the constant barrage of childish inane crap and moved on.

As we all know, it only takes a small number of people to ruin it for most.

Bring back 'the good ol' days' with Leese, Mambo, Nish, N8 etc.

I'm sure some of the newer members are great people. Unfortunately some of us don't have as much time as before to get to know people.

At least we're getting more work done nowadays :lol:
I've done VERY little today.

One of those "i'm in between tasks" days :lol:

Scorching outside again too. Last thing on my mind if WORK!

Drew said:
I think this board has blown up in it's own face. Too much of the our gang/your gang mentality has caused it to implode on itself.

I think most of the old crowd got sick of the constant barrage of childish inane crap and moved on.

As we all know, it only takes a small number of people to ruin it for most.

Bring back 'the good ol' days' with Leese, Mambo, Nish, N8 etc.

I'm sure some of the newer members are great people. Unfortunately some of us don't have as much time as before to get to know people.

At least we're getting more work done nowadays :lol:

Oi dont forget about me drew you old mucker:lol:
Drew said:
I think this board has blown up in it's own face. Too much of the our gang/your gang mentality has caused it to implode on itself.

I think most of the old crowd got sick of the constant barrage of childish inane crap and moved on.

As we all know, it only takes a small number of people to ruin it for most.

Bring back 'the good ol' days' with Leese, Mambo, Nish, N8 etc.

I'm sure some of the newer members are great people. Unfortunately some of us don't have as much time as before to get to know people.

At least we're getting more work done nowadays :lol:

all the best ones have disappeared :lol: ;)
Part of the fun about discussion boards is the rotation of people... old people leave, new people join. Others pop back for a moan every now and then etc etc :lol:
Beckiboo said:
Part of the fun about discussion boards is the rotation of people... old people leave, new people join. Others pop back for a moan every now and then etc etc :lol:
(in a tone of the "Ibizas day has gone" peeps)

The board of today is not as good as it used to be.......

I remember the day blah blah blah
