Security in IBIZA if war with IRAQ

I remember a story my aussie friends told me about a few americans they met once. So americans asked them what language they spoke in australia. English of course. The realction was: Wow, you speak pretty good for being australians!... Don´t take it personal, I don´t want to offend american people in here, I just want to say that el diablo is right, they have to travel more or at least learn/ be interested more in other countries and cultures.
rustywoo said:
maybe you're damned right then. the impression i get here in the uk is that, whilst most people here are against the war, the majority of americans are not.

my point about the stolen election still stands though

I agree with you whole heartedly about the elections as well. I didn't vote for Bush myself and when the elections happen next year I again won't vote for him. But I want for everyone to know, like I said, 90% of Americans that I talk to are against this war. Every single day I get flyers for demostrations against the war, I have never seen one for this war. The only people I have heard speak for this war are the ignorant Americans that everyone uses as a platform for what they believe all Americans are like.

Like I said, I love all people regardless of where they are from or what ethnic background you are, we are all living on this planet together and we do not get another chance to do it all over again. I just hope that this does not destroy my holiday in any way, thinking of going to Europe and experiencing all it has to offer is what is keeping me sane at this time.

Like I said before speak out against the war but support the men and women who are fighting for your country, they need it the most.
pacha4life said:
Sorry I have to say this....BUT





That pathetic behavior of the majority of the Americans makes me sad! Go on believing what Bush, the CNN and CBS tell you all, what an ignorance! France have decided what French people wanted to do. If Spain had decided what Spanish people wanted to do, then Spain wouldn't have supported Bush.

P.S.: I'm not referring to ALL Americans, but to people like Pacha4life. And please, I'd rather want you not to step those feet onto our country. People like you are not welcome.
This is a my problem with a majority of people - they take everything the media and government say as being the truth and don't bother questioning what's behind it. Read between the lines people, there has been a major propoganda campaign going on and its not ever going to stop. Right now with this war it is in full throtle.

War is not right and the reasons for this war are not right. Trust me if the American's just wanted Sadaam and his sons out, the CIA would have sent some sniper guys and the job would have been done a long time ago. The American government is trying to make a point that they are strong and that they are the leaders of the free world (who appointed them judge, jury and executioner I have no idea :?: )
The problem they faced is that other countries disagreed with them (whatever the reasons they disagreed are their own, debt, business agreements etc...) and the American's could do nothing to convince them otherwise.

I am happy Canada is staying out of this war - although we too have some people out there who were in place prior to the attacks for the anti-terror campaign. But never the less our country knows that this war is going to create chaos and should Bush succeed in his plan he will have no problem attacking the next place that he deems to be a "threat".
My question is: Why do people have such a hard time talking to one another :?: Trust me I talk all the time and have no problem speaking my mind...I should be a leader of a country I would talk people to death and there would be no wars...

Let's all hope that the civilian casualties are low, that the people of Iraq truly become free of Sadaam (which no one is in disagreement that he's a dictator and all around crazy man) and that they can live their lives in peace.
El_Diablo said:
I think the mind of US citizens would change if they would travel arround more and doing less self-belly watching.

Hey, I plan to travel as much as possible in my life. I am traveling in Europe for two months this summer and I plan to go into the Peace Corps over in Northern Africa for two years next summer. I do agree with you, however, that too many Americans are content to stay here and pretend as if the rest of the world doesn't even exist. :( It's very sad to me, but I do know many people here in Austin that are not that way. There are bastards in every country unfortunately. :cry:
Re: wine

Tony said:
now let's not be silly - there is no way, no waaaaaayyyyyyyy I am going to give up french wine for a prat like Bush - isn't it time for another American President assassination, one thing the yanks are pretty good at

Yo tony chill the F$#%$k're a pretyt sick f#$#k for talking about another president to be whacked.....boy you need to get your arse bugered.....

Re: wine

pacha4life said:
Tony said:
now let's not be silly - there is no way, no waaaaaayyyyyyyy I am going to give up french wine for a prat like Bush - isn't it time for another American President assassination, one thing the yanks are pretty good at

Yo tony chill the F$#%$k're a pretyt sick f#$#k for talking about another president to be whacked.....boy you need to get your arse bugered.....


Wasn´t it rude? If you like Bush, it´s your business, but why should we boycott France and french companies?.... :?
Anna, I agree with you about pacha4life's comment about the French, it was rude. I think what he was trying to say, though, was that it was a lot worse saying that our president should be assassinated. I don't particularly like our president either, but I definitely don't want him to die. I also have no hard feelings against the French for that matter and I'm still going there to study this summer. :D
No hard feelings toward the French Huh????

I have no hard feelings toward anyone who is against the war from any country.

BUT when I hear that a french paper conducted a survey and 33% of people over there actually want Saddam to win and as many Americans to die as possible........

HHHMMMMM LETS JUST SAY THAT DOESNT MAKE ME HAPPY :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Re: wine

Yo tony chill the F$#%$k're a pretyt sick f#$#k for talking about another president to be whacked.....boy you need to get your arse bugered.....


but it's fine if you want to invade a country and kill it's president - and you think I'm sick?
I think a valid question has been raised, lets face it, Ibiza hasn't exactly got the toughest customs at the airport, there are a lot of Americans over there and the clubs have next to zero security searching for weapons or explosives.
why worry

if something happens it happens, you could get hit by a bus tommorrow
and never get to ibiza again, why worry.
as i live in the uk all ready and we are ment to be a terroist target.
makes no change that if i am in ibiza that i am a terroist target.
can't see them try to blow up privilage or pacha.

just enjoy it.... have a kit kat.

have a break
I think this topic has got way to serious. U can never beet a bit of talk about politics to start some fighting. Yes it is an issue and everybody has there own opinion. Maybe we should just keep it to ourselves! Ibiza may be a target. But is it any more of a target than any of the major cities in the US or UK? Who actually feels all that safe at home now. Maybe we are all taking to many pills and getting to paranoid. Got to get on with life.
The difference between the UK and Ibiza is that to enter the UK you have to pass through some pretty stringent security checks (unless your an illegal immigrant though and then its really easy)

Everytime I've walked through the Arrivals at Elvissa there hasn't been anyone there.
Anna said:
Don´t really want to see Ibiza as a second Bali...

Don't worry about it. Bali is in a muslim country. So terrorists could hide easily. In Ibiza it would be much more complicated to mix themselves among the crowds.